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When I was done checking our side, Bella and I ran back to the kitchen.

Rose hurried into the room, white as a ghost. “I saw them. Moving in the garden. They’re dressed in black and wearing machine guns.”

I gulped, my hands trembling now.

Chrissy ran into the room, shaking like a leaf. “What do we do?”

“You can hide in the wine cellar,” I said, the only remaining place. It was never meant to be a shelter, but I played there as a child and knew it well.

“What are you going to do?” Chrissy asked me.

I inhaled sharply, my chest tight with stress. “I’m going up to Gabe. I’m not leaving him.”

“We need to call the police,” Rose said, shivering again.

“Yes, do that.” I said to her, “then go hide, I’ll show you where the cellar is.”

“I’m not hiding,” Rose whispered to me as she dialed 911 and put her phone to her ear. “Nate will be awake in half an hour. We just have to hold them off until then... Hello, yes. We need the police. There are men trying to break into our house.”

Rose walked away to speak on the phone, and I turned back to the others. Bella’s jaw was set, and Chrissy held her head high, even though she was shaking.

“Do you have any guns in the house?” Bella asked me, her voice steady.

“Ahh...” I thought hard. “A couple of shot guns in my father’s study. But that’s it.”

“That will have to do.” Bella said. “I’ll take one.”

“I’ve got the other,” I said, then grabbed Chrissy’s hand. “I’ll take you to the cellar.”

“No!” she declared. “I’ll go up to our room and bolt the door.”

“Push any furniture you can against the door too.” I said and squeezed her hand. “Go!”

Chrissy took off running and I hurried to the study. “I’m not sure what two shot guns can do.”

I took them off the wall, unlocked the cabinet and pulled out the bullets. Rose picked one of them up, checked them, and started loading them.

“If we can get to the top of the stairs.” She said, “Maybe we have a chance of stopping them coming up?”

I shivered a little but pushed the fear away. There would be time to panic later. For now, we had to act. Everyone’s lives depended on it.

Rose stuck her head in the room. “I’m going upstairs to stay with Nate.”

I grabbed one of the shotguns and followed her to the staircase. “Block the door the best you can.”

Rose hugged me, tight, then we heard the crashing of the windows in the living room.

“Fuck.” I muttered, “They’re breaking in. Run!”

We bolted up the stairs. Rose ran to her room and Bella stood beside me. “How are we going to do this?” She asked, the signature chit chut sound of cocking the barrel making me jump.

“We need some cover.” I said, glancing around. “They have machine guns.”

There were heavy pillars standing at the top of stairs. “How about behind there?”

She nodded and ran towards one. I went to the other, pushing my back up against the pillar and holding the gun in my hands. My heart pounded like a steam train against my ribs. I forced myself to take some slow, steady breaths. I could do this, we both could. If we just held them off long enough for our men to shift, they had a chance of fighting back. And winning. They had no hope in their gargoyle forms.

My children were safe. The staff were hiding, and the police were on there way.
