Page 20 of Until His Girl

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Heath turns to Eliza and gives her a friendly smile. "You must be the lovely Eliza my brother won't shut up about. I'm Drew's brother, Heath. It's great to finally meet you."

Eliza smiles warmly at Heath. "It's wonderful to meet you too, Heath. Drew has told me so much about you and your family." Then she gestures to Willow. "And this is my roommate, Willow. We've been friends since college.”

Heath takes Willow’s hand, never breaking eye contact. His next words come out like a growl. “Pleasure.”

A blush creeps over Willow’s cheeks as she stammers a reply. Heath grins, clearly pleased with her reaction and I hide my smirk, wondering how Eliza will react when she realizes my brother is about to claim her best friend.

Suddenly, the warning chime sounds, letting us know the performance is about to start. Eliza glances around anxiously. “We should head upstairs. Are you coming, Willow?”

“You two go ahead. I’ll keep Willow company.” Heath winks at Willow, who appears torn between protest and delight.

Eliza giggles. “Okay, we’ll see you after?”

Willow nods, still flushed under Heath’s admiring gaze. Chuckling, I steer Eliza toward our box before she can comment further.

This night is turning out to be more interesting than I anticipated.

We settle into the plush seats of my private box and Eliza sits on my lap as the curtains rise. A hush falls over the crowd as the curtains sweep open to reveal a lavish set gleaming under the spotlights.

But my focus isn’t on the stage. It’s on Eliza.

I nuzzle her neck as my fingers trace idle patterns along her arm, inching higher with each caress. Her breath hitches when I brush the side of her nipple.

“Drew,” she whispers in a warning tone. “What if people see?”

“Let them see.” I nip her ear, scraping my teeth over the tender lobe. “Everyone here already knows you’re mine.”

A soft moan escapes her, barely audible over the swell of music from the orchestra. Then her thighs part, an unspoken invitation I have no intention of refusing.

My hand slides under her dress, tracing up her inner thigh. Her panties are already soaked when I tug them aside and dip a finger into her slick heat.

Eliza jerks against me with a gasp, one hand clutching my wrist. “Drew, please...”

I nip at her neck, thrusting into her slowly. “You like this, don’t you? Letting me play with this sweet pussy in public where anyone can hear?”

I curl my fingers against her, massaging a spot that makes her eyelids flutter shut.

“But you’re not going to let them hear you, are you sweetheart?” I growl as I pump faster. “Because you’re a good girl. And you know that no one gets to hear your sounds but me.”

I lose myself in the rhythm of my strokes, the soft sounds she makes, and the way she clutches at my arm. Her inner walls flutter and clench, rippling around my fingers as she comes quietly apart.

I withdraw my hand and lick her sweet honey from my fingers. “There, isn’t that better?”

Eliza nods, her eyes half-lidded and dazed.

Good. The edge is off her nerves, and now she’ll be thinking of this all through the next act instead of worrying.

I smooth down her dress and wrap my arms around her waist, settling in to enjoy the rest of the show.

An hour later, the intermission bell chimes and the crowd heads for the lobby.

Eliza stands on shaky legs, her cheeks still flushed.

"How are you liking the performance so far, baby?" I ask as I pull her in for a lingering kiss.

Eliza gives me a shy smile. "It’s amazing. The singing, the costumes, the set...they really pulled it together."

I lean in close, my lips brushing her ear. "Not as beautiful as the way you looked coming apart for me in front of all of these people.”
