Page 75 of Shadowvale Secrets

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But is she really our only option?



Theo’s rejection of my offer last night felt like a slap in the face of everything I’d done for them. I’d silently endured their humiliating torture, I’d forgiven them for their misdeeds, I’d welcomed them into my bed, and I’m in the process of carrying their baby. Surely, that means that they can trust me to take care of myself?

As I slip the discreet wire beneath the top of my dress, a surge of determination courses through me, drowning out the lingering doubts that tug at the edges of my mind. I’ve decided to ignore them and take matters into my own hands.

The decision weighs heavily on my heart, but I know it's the only way forward. The brothers may have rejected my plan, but I refuse to stand idly by while Declan continues to wreak havoc on our lives. I’m tired of being the damsel in distress. Now, I want to be the one leading the charge.

With each careful movement, I steel myself for the task ahead. I'll confront Declan head-on, armed with nothing but my wits and the recording device hidden beneath my clothes. It's a risky gambit, one that could easily backfire, but I can't let fear hold me back any longer.

As I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at keeping my intentions hidden from them. They've already been through so much, and the last thing I want is to put them in even more danger. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that sometimes, you have to do whatever it takes.

Taking a steadying breath, I straighten my shoulders and square my jaw, steeling myself for the challenges that lie ahead. Today, I'll step into the lion's den, prepared to face whatever dangers may come my way. And with luck on my side, perhaps I'll emerge victorious, one step closer to bringing down the man who threatens everything we hold dear.

I leave, pretending nothing is wrong, and give Ryder and Oliver a kiss each as I head out the door. They think I’m going into town to buy some stuff for the baby. Theo left early this morning, claiming he was going to find a way to enact the plan without me.

A knot of nerves tightens in the pit of my stomach as I navigate busy city streets. As I get closer, the familiar sights and sounds of the urban landscape blur into a haze as my thoughts whirl with apprehension. What if Declan sees through my façade? What if my plan unravels before it even begins? Doubt gnaws at the edges of my resolve, threatening to undermine my determination.

As I reach the towering edifice that houses Declan's office, a surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, drowning out the cacophony of doubt that echoes in my mind. With a final, steadying breath, I push open the doors and step into the unknown, ready to confront whatever lies ahead.

“I need to talk to Mr. O’Malley,” I say to his secretary, pretending to look distraught. “It’s urgent, please.” I put my hand on my belly for emphasis, noticing the way she sizes me up and down.

“One moment,” she says, knocking on the door of the lion’s den. She enters and emerges a few moments later.

“You can have five minutes,” she says. “Go ahead.”

Nodding to her, I slip inside, tension in my body as I face off against the beast himself.

“Ramona said you wanted to see me?” Declan asks, raising an eyebrow. His weather-lined face holds none of the charm that the portraits and photos of Marcus at the manor have. He’s like a pale mask of the Everhart “uncle”.

I try to remind myself of this as I make myself comfortable in the chair across from him, trying to look as meek and unassuming as possible.

“I… I don’t know how to talk to anyone else about this,” I begin, stammering out my words to make it seem as though I’m truly upset. “I’m scared. Ever since I was kidnapped, I’ve had nightmares. I feel suffocated in that house, but your nephews won’t let me leave. They want to force me to stay there, to be kept under lock and key.”

Declan listens, hands steepled together on his desk. “What is it you want, Miss Parker?”

“I want out,” I say, lowering my voice to a whisper and looking down at my lap. “I know you’re the man in charge, and I want to get out and get away from the Everharts, from the family business, from everything.”

I know that Declan would never let me go at this point. I know far too much, and I’m too big a risk for him, especially with the baby. I’m banking on his at least giving me hints of his plans, though, maybe saying something that will help the Everharts in their mission.

“Sweetheart, I’m sorry you don’t feel safe, but you know it’s not up to me,” he says, offering me a small smile. “You belong to my nephews now. They’ve made that very clear,” he adds, a brief look of distaste flickering across his features before it’s gone. “If I helped you disappear, I’d risk them coming after me.”

“Please, sir,” I say, a wobble in my voice. “I can’t live like this. I’m scared every day. I worry about what will happen to me, especially since those DeLuccis are still out there. I don’t know if they’re going to attack me again, and I live in constant fear!”

“Don’t worry about the DeLuccis,” Declan says, his voice buttery smooth. “They aren’t going to hurt you. I’m powerful enough to keep them at bay, sweetheart.”

I nod, trying to think of a way to draw more information out of him. “Are you going to take them down?” I ask. “Because that would make me feel safer.”

“I’m dealing with them,” Declan reassures me.

“But I need to know what’s happening so I can feel safe,” I insist.

“That’s not your concern,” he says, his voice growing sharp. I shrink back, reminded suddenly of who this man is and what he’s capable of.

“I just want to know if I can help,” I offer. “If I’m going to be part of this, I need to know what I’m up against.”
