Page 66 of Retribution

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What are we going to do? The panic builds again, like a pressure cooker.

Light floods into the room and then retreats as someone comes in, closing the door behind them. Six pads over, stepping up onto the wooden bedframe to kneel behind me. She wraps her arms around my body, resting her cheek against my back.

We sit there quietly for several minutes before I speak as softly as I can. “I'm sorry. I don't know what to do here…”

Using my good hand to pull her around so she is straddled on my front, I rest my forehead against hers and let out a slow breath. “I love you, Six. And I will do anything it takes to keep you safe. Anything.”

“I know. I know,” she repeats softly, soothing me.

I feel ashamed of my outburst, but there's also too much fear and doubt and…love. Overwhelming, all-encompassing love.

My fear is she'll sacrifice herself to fix the world, to save other people. My doubt says the doctor couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to allow or even encourage it. My love will burn down the world to keep it from happening.

Holding my injured hand, she unwraps the towel to examine my cut up and rapidly swelling knuckles. “I'm not sure how productive this was. Doesn't it hurt?”

“Honestly, I can't feel anything.”

Six re-wraps the hand towel around my knuckles and releases my hand. She holds my face in her hands, kissing a path from my temple to my jaw. Her lips fold into mine in what starts as a sweet, gentle kiss. But she presses into me, her tongue licking at the seam of my mouth. I let her in, tangling her tongue with mine.

What was originally an innocent position to hold her becomes something else entirely as my cock seems to realize that Six is straddling my near-naked body. Her kiss grows deeper and my hands find her thighs, pulling her tighter against my body. I kiss her like my life depends on it, and maybe it does, because I don't think I could survive without her.

Standing, I carry her over to the small couch against the wall. Laying her down, I drop the towel from my waist and cover her body with mine, caressing and kneading her body as I remove her clothes. Pulling away to slip her shorts and panties from her legs, I let my eyes roam over her body.

I'll never get enough of her.

And I'll never let them take her from me.

Keeping my injured hand fisted to hold the towel in place, I hold Six's arms above her head as my other hand trails down her body, lightly scraping my fingers over her breasts and down her hips. My fingers reach her heat, parting the wet folds of her core. She's always so wet and ready for me, for us.

Dipping in and out of her tight channel, my fingers spread her wetness over one nipple. I bend down to pull it into my mouth, devouring the taste of her while my fingers return to her pussy to roll against her clit. Her back bows off the couch, soft moans tumbling from her lips.

Spreading her thighs with my knee, I run the length of my shaft through her slick wetness, rubbing against her clit until she's squirming and whimpering. Grinding into her until she shudders, I push inside her just as she comes.

Her breathy moans turn into cries as she stretches to accommodate me. I'm not gentle, but I know now that she can take it. And the way her legs tighten around me as her hips rise to meet me thrust for thrust, each impact driving her to cry out louder, lets me know she loves it. And when her walls clamp down around me so tightly that it takes force to keep moving, it drives me crazy.

Bending over her, I capture her mouth to swallow her cries of passion, kissing her through the rhythmic pulse of her orgasm.

“Did you feel that?” She whispers in my ear before biting down on the corded muscle of my neck.


Her climax makes her wetter, enabling me to move inside her faster and harder. Letting go of her hands, I grip her thighs, pushing her legs against her torso and sitting up on my knees. Pistoning my cock into her mercilessly, I pour all of my aggression and anxious energy into her as I slam into her body, each hit reverberating through our bodies. Her head is thrown back, throat exposed, arms reaching to find something to hold on to as I furiously drive into her.

Her cries become raspy as she closes in on another orgasm. Feeling my climax build at the base of my spine, I reach down and pinch her clit as I thrust. She screams and her body spasms, her tight muscles squeezing the cum from my body as I fill her.

Still inside her, I release her body and hold her against me, laying back so she can collapse on top of me instead of the other way around. My cock twitches with the flutters of her aftershocks, her hips grinding against me softly as she comes down.

Six nuzzles her face into my neck as we lay there, trying to catch our breaths.

“Are you alright?” She whispers, her lips grazing the sensitive skin beneath my ear.

“I'm not sure yet,” I answer honestly. I feel…better. More in control.

We lay like this until our heart rates come down and I have to move, in danger of growing hard again and never letting her leave this room.

“We should probably go back. I need to apologize to Jackson.”

“Okay,” she agrees, but doesn't immediately get up.
