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I push her against the wall and grind my pelvis against her, and she opens her legs until her legs straddle my thigh. “I want you, Wilder. I haven’t been with someone in so long. Only one man, too. I’m starving. Everyone knows it and makes fun of me for it. Heather. Melissa. Hell, I know it and make fun of myself most of the time. Please,” she begs.

I thrust my pelvis closer until she’s pinned against the wall and move my lips to her ear again, placing a single kiss on her jaw. “No, baby. Not like this.”

She leans her forehead against my chest and opens her legs wider around my thigh, getting herself into an unorthodox position and closing her own thighs around my leg. Confused, I cock my head and look at her. “Are you…?”

I pause with realization, and a laugh forms in my chest. I don’t dare let it out.

Yep. She is.

She grinds against my thigh back and forth and around in a circle, obviously having found a sweet little spot on herself that really likes my right femur. She pulls me closer, until my face is against the wall, and she runs her hands under my shirt and up my back. I’m frozen by how good it feels. Her hands on my back. The cold drywall against my cheek. The smell of her hair right under my nose. All while her clit rubs against my leg.

She moves her hands to my ass, gripping both cheeks and pulling at them as she humps me to orgasm in her hallway. I’ll never complain about it, but it’s definitely the weirdest way I’ve ever made a woman come.

And I am making her come. I can tell by the way she speeds up the rhythm, grinding harder into me until I’m worried the fabric of her jeans will chafe her. Her lips are parted, and her eyes close in ecstasy, a stray chunk of hair flopping over her eyes.

“That’s it, baby,” I coo. “You want to get off? Let’s get you off like this.”

I cup the back of her neck and kiss her every place I can reach. I mouth her neck, nip at her ear, and trace my lips up and down her jaw as her skin flushes. Her body heat makes the temperature between us almost unbearable.

“Come on, Savannah. Come right there on my pants for me if that’s what you want. I won’t mind a little wet spot. I want to see what you look like when you break apart.”

I watch in curiosity as she takes deep breaths and bites her lip, moaning my name as she shakes and trembles against me. She practically convulses through her orgasm, but she’s fucking gorgeous.

In a way, I’m glad to see her like this in the fluorescent lights of her hallway. There’s no darkness most women insist on the first time. There’s no hiding her pleasure from me. She moans and shakes into her orgasm, her eyes squeezed shut, and I encourage her until the last tremble shakes out of her body.

She slumps against me, but I hold her steady. “Tired?” I ask, kissing the tip of her ear. “Let’s get you to bed.”

She mumbles something I can’t understand, and I carry her to her room. I don’t take her clothes off, but I slide her into her covers and pull them around her chin. I turn to leave, and she grabs my hand. “Don’t go,” she mumbles, already drifting off to sleep.

Decisions. I can practically see the devil on my right shoulder, telling me to get into bed with her, turn her over, and slide into her. Too bad for the devil that I have the angel on my left shoulder. It’s not the time.

“Stay with me.”

“I think it’s best if I don’t,” I say, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair. “Maybe someday you’ll let me in here sober. Until then, I have something I need to take care of in the shower.”

October 30 –Savannah

“I had a weird dream last night.”

I stagger into the kitchen and open the vitamin cabinet. Wilder’s at the table, enjoying a cup of coffee and, oddly enough, reading my Time magazine. Shaking a few aspirin into my hand, I reach for a nearby bottle of water, shove the pills into my mouth, and toss my head back to swallow.

“Was it that you got drunk on spiked pickle juice and humped my leg until you orgasmed in your pants?” Wilder asks.

It. Wasn’t. A. Dream.

“If so, I know it wasn’t a nightmare, at least. By the way, I figured you would be hungover, so there’s a greasy breakfast sandwich in the fridge for you. You’re welcome.”

“I’m welcome for which one?” I ask, not looking at him. I don’t know whether to be embarrassed and run from the room or own this like a rockstar.

“Oh, you’re welcome for both, ma’am.”

I turn to face him, and he winks. A blush creeps up my cheeks, and he licks his lips.

“I’m sorry. That was embarrassing.”

“It absolutely was not,” he says. “I’ve made women lose their minds with my dick, tongue, and fingers. I can now add making a woman come with my femur to my sexual history. I have no regrets. We should make out like that more often, cuff buddy.” He raises his glass in a mock toast and gets up from the table.

“Where are you going?” I ask, worried he’ll change his mind about it being a good thing and walk away before I can offer him the sober real thing.
