Page 11 of Until His Girl

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“Baby, are you kidding?” I curl my middle finger against a spot inside of her that makes her inner walls clench down around me. “I love that I’m the only man who will ever get to see you like this.”

Eliza’s eyes roll back in her head as I add a second finger and pick up the pace. “Drew, please, I-I think I want to come now.”


Hearing her beg nearly makes me bust in my pants right there. “It’s okay. You can come, baby.”

Watching Eliza fall apart for me is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. My dick is rock hard, straining against my zipper, but I can’t look away from her face. From the way she bites her lip, eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy, as wave after wave of pleasure rolls through her.

Finally, Eliza’s breathing slows, and I stand and cradle her against me. She buries her face in my chest, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

“I love the way you look when you come,” I murmur, brushing my lips over hers.

Eliza giggles. “I love the way I feel when you make me come.”

I grind my hips against hers, letting her feel how hard I am. “Good. Because I need you to give me one more.”

A soft moan escapes her lips, and I dive in to capture it with my own.

“Please,” she gasps when I release her mouth.

“Please, what?” I nip at the soft skin of her neck. “You have to say it.”

“Please fuck me, Drew,” she whimpers. “I want to feel you inside me.”

My vision nearly goes black at her words. Instantly, I yank her dress up and over her head, then toss it aside.

“I swear, you’re perfect for me, Eliza. Perfect tits.” I pinch her nipples between my fingers until she squirms. “Perfect ass.” I slap her left ass cheek hard, then the right one. “Perfect pink pussy.” I spear her roughly with two fingers, and she moans. “Is this what you want, baby? For me to fuck this tight little hole until you make a mess all over my desk?”

“Yes,” she gasps. “More than anything.”

I shove my pants and boxers down just enough to free my cock before positioning myself between her legs. Then, I slowly notch myself inside her until I’m buried to the hilt.

Eliza cries out, nails digging into my back as I fill her. She’s so wet and tight it nearly sends me over the edge. I still for a moment, jaw clenched, struggling for control.

When the threat of immediate climax has passed, I start to move. Slow, deep strokes that make her whimper and squirm on the desk beneath me.

“Look at you. Taking all this dick your first time,” I groan, snapping my hips against hers. “Love that you kept this pussy so wet and tight for me.” I lace our fingers together, pinning her hands on either side of her head as I increase the pace. “Goddamn. Is this what you wanted? For me to pound this pussy so hard that you can barely breathe?”

Eliza meets me thrust for thrust, her moans getting louder and more desperate. “Please don’t stop, Drew. It feels so good!”

I have no intention of stopping.

Not until I’ve wrung every ounce of pleasure from her body and filled her with my come.

Eliza Parker is mine to claim in every way possible.

“That’s it, baby,” I grind out. “Milk this cock. Take what’s yours. Make this pussy cream for me.”

A second later, we both hit our release. Gently, I lift Eliza off the desk and settle into my office chair, cradling her in my lap. She snuggles closer, her face burrowing into the crook of my neck as she lets out a contented sigh.

I glance around my office, taking in the mess we’ve made - papers strewn across the floor and an overturned lamp. But right now, none of that matters. I choose to ignore it all, deciding to bask in the afterglow. But then, a flicker of uncertainty creeps into my mind.

Did I take things too far? Push her into something she wasn’t quite ready for?

“You okay, sweetheart?” I ask as I look down, searching Eliza’s expression for any signs of distress. “Sorry if I was too intense. I didn’t mean to be so rough with you your first time.”

She smiles. “No, it was perfect. That felt so amazing.”
