Page 68 of Through the Ice

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“Theo.” I arched into the door as he spread my lips apart and flattened his tongue against my clit. Holy shit balls. He sucked the swollen nerve hard, then nipped it, which caused me to buck against the door and caused a huge boom. Everything was on fire, and his tongue could put it out. Was the only way. But heat gripped me, and I squirmed against his mouth, grabbing his hair to grind myself against him. This was the hottest moment of my life.

“Fuck my fingers while I lick up your cum.”

Holy. God.

“Lick them first.” He held two fingers outside my mouth, nudged inside, and I sucked them. He shuddered as I screamed in pleasure, before he slid them back between my legs. My head knocked on the door. “Scream, baby. Louder.”

“Yes, Theo.” The orgasm was growing closer by the second, and he curled his fingers as he sucked my pussy, and I lost it.

“Louder,” he commanded. “Scream for me.”

“Theo! Yes!” I cried out as I saw literal stars. Theo was on his knees, his fingers thrusting inside me as his tongue worked magic on me. I clenched his head between my thighs, never wanting this moment or orgasm to end. “God, yes.”

“You are exquisite.” He bit my inner thigh. “Extraordinary.”

I blushed even though he couldn’t see me and then his lips were on me. “Taste your pleasure, baby. Taste how good your pussy is.”

I kissed him back, and he groaned so hard I shivered. “Did I scream your name loud enough?”

“No, you little minx.” He kissed my neck. “You’ll come more. I want everyone knowing exactly what we did up here. I want everyone seeing this hickey on your neck.” He sucked the skin hard, his chest rumbling with pleasure. “God, your skin. Mm.”

“What else do you need to know I’m yours?”

He sucked in a breath. “This is perfect.”

“Theo.” I swallowed. “I want to feel all of you.”

“It’s too soon.” He stilled, his erection jerking against me. “I’m getting off from your pleasure, baby, I promise.”

I shook my head, but he couldn’t see it. I felt around the wall for the light and turned it on. We were in a study of sorts. “Theo, I want to feel all of you. No holding back.”

“I’m not fucking you for the first time in a random room a house party.” His nostrils flared. “You deserve more than this.”

“But I want it.” I dragged my nails over his chest. “Please.”

His jaw flexed. “Don’t beg me. I can’t say no to you.” He ran a hand over his face. “Audrey, baby, I want your first time to be special. Perfect.”

“Being with you is perfect.”

“Fuck,” he groaned and took a deep breath. “Fuck, baby.”

I removed the rest of my clothes and closed the distance between us. He let me remove his shirt and undo his belt. He was massive and could stop me at any point but let me take lead. “I wanted the full experience, yeah? Losing my virginity at a college party is pretty spot on.”

Plus, I was growing more desperate to connect with him. We’d done everything else but this, and taking all of him was what I wanted. We were really together, and I wanted it all.

“You’re more than that.” He stilled me as we were both naked, and he stared at me. “This is more. What we have is fucking special. You know that, right?”

I nodded as my eyes watered. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but that was too soon. It might freak him out. Even though he was jealous as hell and clearly had feelings for me, love was too fast. He’d crashed into my world and brought life to everything, and I’d remember and love him forever. Sleeping with him just solidified how much he’d changed my life. Plus, the logical side of me knew this wouldn’t last forever. He had a whole future ahead of him, but I was done being responsible all the damn time. I wanted to enjoy Theo Sanders while I had him.

“Please, Theo,” I whispered against his lips. “Be with me.”

His hands shook as he dug into his discarded pants pocket and pulled out a condom. A zing went through me that he had it there, that he wanted to sleep with me. “Put it on me.”

I ripped it open and slid the condom on him. He moaned and kissed my forehead as I pumped him. This man was perfection, and he wanted me. It still blew my mind. “Theo?—”

“You tell me to stop at any point, okay? Promise me.” He swallowed hard and held my gaze. “If it’s too much or?—”

“I promise.” I didn’t say I had no intention of doing that whatsoever, but it appeased him as he lowered us to the floor.
