Page 75 of Retribution

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“Oh god,” Jackson moans. “More, I can take it. Fuck.”

To my left, the dresser mirror lets me watch what's happening behind me. Lukas is finger fucking Jackson as he thrusts harder and faster.

“Oh yeah, Jackson. Fuck me hard.” I encourage him. But he slows down! Fucker.

“I want to try it,” he says, pulling out of me.

“Are you sure? The first time can be a little intense,” Lukas tells him.

“Fuck yes, I'm sure. I can handle it.”

“You'll tell me if it's too much or if I should stop.”

“I promise. The safe word is…ham sandwich.”

“What?” I ask incredulously.

“Because I'm about to be the ham in this fucking sandwich. Now, Lukas, will you please put your dick inside me?” He says it slowly and firmly, and even though he's being serious, I still find him funny.

Laughing, I turn around to sit on the bed next to Jackson as he bends forward for Lukas. Reaching beneath him, I hold on to his cock, stroking to help distract from some of the pressure. My first time was intense, first in a strange and uncomfortable way, but then in the best way. We're going to make sure that Jackson has the best experience.

Lukas lines up, pressing just the head of his cock into Jackson's tight ring. He edges him until Jackson is whining and trying to push back. He pushes in a little further and Jackson hisses out a breath. I pump his cock, twisting and squeezing with my lubed up hand.

Finally, Lukas seats himself all the way inside.

He caresses Jackson's ass, praising him. “You're doing so well, Jackson. This ass is so tight, squeezing me so hard. How do you feel?”

“Different, but good different. Keep going, for the love of god.”

Lukas moves slowly, getting Jackson accommodated to the feeling of his hard length delving inside his body, stretching him and filling him in a way he’s never felt before. As he loosens up, he starts to moan.

“Ohhh fuuck that's good.”

Remembering what he said about the sandwich, I scoot myself back in front of Jackson. Lukas stops thrusting, but stays seated inside Jackson, pulling him back to give me room. Laying on my back in front of Jackson, because I want to see his face, I pull my knees up.

Grabbing his dick, he lines up and presses into me. A full body shudder passes over him as he rolls his hips. Pushing my knees almost up to my shoulders, he braces himself on either side of my head while Lukas thrusts again.

At first Jackson is mostly moving with the force of Lukas' thrusts, but as he gets more comfortable, he takes control. Flexing his abs and rolling his hips, he finds a rhythm.

My body tightens as I feel myself getting close, Jackson's cock hitting deep. Both of them move faster and harder, the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing off the walls, broken only by Jackson's gasps and moans.

“Oh fuck, Jackson, right there,” I moan as he thrusts into me at just the right angle. I reach between us and start pumping my dick, hovering on the edge of orgasm.

Jackson is dripping sweat and only making unintelligible sounds, no longer capable of forming words. His face is tight, screwed up in concentration.

“Come for us, Jackson. Fill me up.” I tell him.

He cries out, slowing his thrusts but hitting harder, deeper. My cock erupts, shooting ropes of hot cum that splash onto Jackson's abs. Lukas speeds up, fucking Jackson hard and fast, pressing him against my body.

Jackson yells and I get to see the moment that the prostate orgasm hits him. His whole body tenses and jerks. He lets out a long, guttural moan as he throws back his head in ecstasy.

Lukas thrusts with rhythmic grunts, pulling out and shooting his cum all over Jackson's back.

Jackson collapses on top of me, his cock still lodged in my ass. Lukas drops next to us, reaching for me with one hand, pulling my face in for a passionate kiss. When his hand disappears and Jackson moans a little, I know he's massaging Jackson so he won't be too sore.

Eventually, we manage the initiative to get up and clean ourselves off before collapsing in the big bed and falling fast asleep. Considering everything that is happening, my fear for Bennet and the future, I sleep better than I have in weeks.

I rouse once in the middle of the night, as Jackson stumbles around in the dark to find his pants.
