Page 77 of Shadowvale Secrets

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As I take a bite of my sandwich, the savory flavors momentarily distract me from my reflections. But soon, my mind returns to the present, to the looming specter of Declan and the ever-present threat he poses.

Despite our best efforts, it seems that our battle against him is far from over. But as I gaze out at the bustling city streets beyond the café window, a flicker of hope stirs within me. Perhaps, just perhaps, the end is finally within reach.

With renewed determination, I set down my fork and take a sip of my coffee, steeling myself for the challenges that lie ahead. Whatever the future may hold, I know that Eva and I will face it together, united in our resolve to bring Declan to justice and secure a brighter tomorrow.

With renewed resolve, I finish up and head back to Shadowvale, ready to talk to Evangeline about our mission.

I wait for her in my room, figuring she’d be eager to talk once she got home. But when I hear the door open and close to her bedroom, I decide to go see her instead.

“Eva?” I ask, knocking softly. “It’s me. I need to talk to you.”

“I can’t talk right now,” she says, voice sounding muffled.

I take a deep breath to steady myself and push the door open, revealing Eva standing among a pile of clothes and toiletries, shoving items into her suitcase.

Fear grips me and my chest feels tight. “What’s going on?” I ask, concern etched in my features as I reach out, gently grasping her wrist. “Are you leaving?”

She looks up, her expression weary, yet resolute. “I’ve been thinking, Ryder,” she begins, her tone heavy with emotion. “I don't think I can go through with the plan anymore. It's too dangerous, and I just… I can't risk it.”

My heart sinks at her words, a knot forming in my stomach. “But I was just coming to talk with you. We decided that we are willing to go through with your plan. This was going to be our chance to finally take Declan down, to put an end to all of this.”

“I know,” Eva says, her voice quavering. “But I can’t stop wondering at what cost? What if he hurts the baby?” she says, pulling her arm out of my grasp. “Are you willing to let that happen?”

“Of course not!” I snap. “I’d never let you or the baby be in danger. Eva, listen to me,” I say, stepping closer. “We believe in you. We know you can do this. The Everharts have faced worse odds and have always come out on top.”

Her gaze softens, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. “I can’t,” she says, a note of finality in her voice.

“Then you don’t have to,” I insist. “If you feel like this is too much, we won’t do it. Just stay, okay? Please? You know that we can protect you and the baby here, but we can’t if you leave.”

“You can’t keep me here,” Eva insists. “I’m not your prisoner.”

“Of course you aren’t,” I say, taking a step back, physically recoiling from her words. “We would never force you to stay here.”

“If I stay, you’re putting our child in danger,” she says, her tone accusatory. “So I’m sorry, but I have to go. I…” She pauses, taking a deep breath, and looks directly into my eyes. “I could never love a beast like you.”

My jaw drops, but something nags at the back of my mind and I realize that she’s just used our code. “I see,” I say, glancing around. “Did someone tell you to say that?”

“No,” she says, relief in her eyes that I understood her. “I was not threatened into saying anything.”

Anger fills me as I realize that someone, most likely Declan, threatened her or the baby’s life. “You know what?” I ask, leaning in. “You’re free to leave, but I never want to see your face again. Not here at the manor, not in Havencrest, and without a doubt, not at the nightclub apartment,” I tell her, pressing a key into her hands.

Eva looks down at it, then back up at me, a silent nod to show she understands. I turn and leave, my heart heavy in my chest. We can’t risk speaking more freely. Who knows who in the manor might be still loyal to Declan, but I wish I could at least see her off.

Declan probably threatened her to make her leave. Anger surges inside me, so much that I’m struggling to hold back from going and confronting him myself. I know that would be the worst idea, so I force myself to stay here, to wait for Theo and Oliver to return.

Eva’s eyes were full of fear when I was in there with her. She looked as though she’d seen a ghost. The very thought of what Declan must have said to her sends a new wave of indignation crashing over me, igniting a fierce determination to put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

Pacing the hallway outside Eva's room, my mind races with thoughts of retribution. I silently vow to myself that Declan will pay dearly for his actions, my jaw set in firm resolve.

Yet, amid the raging storm of anger, a sense of helplessness tugs at the corners of my consciousness. I know that confronting Declan head-on would only escalate the danger, putting Eva and our family at even greater risk.

With a frustrated sigh, I lean against the wall, running a hand through my hair as I try to quell the tumult of emotions swirling within me. I understand the need for caution, for strategic planning in our next move.

Eva leaves her room, taking her suitcase and passing me by with a tear-filled look of longing, just a brief look, but it sends an ache through me, making me long to put my hands around Declan’s neck and squeeze until he goes limp.

Once Theo and Oliver return home, they come upstairs and find me in my bedroom, sitting cross-legged on the bed, attempting to practice meditative breathing.

“What’s going on?” Theo asks, confused.
