Page 5 of Shadowvale Secrets

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The police start to disperse, and I drag Ryder into the house with a tight grip as he complains that I’m hurting him.

“What the hell were you thinking?” I demand as Ryder yanks his arm away once we’re inside. “You brought the fucking police down on us?”

“I was just having fun.” Ryder shrugs. “Lay off, Theo. You’ve had a stick up your ass ever since Dad died.”

“And you’ve been a reckless, mindless idiot since he died,” I snap back. “You need to get your act together. I’m sick of this bullshit you’re pulling all the time lately. Get it together or I’m kicking you out, for good!”

Ryder’s eyes widen and then narrow at me. “Understood, big bro,” he says, heavy on the sarcasm. He gives me a salute and wanders off, no doubt seeking other idiotic pleasures.



After Theo's tantrum subsides, I head off, eager to find the new maid. She's stunning. If not for Declan's business keeping me busy, I'd already be making my move.

She’s in one of the disused guest rooms, making the bed, when I pass by. She glances up, and our eyes meet and a thrill runs through me.

The girl is fresh-faced with these big, blue doe-eyes and silky blonde hair she’s got tied back with a clip. One tendril hangs in her face as she stares at me.

I lean against the doorframe. “Hey there, doll. Can’t help but notice you’re here all alone. Thought I’d come keep you company.”

She glances up, a wariness in her eyes. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m on the clock.”

I grin. “C’mon, don’t be such a stickler for the rules. A little break never hurt anyone, right?”

Before she can respond, the clattering click of Theo’s dress shoes echoes across the hall downstairs.

“Miss Parker!” he yells, sounding pissed.

“I’ve got to go,” she says, panic rising in her eyes. I reach out and grab her wrist.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s full of hot air. I’ll take care of him,” I tell her. She stares down at my hand on her wrist, her cheeks going pink.

“I need to go,” she repeats, eyes flicking between me and Theo downstairs.

“Miss Parker!” Theo barks. I release her hand, and she pulls it toward her chest, pushing past me and heading out to see what my brother wants.

There’s something about that girl that makes me want to see her again. There's a quiet determination in her eyes that intrigues me. I can’t help but wonder what lies beneath that composed exterior, what secrets she guards so carefully from prying eyes.

The next time I find her, she’s cleaning the banisters, and I stop, admiring the way she rubs the wood down with sure, swift strokes.

“I bet I could teach you how to use that technique for other things,” I say, leaning against the railing.

“I’m sorry?” she asks, blinking owlishly at me.

“The way you polish that wood is making me think inappropriate things, doll,” I say, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

She tilts her chin up, squaring her shoulders as she speaks. “Sir, please. I’m just trying to work here. I can’t be seen talking to you. Your brother won’t like it.”

“Theo can go fuck himself,” I complain. “He’s a giant stick in the mud. No one has to know. You could come with me to my room right now, dollface.”

“My name is Evangeline,” she says, teeth gritted.


“You call me dollface or doll, but that’s not my name. It’s Evangeline,” she says, her voice quiet but determined.

“Maybe you could make sure I say it over and over until I have it memorized,” I offer, running a finger down her cheek. Her eyes close for a brief moment but then flutter open as she pulls my hand away from her face.
