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Nothing. She probably keeps the lotion in her room. I reach over to the medicine cabinet by the shower and take a look, only finding toothpaste, toothbrush, vitamins, and a half-empty bottle of liquid cold medicine. I raise an eyebrow at the cold medicine, tempted but coming to the conclusion that I’d never forgive myself if I jerk off with cold medicine. Even I have my limits.

I put both hands against the tile, frustrated as fuck. My dick begs for release and throbs between my legs, my balls tightening uncomfortably. “I know, dude. I’m trying to help,” I mumble at my dick. It’s not the first time I’ve talked to him, but this is the first time I’ve been so turned on, only to have him not get the job done.

I look down again, and my eyes fall on a poufy sponge thing. Every woman I’ve cuffed with has had these things, but I’ve never used one. What would this feel like on my cock?

I gingerly unravel it from the suction cup hook attached to the wall and stare at it a moment. It feels nice enough in my hand and softer than I imagined by looking at it. I move it between my fingers. Hmm. Downright decadent.

I look around and find her body wash. Flipping it open, I inhale deeply, closing my eyes as the scent of cucumbers and mint fill my nose. Not bad, and not too girly. I could use this on my dick. It’s not like another bro is going to be close enough to my cock to judge me for it.

My dick makes the decision for me. He’s angry, red, and practically trembling against me.

I squirt some bodywash on Savannah’s pouf and swirl it in a smiley face design, giggling to myself. Hey, it’s the little things that make life bearable. I cap the bodywash and set it back on her shower caddy the way I think it was left. Damn, I should have remembered how she had it set. Upside down? Righted? If she asks, I can tell her I knocked it over and picked it up.

I grip my balls with one hand and massage them the way I like as I bring the pouf and bodywash to my cock.

Shit, this feels nice. The bodywash is cool temperature-wise, but the mint brings a nice tingle. It also must have some kind of moisturizer in it because it mixes with the hot water to glide up and down my cock like a warm, wet pussy.

I close my eyes and lean my head on the tile, water running down my face and shoulders as I massage myself and jerk my dick with Savannah’s shower stuff. Thoughts of Savannah enter my head. I bet her pussy smells like this cucumber mint after she’s out of the shower. What I wouldn’t give to see the water run down her body and have her touching me like this. I imagine her working my cock over and whispering for me to lose my shit in her shower before she drops to her knees and takes me into her mouth.

“Fuck, Savannah,” I grunt, unable to concentrate on anything but her. Her hair. Her skin. Her lips. “Suck that cock. You like being on that dick? Tasting it?” I coo to the void.

I quicken my pace, the pouf sliding nicely over me with just a bit of scratch to it. The scratch reminds me of teeth, which I actually like during oral sex in moderation, and I throw my head back, taking a face full of water. My mouth opens in pleasure, and I moan loudly. Who cares? She left for work, and this pouf feels so good. I need to get one of these for myself. It’s perfect if there’s not a willing mouth in the vicinity. “Savannah,” I groan.

Pleasure moves through my core, and my toes curl into the porcelain tub. My lips tremble. My stomach clenches, pulling me forward, and heat warms my entire body. My sack tightens and trembles in my hand as I unload my balls into the pouf and down the drain. I haven’t orgasmed this hard in months, and it takes almost half a minute to empty and stop shaking.

“That’s it. Clean me up, you dirty little whore,” I mumble, running the pouf over my cock a few more times. “Lick my balls and get that ass nice and clean, baby.”

I run the pouf over my balls and all the way to my taint and asshole. Oh, this is nice. Every man should have one of these. I need to tell Gus to get one.

I hang the pouf back on the hook and bring my hand to my lips, kiss my finger, and place the air kiss on the pouf, even giving it a naughty wink. “Even if your owner doesn’t want to participate, we’ll always have each other. This can be our dirty secret.”

Turning the water off, I open the shower curtain, wrap the pink towel around my hips, and gasp. I’m still alone in the bathroom, but a shadow moves under the door and the floor creaks as someone walks slowly down the hallway like they’re backing away from the bathroom door. Either we’re being robbed and the robber took an interest in my jerk off session, or Savannah forgot her lunch box.

October 20- Savannah

“Let me understand,” Melissa says, chewing her sandwich and trying not to smile. It’s not working. Her lips curve up at the corner, and she’s dangerously close to releasing tears of laughter. “You have a gorgeous man living in your apartment, and you’re ignoring him.”

“It was so awkward. I heard him. He was pleasuring himself in my shower and saying my name.”

“How is this a bad thing? In fact, why aren’t you in the shower with him and pleasuring him? Sack up and get in there.”

We’re at her golf club and enjoying lunch on the terrace. It’s a beautiful, warm fall day, and the trees are gorgeous shades of red, yellow, and orange. Random leaves fly off the trees every now and then, making us cover our drinks and sandwiches. Other than the wind, the day is perfect.

I put a crinkle-cut fry in my mouth and chew. Swallowing, I think about what Melissa wants me to do, and my face burns. “The filth he was saying. You should have heard the things he was muttering.”

Melissa leans forward and puts her elbows on the table, propping her chin in her hands. “Do tell,” she coos. “As an engaged woman, I have to live vicariously through you.”

I cover my face with my hands. “I can’t repeat it.”

“That good, huh?” She winks and picks up her soup spoon. “Moving away from the filthy jerk-off session, do you want to tell me why you’re ignoring him?”

I sigh. “Because I want him so bad that I can’t stand to be in my own skin.” There, I said it.

Listening to him in the shower did things to me I’ll never admit to anyone else. My panties have never been so soaked, and I had to run to my room to change them. Hearing him talk to himself, say my name, and ask me to lick him clean was disconcerting. I’ve never had a man talk to me or even about me that way. Not that I know of, anyway. Things like that don’t happen in my life, and I’m unsure how to face him.

“So, you’re ignoring him because you know you’re in his spank bank? Honey, that’s a good thing. He likes you.”

I know he likes me. I just wish he’d make a move first. “He hasn’t tried with me, either.”
