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I drop the towel from my waist and kiss Savannah’s forehead. “I’m very excited for dinner. We can take care of my excitement, or you can leave me to dress.”

She looks down at my erection and licks her lips. “Think we can be a little late for our reservation?”

I lean in and nip at her chin. “If they won’t let us in, there’s always Chili’s.”

“I love Chili’s,” she says, wrapping one arm around my neck and bringing her other hand to my cock. “They have the best margaritas.”

“It was nice of them to let us in thirty minutes late for our reservation on Valentine’s Day,” Savannah says, perusing the expensive seafood restaurant’s menu.

“We need to hurry and eat.”

“Why?” she asks. “What’s the hurry? I thought we’d linger over dinner and hang out the rest of the night.”

“I got you a Valentine’s Day gift. Well, it’s kind of a general gift. I’d give it to you anyway.”

“I didn’t know we were exchanging gifts.”

“We didn’t talk about it, but I wanted to do this for you.”

I reach into my back pocket and bring out the ballet tickets I purchased a few weeks ago when she was mad at me. At the time, it was the only idea I had. I place the paper tickets on the table and smile. “It’s an original ballet. The local company does a Valentine’s Day show every year. I don’t know if you even like ballet, but I wanted to do something different than the usual…”

She interrupts my sentence by standing up from the table so quickly that her chair falls behind her and people turn to look. She circles the table, cups my face in her warm hands, and kisses me hard in front of everyone.

I laugh against her lips and run my hands through her hair, pulling her into the kiss. I don’t give a damn there are people watching us make out in a nice restaurant.

I mouth her lips and accept the tongue she tentatively darts into my mouth, thanking me. Shit, I should have taken more women to the ballet over the years if it would work this well.

She pulls back and looks at me just as the waiter arrives to take our orders of lobster and baked potato for both of us. He walks away, and Savannah returns to her seat. “I’ve never had such a nice Valentine’s Day, Wilder. Thank you,” she says, her voice husky, like she’s choking back tears.

I wish I could do more for her. I’d take her to a million ballets if she’d let me, but she was clear she doesn’t want anything serious. She has school to finish.

I take a swig of my table wine and smile. “The night’s not over, baby.”

“That was insanely amazing, Wilder. What an amazing performance.”

I almost fell asleep during the ballet, but tonight isn’t about me.

She sets her purse on her entryway table and turns back to me, placing her hands on my chest and running them down to my belt. I put my hands on her waist and press my forehead to hers, breathing in her scent like I’m committing it to memory.

I inhale her in and exhale her out, wishing I could imprint the smell of her in my nose. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get rid of this feeling.

“I may have also got you a little something. It’s not exactly a gift, but I wanted tonight to be special,” she says against my cheek. “You need to go into the bedroom and wait for a few minutes.”

She grabs my hand, leads me to her bedroom, and playfully pushes me toward the bed before swinging the door shut and disappearing down the hallway. The silence of the room without her here with me strikes me as funny, and I laugh as I lift my shirt over my head. I get on the bed and settle against her numerous throw pillows.

“Are you comfortable?” she asks through the door a couple of minutes later.

“Should I take my pants off?” I chuckle.

“Um, not yet. Just promise me you won’t laugh. I don’t know if my ego could handle it.”

“I’m intrigued. What are you doing?” I lean up on my elbows and stare at the door.

It opens enough for her to stick her head around. “Close your eyes for a minute.”

I shut my eyes. At least, it looks like I do. I keep them open enough to see her slink into the room in black lingerie, complete with lacy garter belt. She’s carrying a chair and a silk scarf.

To hell with shut eyes. “Holy shit! Savannah, you look hot.”
