Page 39 of Love Notes

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And with those words, this part of the journey was over. Trevor had been found guilty in his trial just a month before Natasha’s had started. He had been given a lesser sentence, but he was still going to be locked up for at least fifteen years.

I walked out of that court in Glasgow feeling lighter and standing straighter. I had justice, and more importantly I had closure. I was free from the drama of it and ready to move on.




I smiled as I watched my husband from the wings as he strutted his stuff on stage in Manchester. A lot had happened in the time since we waited with bated breath to hear the outcome of the trial against Natasha. Lennox had grown from a man on edge with a lot of panic and stress to a man who was truly free.

No longer was he hiding who he was in terms of who he was attracted to. No longer was he looking over his shoulder to see if someone was after him. Instead, he was living life to the fullest. His new album was topping the charts, and he was selling out massive arenas, riding the highs of his music and everything that the freedom Alex and Johnny allowed him was bringing.

Just a few days ago we had discussed how our future after this tour might look.

“As much as I love touring, and that you’re with me again on this one, I don’t want it to be the only thing that I do for the next fifteen years.” He smiled.

I eyed him suspiciously. My man had a plan. I could tell by the look on his face that there was something on his mind.

He laughed, reading my own expression and knowing me well enough to know what I was thinking too.

“I love that you have changed everything so that you can work remotely, and be with me on tour, and everything else. But I would like us to be able to put down some roots. I like our house, I like our life in it, I would love to have more time in it, and I have been thinking about if we might want to expand on that.”

“Expand our life?” I repeated.

“Yes.” He grinned. “We have talked about it before, and I think that now might well be the right time for it.”

I licked my lips before saying it out loud. “You want to start a family.” I wasn’t asking him, I already knew that was what he was talking about.

His smile widened and his eyes sparkled. “Yes, I do. I think the time is right for it.”

“Okay.” I grinned in reply.

He looked at me in shock. “Okay? Really? No debate? No, what if? Just, okay?”

Laughing, I held his hand. “Lennox Thatcher, if you don’t know that I would be very happy to have a family with you, then I don’t know where you’ve been for the last two years.”

He shook his head. “We talked about it, but I really didn’t think you would be so open to agreeing to it without talking it over some more.”

Lennox was right. Most of the time when we had to make decisions about anything in our life together, I was the one who had to account for every possible outcome. It was a throw back from being prepared for whatever came at me, both in the army, and in my job. But this was Lennox, and I really couldn’t imagine anything more natural or right for us than starting a family together. But just like it hadn’t been much of a decision to move in with Lennox, and to ask him to marry me, this also just seemed like it wasn’t really a thing that we had to decide. It was just something that would happen because it was right for us. Because it fitted, just like we did.

“Once the tour is done, we’ll start the whole process,” I agreed. “You know us, we can figure out how best it will fit us as we go. I might like being a house husband and staying home with the baby.” I smiled at him.

Lennox pulled me in against him and kissed me. “I fucking love you, Tom Thatcher.” He grinned against my lips.

“I fucking love you too.” I smiled back, happy in the life we had, and the future that we would be building together.

The End.
