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“Want to fuck you so bad. I’m so fucking hard, Cate. I’m always so fucking hard for you.”

Everything inside me is hot and pulsing, raw with need.

“Can you take another finger for me?” he asks, dragging his lips over my clit.

I nod eagerly. “Please.”

He sucks on my clit as he works a second finger into me and starts to slowly fuck me with them. My pussy is so wet that I can hear it every single time he slides them in and out, but I’m beyond shame at this point. All I care about is how good he’s making me feel.

“That’s a good girl,” he says, and it’s like something inside me catches fire every time he says those words. “Your little pussy is gripping my fingers so tightly. My sweet little virgin.”

“You’re gonna make me come,” I say, my voice thin and reedy.

“Come all over my face and fingers, princess. Show me how good Daddy makes you feel.”

He works my clit with his lips and tongue and fucks me harder and faster with his fingers, and everything inside me goes hot and tight, almost to the point of pain. I clamp down on him as the first wave of my orgasm crashes over me, making me scream and shake. Pleasure so much more intense than anything I’ve ever felt rushes through me, all the way from my head to my toes, tingling and burning. My clit throbs wildly against Alex’s mouth as my hips thrash and writhe, and still he licks at me, fingers pumping in and out of my clenching pussy.

“Good girl,” he says. “Come all over my mouth. Come on my fingers. Such a good fucking girl for me.” He keeps going, kissing and fucking me, and it sets off an echo inside me as I come again. “Such a wet, messy little pussy,” he murmurs, sucking noisily on my clit, slurping on it. “So perfect, Cate. God, you taste so good. I don’t want to stop.” I’m so wet that his fingers are sliding in and out easily now, the sound of them fucking me filling the room. Gradually, he slows his licks and carefully slips his fingers out of me.

I whine at the loss of him, and watch, rapt, as he sucks his fingers into his mouth, savoring the taste of me.

“I’ve never come so hard in my life,” I admit as I shrug out of my dress. Alex’s eyes zero in on my breasts, his gaze hot and claiming.

“Good,” he says with a cocky smirk, rubbing the back of his hand across his glistening mouth. He raises to his knees and undoes his jeans, freeing his cock.

Holy fuck.

I haven’t seen one in person before—obviously—but I’ve seen enough on the Internet to know that Alex McIntyre is freaking hung. His cock is long and thick, moisture dripping from the slit and running down the length of him. The rounded head is smooth and red, and I have the urge to suck on it like a lollipop. I reach out and graze my fingertips over his heavy balls, and he shudders.

Once we’re both completely naked, he eases himself down on top of me, and we both moan at the feeling of being skin to skin for the first time. His cock is like a brand against my thigh, and as the last bit of bliss from my orgasm starts to fade, fresh nerves tangle in my stomach.

“Are you sure that’s going to fit inside me?” I ask, and he takes my hand and wraps it around his cock. My fingers don’t meet, and a thrill charges through me.

“We’ll make it fit, princess.” He kisses me as I stroke him tentatively. “Whose cock is this?” he grits out, his hips moving as he starts to thrust into my hand.

“Daddy’s,” I say, but he shakes his head.

“No.” He lifts his head and meets my eyes. “It’s yours. You fucking own this cock, Cate. Just like you own me.”

“Alex,” I whimper, and we’re kissing again, frantic heat spreading between us. “I need you. Please. Make me yours.”

He lets out an anguished sound and rises to his knees, then takes my legs and places them over his shoulders so that I’m spread wide open for him. The tip of his cock teases against my entrance and we both let out a loud moan.

He teases the head of his cock over my pussy, rubbing it against my clit, and then back down to my entrance. He slips just the tip inside me again, and I’m at war with myself because I want all of him right away, but I also don’t want this moment to be over. “Fuck, that’s tight. So wet and so fucking tight.”

He pulls the head of his cock out and rubs it all over my pussy again, teasing my sensitive clit.

“That feels so good,” I say, and he does it again, sliding over me, coating himself in my juices.

He makes a strangled sound and then guides his cock back down to my opening.

“Gonna press in nice and slow,” he says, and then leans down to kiss me, his tongue sliding against mine as the head of his cock presses against my opening.

“I can taste myself,” I say, and he groans. “I like it.”

“Tastes so good, doesn’t it? I could barely take my lips off of you.” His dirty words make me wriggle and writhe beneath him, and even though I just came—twice—my clit is already throbbing again. “Such a sweet little cunt. Gonna make it mine.”

He rises back to his knees and starts to press in, so, so slowly. I gasp at the sensation. I feel like I’m being split in two, but in the best possible way. It burns and throbs. It’s intense and amazing and a little painful.
