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Spread across the counter in front of us all were photos of the guys in their stone form, shifting and standing naked in the lounge room of our apartment. Pictures of me, of Rose, of Chrissy.

“This is... intense.” Rose said, pushing the photos around so we could see all of them.

“Yes, it is.” Bill said, grimacing. “I got them off our friend in jail. Him and his team were all given specifics about the gargoyle shifters habits, their weaknesses, and their women. Their orders were to kill all the men, not harm the women unless they got in the way, and to take advantage of you all in stone form if they could.”

I flinched, then turned to wrap my arm around Rafe’s waist.

Rafe stepped closer and asked, “Did you find out anything useful?”

“I did.” Bill said triumphantly, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “Number one, Rose, your stepmother’s lawyers want to deal, so Anthony’s setting that all up. And...” He spread the paper out onto the countertop. “I have the name of the shell company who paid our assassins.”

“How’s that going to help us?” I asked. As far as I knew, a shell company would hide the name of the true owners.

Bill grinned at me. “I have connections in Homeland security, and a few other secretive organizations. They’re tracking this company for me as we speak.”

“A money trail is a good thing.” Rafe agreed. “It’s something to follow.”

“Yes. And once I know where the threats coming from, we can attack it. There’s nothing worse than chasing a ghost.”

I pressed my head into Rafe’s chest. I didn’t want to even think about more fighting coming our way. It seemed... ridiculous to think that after everything we’d been through, we still had more battles to win.

“What did the lawyers say my stepmother wanted?” Rose asked.

“Basically, everything.” Bill said. “But I told them that you’d never wanted the empire, all you ever wanted was the one country house, but you’ll take the whole enchilada if they don’t make a deal before your birthday.”

Rose’s eyes went round as saucers. “What if they find out where we are? What if...”

“Anthony will die before he gives away our location.” Bill said. “And I’m bringing in ex-military friends to stand guard over you the next few days.”

“Have you done a will yet, Rose?” Angelique asked suddenly.

Rose frowned as though searching her memory banks. “No... why?”

“She’s only twenty-four,” Nate responded, sounding insulted at the implication that Rose had done something wrong.

Angelique rolled her eyes. “I’m only asking because that would be the only way to make sure your stepmother doesn’t receive the funds. Because at this point, even if you make it past your birthday, without a will, if something happens, she’ll win the case in court, and get it all.”

Bill turned towards Angelique and smiled. “Not just a pretty face, are you?”

She shrugged and grabbed a sandwich. “I’d get that organized today if you can, and get it lodged before your birthday.”

“What would it need to say?” Rose asked. “I don’t have any assets yet.”

Angelique shrugged. “Just something along the lines of, you leave all your worldly possessions to X, Y, Z. Name a charity, or a University fund, or other family if you have it. But that would be the best way of dealing with this, I think.”

Bill’s shoulders seemed to drop in relief. “Angelique that is the best thing advice I’ve heard in a long time. So now that’s sorted and the wheels are in motion on the other, I’m going to shoot off an email to some very expensive lawyers and get a few hours sleep.”

“Thanks Bill,” we all chorused together.

Bill nodded his head and walked out of the room.

Rose sighed and sat down on the stool. “That went well.”

“It did.” Angelique said. “Now the only question is, are you all happy enough to stay here for the moment. I know the house isn’t the fortress you were hoping for.”

The brothers all looked around the circle and I waited, unsure of what they were going to say.

“We haven’t had much time discuss it,” Gabe began.
