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“Well, one of us has to get some actual action. Have you even kissed Wilder yet?” she asks.

I won’t yell at her back that my biggest action with Wilder was hearing him jerk off in the shower, so I can only trudge behind her a few steps, feeling like I have blocks of hardened quicksand wrapped around my legs. Wilder’s on his side of the table and nonchalantly talking to Aiden. He laughs at something and points to the TV across the bar area, probably talking about the game. I thought him coming here would be a problem. Nope. As usual, it’s Heather that causes some kind of dramatic scene or unusual conundrum.

I should walk over to the table, slide in next to him, and kiss him until our tongues are numb. If nothing else, it would show my unhinged, batshit crazy mother that I can also be just as exciting and adventurous.

When I finally get to my seat, Heather’s already seated with her napkin in her lap and sipping her margarita. The waiter approaches and places a huge, salt-rimmed margarita in front of me. I look at Wilder, who smiles, and I mouth a silent thanks to him.

“So, Wilder,” my mother begins, clapping her hands together. She tilts her head to the side and a lock of hair falls in her face, only to be swiped out of the way by the teenager next to her. “How is cuffing season progressing with my daughter?”

“Just fine, ma’am.”

“Just fine?” She waggles her eyebrows, and I want the floor to open. Just swallow me up and take me away from this conversation like a monster slide at a children’s museum.

He sniffs and flips through his menu. “Well, I don’t think I’ll ever look at cucumber and mint bodywash the same way again, so I’d say it’s a banner cuff.”

Heather practically sputters her drink out her nose, and I bite my lip to keep from shouting my approval at Wilder shocking my mother. That’s not easy to do. Sure, Heather has no idea how he uses said bodywash or if he joins me in the shower. He could just be admiring the smell, but it’s the innuendo. The sexy lilt to his voice. My mother likes to fuck around with men that can barely buy lottery tickets. Well, Mom, I can be shocking. I can have dirty shower sex with a sexy man in return for student loan payments from my mother.

I turn to him and lick my lips, winking a little. Before I can react, he leans forward, puts the bridge of his nose to mine and kisses me on the lips.

Right here.

Right in front of my mother and a man child, probably fresh from a student council meeting.

Right in front of the Chili’s waiter here to take our order, who calmly backs away with wide eyes, sure he’s interrupting an intimate moment as Wilder pulls me closer to him.

His mouth tastes of a recent cigarette, but I don’t find it as unpleasant as I thought I would. It’s a subtle taste and drowned out by the taste of beer on his lips. The combined tastes trigger something in my mind that reminds me of college. Keg parties.

My lips part to welcome Wilder’s tongue, and I bring my hands to his cheeks before I can rethink the choice. This is normal, right? He’s my fake boyfriend for the next few months, so it’s perfectly natural we’d kiss.

My mother clears her throat, and I jump a little. Wilder breaks the kiss and straightens himself like a perfectly respectful gentleman. “Sorry about that,” he mutters, opening his menu again. “I just can’t help myself around your daughter. Beautiful women must run in the family, huh?”

I touch my lips and then lower my fingers. I can’t let on that was our first kiss. He kissed me so hard that I know it convinced Heather that we’re shagging like porn star rabbits. Now, I need to convince her that I’m in this to win this.

I open my menu with a smile and raise my eyebrows at her. “What’s good here, Mom?” I ask as Wilder nudges my thigh under the table.

October 28 - Wilder

“You owe me.”

“I know I do,” she says, staring at my motorcycle. “It’s just they’re so unsafe.”

“Life is unsafe, princess. That’s half the fun,” I say, patting the back part of the seat. I hand her my helmet, and she turns it in her hands like she’s never seen a helmet before. “Besides, you promised. A deal is a deal.”

Damn, I’d love to reach over and kiss her again. That kiss the other night was way more interesting than any other kiss I’ve had in a long time, and it’s not because I tongued my fake girlfriend in front of her mother, her mother’s boyfriend, and a waiter. It was more interesting because I’ve never had a spark like that with a first kiss.

Electricity moved like fire through my entire body, and I couldn’t have cared less that I was at a restaurant. In fact, I felt disconnected from the entire world. No sound. No other people. No jobs to go to. No bills to pay. It was just Savannah and me.

It scared me. I’ve never felt like that with a kiss. Sure, I brushed it off as just a guy kissing his girlfriend, but I can’t remember anything about dinner. I have no idea what I ordered, and I can’t remember the conversation. I only thought about her and how much I wanted to come back to our apartment and run my tongue over those lips one more time.

Unfortunately, I chickened out. This is just a girl. Just 2023. Sure, she’s nice, and I’d love to bend her over the dining room table a couple of times, but she’s just a girl that I won’t see again after February.

That’s the way it’s supposed to be, so I went straight to my room when I got home, jerked off all over the floral comforter without a care in the world, and locked the door, not necessarily in that order. I may have locked the door first. I can’t even remember that.

I probably hurt her feelings, and for that, I am sorry. She’s tried to catch my eye all week. It’s like the tables have turned from days prior to our dinner with her mom. We’ve smiled over the coffee maker, exchanged pleasantries coming out of the bathroom when the other was going in, and I’ve saved leftovers for her since she’s worked late this week. She utters a simple thank you to me when she opens the Tupperware containers and inhales the casseroles I’m a pro at making.

But good conversation and more kiss sessions? Nope.

“Put it on, and let’s go.” I nod to the seat and put the small picnic lunch I packed in the attached rucksack on the back of my bike.
