Page 49 of Shadowvale Secrets

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I lay her out on the bed, eyeing her like a feast laid out before me. “I’m going to give you one orgasm for every month you spent having to lie to us,” I tell her. Her eyes widen as she mentally counts backward, then she bites her lip and blushes.

“Okay,” she whispers quietly, the arousal evident in her eyes.

“Okay, what?” I ask, a teasing lilt to my tone.

“Okay… sir,” she adds. I smirk, enjoying how easily she surrenders control.

“Very good,” I tell her. She squeaks again, and I laugh, reaching out to tug at the knot at the front of her red, lacy sweater. She looks delectable today in a cream-colored dress with watercolor red flowers all over and a simple strand of pearls on her neck.

“You changed your style,” I remark as she sits up so I can help her out of the cropped sweater.

“Bridget insisted on taking me shopping for more professional clothes,” she admits as I reach down to pull the hem of her dress up.

“I like it,” I tell her. “You look so sweet and innocent, but then I know that underneath,” I say as I reach up, peeling her panties away, “you’re a vixen.”

“Just for you,” she says, breathing harder as my hands trace up her calf. “Only for you.”

I crawl under her dress, deciding to keep it on for now, and spread her legs, inhaling the musky, sweet scent of her before diving in for a taste.

Her legs spread wide for me, and I nibble on the bud immediately, rubbing my tongue over it as I lick the juices off her, savoring the taste. She’s already so wet, even more so the deeper she is in her pregnancy.

I’ve got a lot of work to do if I’m going to “punish” her for lying to us, and a lot to make up for, so my tongue darts out, flattening as I thrust it into her opening immediately. She gasps, hands flying out to either side of her to grasp at the sheets below.

I set a relentless pace, flicking my tongue in and out, over and over, as my fingers come up to tease at her clit, stroking with two fingers down and over, repeating that motion until her thighs start to shake.

“Oliver!” she yells, tensing as she releases on my tongue. I pull away, wiping my face with the back of my hand for a moment to breathe, and then dive back down, repeating it all for an encore performance.

It takes less time for her to reach her orgasm this time, her body shuddering to a peak within a minute. “Oh, my God,” she whimpers. “You’re serious?”

“I am,” I tell her, moving out from under her dress. “You had to keep that secret all to yourself for so long. It’s only fair that I make sure you know that I’m not mad while also ensuring that you never try to keep anything from me ever again.”

“I want you,” Eva begs, reaching out for me. “Please?”

Stripping off my shirt in one smooth motion, I slip off the bed and unbuckle my pants. “I can do that for you,” I tell her, shimmying them off. Once I’m done undressing, I move toward her, pulling her dress up and over her head.

Her belly looks so round now, so full. Knowing it’s our child in there is somehow even more of a turn on, and I reach out, stroking over the taut skin. “I’m going to keep pleasuring you until you scream for me, doll,” I whisper in her ear as I line myself up and sink into her.

“Oliver!” she moans, gripping my arms with her fingers as I thrust deep inside.

Our bodies move together, fucking fast and hard now, the desire reaching a raging inferno. It feels like there’s nothing more between us now that everything is in the open. I’m desperate to claim what is mine, and I’m not stopping until she belongs to me.

“Fuck!” she cries out, body trembling as I bring her to orgasm a third time. I don’t stop, though, refusing to slow down as my body races toward its own climax. Without warning, the orgasm punches from inside me, spilling my seed into Eva as I lay claim to her.

She comes once more within seconds of me, tears in her eyes as she pants, trying to catch her breath.

“I can’t,” she whines. “It’s too much, sir.”

I pull out, ignoring the seed that spills from her when I move away, and my fingers fall down between her thighs, stroking over her throbbing clit once more.

“No!” she cries out. “Please, I’ll be good, sir! Please!”

“You’re never going to lie to me again?” I ask.

“Yes! I promise!” she cries out. I plunge two fingers into her, curling them forward in a come-hither motion and rapidly stroking them against her inner wall, pummeling that spot inside her.

She lets out a ragged scream, walls fluttering around me as she climaxes once more, body going limp.

I lie down next to her, pulling her into my arms for a soft kiss.
