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“Then don’t. Fuck me to sleep every night, Daddy.”

“Fucking hell,” I growl, and I change the angle of my hips so I can go deeper. “So deep in this perfect little cunt.” My balls are throbbing almost angrily and I know I’m not going to last much longer. “Squeeze me with your cunt. That’s it, yeah.” I reach between us and find her clit, still swollen from her earlier orgasms. “I wanna feel you come around my cock. Want you to come so hard that you squeeze the come out of me.”

“Alex,” she moans, and I will never get tired of hearing her say my name in that breathy voice. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh…shit!” She starts to pulse around me, throbbing as her body shakes and she drenches my cock.

“You want Daddy’s come inside you, don’t you princess?” I growl. I’m a fucking caveman right now. My apartment could be on fire and I don’t think I’d be able to tear myself away from her.

She nods. “Please, Daddy. I want to fall asleep with your come inside me.”

“You’re so fucking tight, fuck.” I kiss her and fuck her, trying not to come because I don’t want this to end. But my body takes over, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders, holding her tight against me as I thrust into her, hard and deep, over and over. I’m groaning like a wild beast, incoherent praise falling from my lips.

“So fucking beautiful…take it all…such a good girl…all mine…Cate, fuck, God…” I start to come, and I kiss her, wanting as much of her as I can have in this moment. “Oh God, it’s so fucking good, Cate. So fucking good.” I spurt inside her over and over again, filling her little pussy with come. She pulses around me, wringing out every last drop I have for her.

She’s breathing heavy as she clings to me through my orgasm. “Don’t pull it out yet,” she says almost shyly. “Stay inside me for a minute.”

Her pussy flutters around me, and I’m still so turned on that I know I won’t have any issues staying hard enough to remain buried inside her tight warmth.

She kisses me, her lips moving softly and sweetly against mine, and I think my heart might burst.

“Nothing has ever felt as good as being with you,” she whispers, her fingers finding a home in my hair. “And I don’t just mean because of the orgasms. I mean this. Us.”

I kiss her again, pouring every ounce of love and sweetness into it. I want to say the words in my heart so badly, but it’s too soon. I’m already intense and obsessed. I don’t need to scare her by declaring my undying love.

I’ll try to wait until tomorrow, at least.


Alex’s fingers are woven with mine as we walk into IceWorks together this morning. I’m wearing yesterday’s clothes, I’m sore between my legs, and I’m pretty sure I have my first ever hickey emerging on my neck. But it doesn’t matter. I want to skip, and twirl, and sing. I feel like a freaking Disney princess who’s found her Prince Charming.

Because that’s exactly what Alex is. He’s the man who will take care of me, and love me, and bring me so much joy I don’t even know what to do with myself. I might be young and inexperienced, but I know what Alex and I are in the marrow of my bones.

Earlier, he woke me up with soft and sweet kisses and then made us breakfast while I was in the shower. While eating, we’d talked about the tango routine, about his experiences at the world championships, about our hopes and dreams for the upcoming season. We’d talked about our families, how we’d gotten started in skating, and traded funny competition stories.

It was easy. Effortless, like talking to my lifelong best friend.

As we walk down the main hallway, gear bags slung over our shoulders, I glance up at him, grinning when I see that he’s already looking at me, a soft smile on his face.

It doesn’t matter how many times I look at him; every single time, I melt a little at how ridiculously hot he is. I blush when I remember all the filthy things this gorgeous man said to me last night. The light shifts in his eyes, and I can tell he’s remembering, too.

Deb and Scott are walking down the hallway towards us, and they both see us holding hands at the same time. Deb’s head cocks to the side slightly, eyebrows raised, but Scott frowns deeply, a scowl twisting his mouth.

My stomach drops to somewhere around my ankles when his gaze lands on me and his upper lip curls slightly. I have the distinct impression that I’m in trouble. The eggs and fruit salad Alex made for us turn to gloopy concrete in my stomach. I flick my gaze up to Alex, and with the way he’s frowning at Scott, I can tell he noticed the look Scott gave me, too. He gives my hand a squeeze before letting go.

“I’ll see you on the ice,” he says, and as though he’s wanting to erase any doubt on Scott and Deb’s part about what we are to each other, he dips his head and brushes a soft kiss across my cheek. It’s perfectly appropriate for a public place, but Scott’s expression turns thunderous. I force myself to look him in the eyes before heading into the women’s locker room.

By the time I’ve got my skates laced up and I’m stepping onto the ice, whatever was up with Scott seems to have passed, and we fall into the usual warm up exercises.

Skating with Alex has always felt good. From the very start, we had a natural rhythm and synchronicity that made skating together a total no-brainer. But now, after last night, it feels even better. We’re completely in tune with each other, communicating wordlessly, working as one finely oiled machine.

It’s flawless. It’s like I’m skating with my soul mate.

Because I am.

Once we’re warmed up, we work through several elements together, and then Deb calls us over to discuss the finer points of our long program, which will be the focus of this morning’s training session. She wants us to nail the choreography and artistry of our programs before working on fine tuning elements, which makes sense to me, given that our first preliminary competition is only a couple of months away.

After Deb’s finished giving us her notes, we take our position at center ice, arms aloft in a tango-esque embrace.

“You’re mine and I don’t want to share,” he whispers, getting into character.
