Page 62 of Shadowvale Secrets

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My fingers move deeper, my folds growing wetter the more I think about them and the way they touched me that night. When Oliver forced himself down my throat, I thought I was going to gag, but at the same time, it was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

“Oh, God,” I whimper as I move my hand back up to circle my clit, slipping over the sopping wet folds of my inner labia. “Fuck. Yes! Theo,” I moan, rubbing my fingers over myself in quick strokes, the tension building nicely.

If I can’t have them, nothing says I can’t think about them. I close my eyes, lost in the sensation of Ryder whispering in my ear, ordering me, “Come for us, little girl.”

My fingers dip back down, thrusting inside me, wanting desperately to be filled by their big, thick cocks. I need them so badly. It’s not just the sex I miss, but the way they were slowly starting to let themselves open up around me more.

Now that everything was out in the air between us, nothing was holding us back from growing closer. No more secrets were left, and I promised them I could handle being with them.

Even now, in the aftermath of being kidnapped by the DeLucci Family, I could have felt like running in the opposite direction, but I feel more certain than ever that being with them is what I want.

I know that if anything happened to me or our daughter, the Everharts wouldn’t hesitate to come running. They would protect us with their lives, fight to the death for us if needed.

No one would ever let anything bad happen to me again in this family.

I arch my back, stroking my fingers back up over myself, pressing against my clit in incessant strokes as I feel like I’m on the verge now.

I just want them to stop feeling so guilty about everything. They’ve held themselves back because of their past mistakes, blaming themselves over and over. I don’t want them to blame themselves any longer. I know who they are and what they are, and I’ve chosen to accept that about them.

My body is getting closer, I realize as I push my fingers back inside myself, adding my other hand to stroke my clit as I work a third finger into my entrance. I need more. I need to be stuffed full, to be taken and used and touched until I can’t think of anything but their names ever again.

The desire coursing through me feels electric now as I get closer and closer to the edge. Sitting up, I kneel forward so I can ride my fingers, fucking into myself hard and fast like Ryder would take me.

I imagine his voice in my ear now. “Look at you, so wet for us,” he rumbles. “So needy. I bet you could ride my face like that, babydoll.”

“Yes!” I cry out, speaking into the air. “Yes, oh, God, yes. Ryder, I need you. Please!”

“You have me,” I imagine his voice saying to me. “I’m here, baby girl. Don’t stop. Slow up a little, yeah, just like that. Tease yourself. I want you to go slow, so slow that you feel like you’re about to burst.”

It’s almost as if he’s here with me. It’s so easy to imagine his voice. “Flick over your clit now, yes, just like that. I want to see you edging yourself for me. Don’t come until I say you can.”

As I move to obey, I feel the pleasure mount, making my core ache. Biting my lip, I stifle the loud cry that threatens to escape, not wanting to draw attention from any of the other members of the household.

“Fuck!” I curse again, so distracted by my own pleasure that I fail to hear the knocking at my door. “Oh, yes.” My fingers are moving faster again, feeling the climax approaching. “Fuck! Ryder!”


My orgasm hits just as I realize that isn’t the imaginary voice of Ryder in my head but the actual man himself, standing there staring at me agape from the entrance to my room.

“Ryder!” I cry out, body spasming around me as I ride through wave after wave of pleasure.

“What are you doing?” he demands, a gleam in his eyes.



As I wander the halls of Shadowvale, the sense of guilt gnawing at my conscience, I find myself drawn toward Eva’s room.

I don’t know about Theo and Oliver, but there’s been a lingering tension inside me ever since the kidnapping. I can’t bring myself to go near Eva, afraid of what I might do or say to her.

With each step, the push to speak to her, to explain what’s going on, grows stronger. As I approach her room, a tumult of emotions swirls within me, mingling with the apprehension that tugs at the corners of my mind.

Hesitantly, I reach up and knock on the door, pausing when the sound of my name catches my attention. I push the door open, and for a moment, time seems to stand still as I take in the scene before me.

Eva is kneeling on the bed, hand pressed deep into herself as she furiously rides out what looks like the beginning of an intense orgasm. She freezes when our eyes meet but cries out, giving herself away.

“What are you doing?” I demand, all guilt forgotten in the moment as my base instincts take over. The desire to join her wipes any other thought from my mind, and I step forward, repeating the question.
