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She nodded and picked up her cell phone. “He’s been texting me. He’s staying at the apartment, so we have eyes in the city.”

“And he can track down who did this to Roman.” Chrissy added.

“Has he had any luck so far?” I asked her. I wanted to know specifics. “Do you know what the plan is going forward?”

The women shared a look before Bella said, “We were talking about that before you came in. We’re hoping you’re okay with us staying here for a while, just until Roman is better and they can work out the best way to survive this.”

The three women waited expectantly and then I realized they actually needed an answer. “Oh, of course! You don’t need to even ask.”

“Oh, thank you,” Chrissy gushed. “Your home is so beautiful, and although I didn’t think it was possible, there’s enough bedrooms for everyone!”

I laughed and grabbed another chicken and avocado sandwich. “Yeah, this place is insanely big. Ten bedrooms in the main house, and the servant quarters are just as big.”

“Speaking of...” Bella said, “How many people are here? Do we have a guest list or something?”

I chuckled. “Um... it’s just us, the guys, my kids and Sharon.”

“Bill and the security team.” Rose said. “There’s about six of them.”

“And there’s a full-time housekeeper, grounds keeper and butler that live on the premises too,” I added.

“That’s a full house.” Bella said. “And Bill’s setting up better security as well, I hope you don’t mind?”

I shrugged. “No, I don’t. Whatever he thinks we need to be safe. Especially for my kids’ sake.”

“They’re so beautiful,” Chrissy gushed. “I was always a little sad about the idea of not having kids with Roman, but now we’ve got your seven to spoil! Can I be Aunty Chrissy?”

I couldn’t help the happy chuckle that rose in my throat. “They would love that. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, so my kids don’t have much family. Just me, and Sharon of course.”

Rose picked up her mug and took a sip. “They really are great kids, Angelique. I’m so sorry we’ve dragged you and them into it.”

“You didn’t drag me into anything,” I said. “According to Gabriel, we’re meant to be, or something.”

“Fated.” Bella added.

“You’re his Beloved.” Chrissy said with a knowing grin.

I laughed. “Yeah... I forgot you guys all have the same link to your men.”

“We do,” Rose said. “But we came unattached. You have a whole family that’s been swept up into this.”

“Well, we’ve just gotta find a way for all of us to be safe.” I said, not wanting to go over and over the fact that my kids might be in danger. “We have security, and no-one knows where we are yet. We have to stay one step ahead of them. Whoever they are.”

I wasn’t entirely sure who we were fighting. Even now.

“Well, there’s two lots of bad guys really.” Bella explained. “The ones who’ve been killing off the gargoyle shifters from all over America. Our guys have been dealing with them for years.”

“Then there’s my evil stepmother Tania and her goons.” Rose added. “Of course.”

I frowned at Rose, still incredulous about that turn of events. “Because she wants your money, right?”

Rose sighed, her lips turning down. “Yeah. I don’t need the money. I have Rafael, and that’s all I need.”

But the Hiltons didn’t just have money, they had businesses, and real estate and old, family money. Something that most people wouldn’t understand.

“But your parents willed their entire estate to you, didn’t they?” I asked, wondering if this was something I should get my lawyers involved in.

Rose nodded. “Yep.”
