Page 6 of Love Notes

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“That sounds,” I searched for the right word, “intimate.”

His steely grey eyes sparkled in what I read as amusement. “It can be somewhat, yes, but there’s more we need to cover here before we get to that part.”

I wasn’t sure how I really felt about that. The man’s attractiveness was not lost on me, but I also didn’t want to make this any more complicated than it already was. I didn’t want to sound dramatic about it, but the fear in me didn’t want to dwell on the fact my life could actually be on the line. Thinking about it like that took way too much out of me and after how little sleep I’d had the night before, I didn’t have the energy in me to spare.

Needing to distract myself I changed the subject a little. “So, what more do you need to know?”

“What was the first thing that wasn’t sent to your post office box and where was it delivered to instead?”

“It was flowers. A big bright bunch came to the independent studio I use, close to my home.”

“Does anyone know you use that location? Was it reported anywhere?”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. I wasn’t aware of anything.” I couldn’t think of anyone who knew I used that particular one, even Alex and Johnny had assumed I would work in their buildings.

Using the independent studio was part of my therapy in the last few years, long before I was back on the music scene. I hadn’t seen anyone hanging around outside. There were none of the usual paps standing about outside. I guess that didn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things in the days of telephoto lenses and tip offs. I didn’t know anyone who worked there who would do that. I trusted them.

Tom made more notes, and I was suddenly aware of the fact that all the information he was getting here would be checked on. I made a point of trying to avoid the news stories about me. The British tabloid press was absolutely relentless in their hounding of people, and it really felt more like you were being hunted. I was so focused on my recovery and everything I had going on to make me a better version of myself that I hadn’t thought about any of it for a second.

“I have to be honest with you, Tom. I try to avoid the press as much as I can. I try not to be anywhere that might get me in the papers. If I do happen to actually end up being snapped, I try to make sure I don’t look at any of the stories and the bullshit they write, because honestly, half the lies they print aren’t true.”

He smirked at my joke. “Noted. I can’t say I blame you on that one either. I saw first hand just how they could be with how they tortured Alex over that dickhead Phillips. I’ll be making sure we know exactly where they are and what they’re saying from here on out, however.”

I gestured my acknowledgement of his comments.

“I’ll be checking up on it to see if there was a potential leak around that time. I’m kind of hoping it was in the press, and she was just opportunistic instead of any other possibility.”

“That she’s been following me around you mean?”

Tom’s mouth pulled into a grim line, and I took it as his confirmation that was exactly what he’d been thinking.

“Right.” The thought of being followed made the bile rise into my throat. Suddenly my head felt light, and the room started to spin.

Before I registered what was happening, Tom was in the chair beside me and had a hold of my hand. “Hey, hey – take a deep breath in through your nose.” He took a huge sniff in, flaring out his nostrils. “Out through your mouth.” He exhaled deeply. “Come on, Lennox,” he encouraged.

Somehow, I found the will to copy his breathing, and the world stopped spinning just a little bit.

His other hand settled on my shoulder. “That’s it. It’s okay, you’re just having a moment of panic and anxiety. This will pass, just keep focusing on your breathing. In and out. In and out. That’s it.”

He had just talked me down from a panic attack I wasn’t even aware was starting. He was at my side so quickly I hadn’t even noticed it. Something about that soothed me more than his actions and him getting me to work through some breathing techniques. Any doubt I’d had about this man’s ability to keep me safe disappeared in that single moment.



I left Lennox in the safety of the record label’s offices and went back to my house to pack a bag and collect some essentials. I needed to have a little chat with Eric to see just what was going on with the investigation too.

I pulled my BMW into the closest empty spot to his office before I walked up to the main entrance. I pressed the buzzer on the intercom. “Mullan Investigations, how can I help you?”

“Hi Glenda, it’s Tom Thatcher. Is Eric in?”

The door buzzed to allow me entry, and I went straight in and up the stairs to the office.

“Hello Mr Thatcher.” Glenda greeted me with a smile when I entered. “He’s just in there, he’s expecting you.”

I nodded and thanked her.

Eric smiled and kept talking on his phone, gesturing for me to come in and take a seat when I peered around the door of his office. “Thanks Billy, I appreciate that, I’ll await your call.” He hung up and set his phone back on the cradle. “That was my ear to the ground checking in. He’ll have more information for me in a few hours. He’s sending over the initial info now.” Eric pressed a button on the phone cradle and Glenda answered. “There’s a few emails coming in from Bill Jefferies, send it all over to Tom’s email too, would you? And can you bring me in another coffee next time you’re making yourself one, I’m desperate here.”
