Page 82 of Shadowvale Secrets

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I don’t try to deny it. There’s no point in denying it anymore. The look I give him is pointed, conveying that I was just trying to protect them, to look out for their best interests.

“Don’t pretend you’re some altruistic, noble little fairytale princess,” Declan says, mocking me. “You’re just as scheming as I am. Look at that.” He points the gun toward my belly, and I want to throw myself backward to protect her but I can’t, forced instead to remain fixed in the spot. I glare at him instead.

“You really think I couldn’t tell that you got yourself knocked up on purpose?” Declan drawls. “How long did it take for you to scout the perfect victims for your little plan? You even presented yourself as a maid to them, the perfect temptation for my brainless nephews.”

It wasn’t like that, but nothing I say will be able to clear up his twisted mind. “You trapped them into your web, and I must say, you did a damned thorough job. You should be working for the Mob, not them.”

If I can keep him talking, that puts off the moment when he finally decides what he wants to do with me. I may not be able to speak, but there are ways to keep men talking, I’ve learned.

Making my eyes wider, I give him a pleading look, trying to beg for him to release me as I jiggle my wrists against the bonds.

“You might have been clever, but in the end, princess, you’re just a pawn to me. Those men are my real target. They’ve been looking to take me down for a while now, so I needed to find a way to lure them to me directly, and you are the perfect bait.”

I hope they don’t fall for it. I pray that they bring backup or that they manage to keep themselves safe. I don’t want them to see me like this.

“I’m going to enjoy torturing you,” he says, stroking my face with the barrel of the gun. I turn my head away, wincing. He starts to describe all the ways he’s going to hurt me and my baby, making me feel like I’m about to retch.

This man is a monster, a sick, sadistic bastard. Nothing the Everharts ever did to me was half as disturbing and upsetting as what he’s describing. “I plan on doing whatever I can to inflict maximum pain on those boys for daring to think they could go up against me. I know what they’ve been up to. I know they revealed my secrets. I have a few men still loyal to me, even now.”

I ignore him, fighting back tears of hopelessness. I won’t give him the satisfaction of reacting anymore. All he wants is to see the fear in my eyes, but I won’t give him that.

I underestimate how furious this makes him, though. Declan doesn’t like my ignoring him, so he backhands me with the gun in my jaw, almost knocking me backward in the chair.

My jaw aches as he storms out of the room, slamming the door shut. Alone in the dimly lit room, the silence weighs heavily as I wriggle my arms, testing the bonds of the ropes that keep me bound to the chair. They dig into my skin, a painful reminder that I’m completely at Declan’s mercy. His rage still lingers, words echoing in my mind like a haunting melody.

As I sit there, my thoughts drift back to my boys, the ones I yearn for the most. The memory of the times we shared brings an ache to my chest. I long for them now, their strength, unwavering loyalty, and their warm embrace.

Even so, a flicker of fear takes root. Would they be able to find me here? Will Declan torture me just to get to them?

Gazing out the window, I find myself lost in the darkness of the night, the moon casting its eerie glow upon the desolate landscape. It's in this moment of solitude that a startling realization washes over me like a tidal wave—I'm in love with them. Theo, Ryder, and Oliver have woven their way deep into the very fabric of my being, leaving an indelible mark upon my soul.

Tears blur my vision as I grapple with the harsh realities I’m facing. I don't want to die, not here, not now. But the thought of their risking their lives for me fills me with both dread and longing. I’m torn between the hope of salvation and the fear of what it may cost.



“Let’s check on Eva first,” Oliver says as we bundle into Theo’s car. “We haven’t seen her in days, and I’d feel better if we made certain she was alright.”

I nod in agreement, the stress from our confrontation with the DeLuccis still weighing on my shoulders, fatigue filling my body.

Even so, thoughts of Eva consume me, needing to ensure that she’s safe and sound tucked away in the apartment above the nightclub.

The building is empty when we reach it, hours of operation long since closed and the midday shift crew not yet there. The city feels eerily silent at this time of morning, and we climb the stairs, each step bringing a new level of exhaustion to my bones.

But despite the weariness, there’s a flicker of excitement at the idea of seeing Eva again after so many days apart. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around her and hold her close, breathing in her floral scent.

As we reach the top of the landing, however, the sight that greets us sends a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Seamus, Eva’s assigned bodyguard, is face down on the floor, knocked out cold. The realization hits me like a physical blow—something is terribly wrong.

“Dammit.” Theo’s voice is edged with frustration, eyes narrowing as he takes in the scene. Oliver’s jaw clenches, his expression darkening with concern.

Approaching the apartment with cautious steps, we stop and take in the sight of the door, fully kicked in, hanging off its hinges.

A muscle in Theo’s jaw ticks and Oliver’s hands clench into fists.

We push into the apartment, calling for Eva, but there’s no sign of her. She’s well and truly gone. I turn, my anger exploding out of me.

“Declan got her,” I say, voicing the thought that is on all our minds. Frustration surges inside me, reaching a boiling point as I snap, kicking the wall and letting out a yell.
