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By the time I finally stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy white towel around myself, Roman was already awake and walking into the bathroom to join me.

“Hello my Beloved.”

I turned around and threw myself into his arms. “Oh, you look so much better.” His skin was smooth beneath my hands and his wounds had healed. “Let me look at you.” I pulled back and trailed my fingers over his wide pecs, then cupped his beautiful face with my hands. “I was so worried.”

He smiled then dropped a soft kiss on my lips. “I know. But I’m here.”

He pulled me back into his arms and I wriggled a little, untucking the towel so that it slowly slipped off my body and dropped to the floor. I arched my back, pressing my breasts to his chest. Damn, I’d missed him so much.

Roman groaned with longing. “Sweetheart, you’re too delectable. I won’t be able to stop myself from ravaging you if you keep doing that.”

It had been days since I’d felt Roman’s kiss, and with all the unknowns in our life, I didn’t want to waste any more time. I wanted him. I needed him.

“Don’t stop yourself.” I urged him, sinking my nails into his shoulders. “I need you.” I’d never needed anything more than my man’s reassurance that he was well.

Roman swung me up into his arms and I held on to him as he walked me over to the bed. There, he set me down gently.

Part of me wanted to just ravage him. Flip him onto his back and go down on him until he was screaming my name. But he was still moving stiffly, which meant that although there was no obvious damage now, he was still healing internally. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. We had time, after all.

Tonight, should be about our connection. Our love.

I shuffled backward and pushed the blankets down with my feet so that I could lie down on the sheets for him. Roman stared at me for long moments, his eyes liquid silver in the dim light of the room.

I reached over and flicked on the bedside lamp, loving the way the extra light illuminated his perfect body for me.

“You sure?” Roman asked and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Me? I’m not the one that almost died a few days ago. Are you sure?”

He pushed his pants to the ground, revealing his deeply sexy body and crawled onto the bed toward me. “Absolutely.”

I came up to meet his hot, perfect lips, wrapping an arm around his neck so I could drag him in for a deep kiss; while my free hand reached between us and wrapped around his cock.

He groaned against my lips before kissing me harder. I opened for him and met his tongue with my own. He smelled of rain and tasted like honey. I loved this. I loved him, and I wanted more.

I stroked his cock the way he liked, squeezing at the base for a moment before giving it a long, slow tug.

He gasped and shuffled down, his cock slipping from my grasp.

I cried out, “Oh no, come back.”

He didn’t do what I asked, he just kept moving down my body. I opened my thighs to allow him enough room for his body to be more comfortable and that’s where he stopped. With his head between my legs.

The first kiss on my clit had me bowing up, my spine arching high, seeking more. He put his hands on my legs and held me open while he ran his tongue up and down my flesh, teasing me mercilessly.

I cried out as he slid a finger up inside of me, uncaring of how loud I was or who heard me. I grabbed his hair and held on tight. His mouth was pure magic, he knew my body so well. With every kiss, with every touch, he drove me higher up that incredible mountain of pleasure and closer to the precipice.

As my belly began to tighten and my cries of pleasure got even louder, Roman stopped licking me. He made his way back up my body; kissing my belly, suckling my nipples, and then coming up to kiss my lips once more.

“Can I get on top?” I asked, wanting to feel him inside me.

He smiled and rolled us over together, “Of course, Beloved.”

Roman was a generous, but dominant lover. He usually liked to control this part, but with his body still sore, I was hoping he’d let me take care of us for once.

I sat up and threw my head back, my long hair falling down my back and making me feel like I was playing the role of some sort of ancient nymph.

Roman’s hands moved up to cup my breasts, making my body throb with want. I slid back, feeling the length of his cock beneath me. I lined up the head and rotated my hips, taking him inside of me.
