Page 17 of Until His Girl

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I lean back in my chair, considering this new piece of information.

Eliza’s family, our secret—it’s a ticking time bomb threatening to wreck our budding connection. I rake a hand through my hair, grappling with this dilemma. Donovan Enterprises is synonymous with risk-taking and boundary-pushing. But then there’s Eliza—pure, naive Eliza, who shouldn’t be trapped in the crosshairs of age-old feuds and corporate battles.

Heath eyes me curiously. He’s seen me under stress before, but not like this—not split between personal wants and professional obligations.

“So,” he cuts through the heavy silence. “Should I put pressure on the commissioner?”

A plan forms in my mind—one that could potentially solve both problems at once.

“No,” I say finally, holding up a hand to stop Heath from interrupting. “I think I have a better idea.”

Chapter Seven


The Chocolate Moose Café is packed, but I spot Melanie and Willow in our usual corner booth right away. As soon as they notice me, their faces light up.

“Well, well, well,” Melanie smirks as I slide into the seat across from them. “Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence. We were about to send out a search party.”

“Speak for yourself,” Willow giggles. “I’ve loved having the apartment to myself these last few days.”

I roll my eyes, but I don’t actually mind their teasing. It’s good to be back in the Cooper Hills after spending the last few days on vacation with Drew. And since he insisted that I take the rest of the day off today, I decided to meet my friends for lunch to catch up.

“Sorry for not texting you guys more.” I take a sip of the hazelnut iced coffee already waiting for me. “Things have been so crazy these last few days.”

Melanie wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “Crazy good, I hope?”

“Yeah, you’ve got that look, Eliza.” Willow grins.

“What look?”

Melanie leans forward, resting her chin on her hands. “Oh, you know, the look of someone who just spent the last few days getting railed by her boss.”

I nearly spit out my drink from laughing. “Melanie!”

“What?” She replies innocently. “I just call it like I see it.” Then she grins at me. “Now come on, give us the details! How was your vacation with the hot boss?”

Amazing. Thrilling. Terrifying. But I don’t say any of that. Instead, I say, “It was…really nice.”

“Really nice?” Willow scoffs. “That’s all you’ve got?”

My face flames hotter. I’m not used to talking about these things. But Melanie and Willow are my best friends—if I can’t share this with them, who can I share it with?

“We just relaxed,” I say, hoping to gloss over the intimate parts. “Watched movies, cooked dinner. Drew showed me how to make carbonara pasta from scratch.”

Melanie gives me a sly grin. “And by relaxed, I’m guessing you mean that you stayed in his bed the whole time?”

“Yeah, there was... a lot of that.” I blush, laughing. “But there was also more than that, too. It felt real, like we were really getting to know each other.”

“So does this mean you’re finally going public with your relationship?” Willow asks. “No more hiding out at his place?”

I take another sip of my coffee, trying to buy some time. “We haven’t decided yet whether to go public,” I reply coyly. “But Drew did ask me to move in with him.”

My friends’ jaws drop in unison. “What did you say?” Melanie asks.

A mix of excitement and anxiety bubbles up inside me as I recount the moment. “I didn’t say yes yet,” I admit. “But I am thinking about taking a few things over to his place this afternoon,” I confess, feeling a small smile tug at my lips. “Just to see how it feels.”

Melanie’s eyes light up, and she reaches across the table to squeeze my hand. “I’m so happy for you girlie.”
