Page 43 of Through the Ice

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We’d go on the date and figure out what we meant later.



What annoyed me was the fact that things went super well with the team yesterday, and it made me feel like something bad was gonna happen. My life proved the pattern of oh things are going well would immediately be followed with let’s fuck up his life.

The team worked out yesterday, and five of the guys and I headed out after to talk shit. There wasn’t any weirdness at all. They wanted to hear about the draft experience, what playing at Indiana was like, and then we ate pizza and watched Friday night football. Easy. Simple. Even one of Quentin’s sidekicks showed up and wasn’t a dick.

Reiner wanted an update on Quentin the following week, and while I didn’t have one, I chose to focus on the other Hawthorne consuming my life. Audrey fucking Hawthorne. The most brilliant, wonderful, and sexy woman ever. I planned our whole date after working out the stuff at home, and Em even commented on my outfit saying I dripped of rizz.

My siblings loved her, and that solidified that all my feelings were right. I wore black slacks and a dark gray shirt buttoned up and put on my favorite watch. It belonged to my grandpa and made me feel like a million bucks. I wanted to look good for Audrey. I knew my looks, and I was thankful for genes, but a compliment from her meant so much more. It was wild how much I valued her opinion and thoughts. Like, this woman had hated me a few weeks ago.

I chuckled, pulling up to park outside her dorm when the thought hit me. Her and I were probably a not great idea. Should we even do this? I didn’t have a lot of time, and there was the complicated matter of her brother always lingering over us.

Before my mom’s stroke, I used to do pro and con lists with her, but now I stopped focusing on the cons all together. Life was too short. I could be injured tomorrow and never play hockey again, and the first thing I’d do? Beg Audrey to date me. So yeah. If hockey and Quentin were the only reasons holding me back, that was fucking stupid.

I parked and hopped out of truck just as Audrey waltzed from the dorm doors like she’d been waiting for me.

Any doubt vanished. Audrey gave me a shy, half-smile that hit me right in the chest as I admired every part of her. She wore her auburn hair down in waves, and her hair landed just above her breasts. Some dangly earrings shined in the light, and her lips were redder than normal. Damn. Those lips looked kissable as hell.

Her dress was a deep red, almost like blood, and it clung to her body, and fuck. The deep v in the front showed her ample cleavage. Flashes of her lacy bra entered my mind, along with the way her pussy had looked all spread on my bed. Shit. I didn’t want to lead with my dick tonight. I planned to gain her trust. She was a virgin, and while a part of me, annoyingly, liked the thought of being the first one to show her how to fuck, she deserved more. I wanted her comfortable and safe.

“It’s too much, isn’t it?” She winced, and I felt like an idiot.

“No Auds, you look stunning.”

A pretty pink danced on her face as I finally woke from my trance and ran up to her. I took her hand and kissed the back of it. Her pulse raced at her wrist. “Are you nervous?”


She smelled delicious, and now that I stood closer to her, there was a mole right on her left breast that I desperately needed to touch. But that would come later. I had to hold it together until then. “What are you nervous about?”

I guided her toward my truck and helped her in, about groaning into my fist at the back of the dress. News flash. There was no back. Her entire back was exposed, and the dress hung just above her butt. It was so fucking sexy and so unlike anything I had seen Audrey in that it made me wonder if she’d bought it just for me.

Fuck, I wanted that.

So, was she wearing a bra? She couldn’t be? Not the time.

“This seems so surreal with you. I like you, Theo, but I don’t go on dates. I haven’t… ever, really. One year, I went to a school dance with my friends and their dates, but never… me.”

Again. Her comments punched me in the chest, and I wanted to give her the best date of all time. “Well, it’s an honor I get to take you on your first one.”

“You’re getting lots of my firsts, Sanders.”

“Oh, I’m aware and fucking love it.” I winked as I started the car, and she blushed like I wanted her to. “Nervous because you don’t know what to expect?”

“I’ve seen movies, so I know we’re gonna eat dinner and talk.”

“Sure, but you said you trust me.” I put on the radio to some classic rock station and pulled onto the road. She crossed one leg over the other, and the slit showed her entire leg. “That’s it, I have to ask. Did you own this dress before, or did you buy it for me?”

“I bought it for you.”

A deep, satisfied rumble left my chest. “I fucking love it.”

“I don’t wear things like this usually, but I wanted to look nice tonight.”

“You buy sexy bras, Hawthorne, so you do like buying naughty things sometimes. And this dress? Naughty. I want to be kind and a gentleman, I really fucking do, but I can’t stop staring at all your skin.”
