Page 58 of Retribution

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“I've never been shopping before,” Six pouts.

“It's not going to be exciting. It's just a department store where we can get everything,” Luis tells her, but she just blinks back at him.

“I'm not even entirely certain what that is. But I'm excited. I haven't had the chance to go out in public yet.”

My mind immediately lists all the bad things that could happen. Is anyone still looking for her? Would they have figured out that we're here? Is it safe to take her in public?

“Luis might be right. We don't know if it's safe yet, and we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves,” I say, looking at her overly large scrubs.

The scathing look she cuts me is almost enough to burn.

Throwing up my hands, I try to atone without laughing at her anger. It's cute. She would hate it if she knew I thought that, though.

“I'm sorry. I just want you to be safe.”

Micah comes up behind her, bending low to her ear. “I had something I wanted to try, anyway,” he says suggestively.

Her face immediately flushes. I can tell she's struggling to decide if the battle is worth it now.

Luis chuckles, kissing her on the cheek. “I'll be back in half an hour to feed you. I'm bringing lo mein, just like we ate when you were in the hospital.”

She perks up a little at that, giving Luis a begrudging smile and walking with him towards the door.

“Fine. But can you grab some of my protein shakes? I liked the salted caramel flavor, if they have it.”

“You got it, pretty girl. Lock the door behind me, okay?” She abides, leaning her back against the door after she closes and locks it.

“This is bullshit,” she exclaims, sarcastically I think, sounding like Jackson.

Letting out a huff of air, Six kicks off her shoes. In the process, she manages to trip on the long hem of the scrub pants. Because they're so loose, they end up slipping and falling down her legs.

Micah lunges forward to catch her, but misses and ends up tripping. They both fall to the floor, the baggy pants still tangled around Six's ankles.

I was already grinning at Six's little temper fit, but I am absolutely rolling now. Thankfully, I'm not the only one. The two of them are cracking up as well.

I'm laughing so hard, there are tears rolling down my face.

Trying to form words through his laughter, Micah checks on Six. “Are you hurt?”

“Only my self esteem,” she says, trying to catch her breath.

Micah reaches over and yanks the pants off her feet, throwing them across the room. “These are dangerous. No more pants for you.”

“Is that so?” she asks, crawling over his body to straddle him right there on the floor.

I feel a little guilty about Jackson laying in the other room, probably curious about what all the ruckus was, but I have the most delicious view of Six's naked ass up in the air as she leans forward to kiss Micah. I also have a good view of Micah's growing erection. These scrubs leave little to the imagination, especially considering his lack of underwear.

Settling back in my seat, I stroke my own erection through the thin pants. I can't hear what they're saying, but I hear the low tone of Micah's voice as he whispers in her ear.

Even from this far away, I can tell how wet Six is already. Her desire over whatever Micah is telling her is apparent in the glistening wetness of her lower lips. His hand caresses down between their bodies to dip into those folds, spreading the wetness and massaging her clit.

Enraptured, I watch the way her muscles clench, her thighs spread apart over Micah's hips. Her body rocks into the movements of his fingers as he alternates between rubbing her and dipping inside her.

“Take your cock out, Micah,” I instruct him in a husky voice.

Lifting Six slightly, Micah pushes his pants down his legs and kicks them off before settling her back where she was. His cock is hard as steel, jutting up behind her ass.

They don't move, although I can tell from the way Six is squirming that she'd rather not wait. If I thought for a moment that they might have forgotten they had an audience, I am sorely mistaken. They are waiting for my next instruction.
