Page 57 of Shadowvale Secrets

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The more they talk, the more their schemes become clear, each detail more chilling than the last. This man, Luca, is going to drug me and use me as a pawn in their deadly game of vengeance.

As I listen helplessly, a wave of fear washes over me, mingled with a fierce determination to survive, to protect myself and my unborn child.

I may be their captive, but I refuse to be their pawn. With every fiber of my being, I vow to resist their cruel treatment and find a way to escape before it's too late.

The Everharts are going to come here and find me. They will find me and save me from these men. But even as I reflect on my determination, a wave of unease passes through me. I know Theo, Oliver, and Ryder are tough, capable men, but will they survive the might of the DeLucci Family when it comes to their quest for vengeance?

If they come after me, are they going to get hurt because of me? It doesn’t seem fair that the DeLucci Family picked me as a target simply because of my association with the Callahan gang through the Everharts.

The image of Ryder, Theo, and Oliver barging in, determined but outnumbered, fills me with dread. I can’t bear the idea of their risking their lives for me, especially against such vicious and bloodthirsty opponents.

Despite the overwhelming desire to be reunited with them and safe in their arms, I can’t shake the overwhelming sense of responsibility for their safety.

With a heavy heart, I start praying fervently, silently pleading with the three of them not to come. I’ll find a way to escape on my own, to spare the three of them from facing the wrath of the DeLuccis.

The thought of their getting hurt fills me with a sense of guilt and determination. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it means facing the danger alone.

Dropping my head to my chest, I stare down at my bump. I’ll protect you, baby, I tell her. No matter what happens, she will be safe.



Slipping in and out, weaving through the alley, I head to the back entrance of the store, knocking on the door to collect something for Declan. I’m trying to keep under the radar about our suspicions, so I’ve been pretending everything is fine and it’s business as usual.

Once I’ve finished the errand, I’m heading back out when I get a call. It’s Daniel, and I answer it, hoping he’s got more intel for us.

“Hey, what’s up?” I ask, ensuring that all the bills are in the envelope the proprietor gave me.

“Theo, I need you to listen carefully,” he says. “We got word that the DeLucci Family took a girl hostage. The description given makes me think it’s Evangeline.”

“Evangeline?” I repeat. “Are you guys sure?”

Daniel’s voice is grim. “The description given was a petite blonde woman, visibly pregnant. I thought you should know.”

My mind races as I consider the implications of this news. My instincts are screaming at me to leap into action, to do whatever it takes to rescue Evangeline from danger.

But beneath the fear and urgency is fierce anger which threatens to consume me, and my hands shake so hard, I nearly drop my phone. Forcing myself to remain calm, I breathe in and out slowly.

“Thanks, Daniel,” I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “We can handle it from here.”

As I end the call, my thoughts are focused on one thing—finding Eva and bringing her home. I dial Ryder’s number, emotions on high alert.

“Hey, Theo, we were just planning on seeing if you wanted to get dinner and go to the club tonight,” Ryder says, entirely too cheerful for the grave situation we’re facing.

“Ryder, shut up,” I snap. “Listen to me. The fucking DeLucci Family has her. They got Eva. Daniel just called. They took her, and God knows what they’re doing to her.”

Ryder lets out a growl, his frustration evident. “Fucking gobshites,” he curses. “Oliver, get over here!”

As he explains to our brother what’s going on, my mind races. Why the fuck would they take Eva, and where did they take her? Is she alright? If she’s hurt in any way, the entire DeLucci Family is going down.

“Theo,” Ryder calls my name, sounding like it isn’t the first time he’s called it. “Theo!”

“I’m here,” I say, mouth in a grim line. “We need a plan.”

“Oliver and I are calling up the Callahans now,” he says. “Nobody touches what’s ours without permission. You wanna fuck with us, you’ll get the wrath of the entire Callahan gang down on your fuckin’ heads.”

“Someone needs to figure out where the hell they took her!” I yell, frustration and helplessness churning like a maelstrom inside me.
