Page 51 of Retribution

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Lukas is thorough and attentive, like my body is talking to him and he's listening to every word. His tongue dips into my core, plunging deep inside me, then running up my folds to circle my clit. He sucks gently, and then starts over. Tongue inside, licking up, circle the clit and suck.

He repeats this process, applying the perfect amount of pressure to each individual part of my pussy. He kisses and sucks and licks me until my body is a taut string, one pluck away from breaking. I'm rocking against him, soft cries and mewls tumbling from my mouth until I'm hovering on an invisible ledge. My body tightens, instinctively holding myself back from falling, but Lukas reads me like a book. His mouth clamps over my clit, that tongue of his flicking with exactly the right amount of pressure. My hips buck and my hands reach down, my fingers threading into his hair as I essentially rub myself against his face.

Lukas flicks his tongue faster and harder against my clit, two fingers entering me just as I fall over the ledge. The sudden intrusion, along with having something to grip onto, intensifies my orgasm. I come in pulsing waves, crying my release.

Climbing up my body, Lukas settles himself between my legs, entering me in one slow, deep thrust that has my hips lifting to meet him. Wrapping my legs around him tightly, I relish the delicious fullness, reaching up to kiss my climax from his lips. The taste of myself on his tongue sends sparks down my spine.

Lukas kisses me deeply, his tongue dipping into my mouth in time with his slow thrusts. Each time he pulls back and thrusts into me, he rolls his body, undulating his hips. The movement hits every spot just right, each push and roll rubbing against my clit and bringing me closer to the edge again.

It occurs to me that Lukas isn't just fucking me on the bathroom floor. Of all places and all times to do it, he is making love to me right now. Hot, slow, orgasmic, passionate love. The realization sends a jolt through my whole body, from the roots of my hair down through the tips of my toes. My orgasm has me clenching and squeezing Lukas' hard length, each ripple of my muscles pulling his climax from his body.

He comes with a cry that makes me catch my breath, raspy and filled with emotion. His body doesn't stop moving, his cock pulsing inside me for minutes on end, until we both finally come down.

Of all the things that sex has been for me, and that I knew it to be, I never realized it could be so beautiful. Overwhelmed, I wrap my arms around him. With his head on my chest and arms wrapped around my waist, we lay there just holding each other, until the silence gets loud and we know we have to move.

Lukas eventually breaks the silence. “It took all of this happening for me to realize just how important everyone has become to me. Especially you and Micah, but all of them. Every single one of these guys has become such an important part of my life and I cannot imagine living life without all of us. We really are a family.”

Looking into his eyes and seeing the emotion there has me at a loss for words. “I feel the same way,” is all I can manage without breaking down into more tears. The words feel insufficient. Any words would feel insufficient.

The exhaustion has truly set in. I really don't want to get up from the bathroom floor, but the water has been running now for who knows how long.

With an exaggerated sigh that makes me smile, Lukas pulls himself up off the ground and helps me to stand. The hot water of the shower helps soothe some of the ache in my muscles and clear the fog from my mind.

Wrapped in towels, we emerge from the bathroom to hear Jackson's voice.

However weak and hoarse his voice is, the fact that he is already making jokes is a balm to my soul.

“You're awake!” I exclaim, running over to his bedside. “How do you feel?”

Careful not to get near his legs, I perch on the edge of the bed near his good shoulder.

“You're naked,” he says distractedly, running a hand over my exposed thigh.

“Must not be feeling too poorly.” I laugh, but I'm so relieved I could cry. “You’re lucky I’m so happy to see you awake and joking around. I could kill you for risking your life like that.”

“It was me or you, darlin’. There was no choice.”

“And we’ll be forever thankful for it, man. I’m just glad you’re okay.” Micah squeezes Jackson's hand as he stands, turning his attention back to me and Lukas. “I think we have a solution for clothes. I just have to go visit the nurse's station real quick.”

Lukas watches him leave with a curious look, but obviously can't follow because he, too, is covered only with a towel. He faces Jackson.

“Now that you're awake, I wasn't sure if you wanted us to notify anyone that you're here. Do you want me to call the Coolsons or anything?”

“They probably wouldn't answer. You know they use one of those old ass flip phones and it doesn't have Wi-Fi, so they've only been checking in when the ship ports. I'm pretty sure they're on the Alaska leg of their trip, so it might be a few days before we hear from them. To be honest, I'm not sure how much I want to tell them. They've got an entire week left, I don't want to ruin it.”

“They'd want to know,” Lukas says. He has a soft spot for Jackson's adopted grandparents, especially Mrs. Coolson.

“I know. But I don't want them canceling the rest of the trip to worry over me.”

“Besides,” says Luis, “we still don't have any updates on Bennet or what we're doing next. Tony said there's a lot more to the BioCere stuff. He wants us to talk to the feds, but I'm hoping we'll have a chance to actually talk to Bennet before we make a decision.”

“A lot more like what?” I can't help but still be on edge. Even knowing Jackson Adley is dead isn't enough to calm my nerves.

“I don't know yet. We need to focus on everyone being physically okay before we worry about anything else.”

I know he's right, but I want to be sick. I feel, deep in my bones, that this isn't over yet.

Lukas comes over and puts an arm around me. “You're pale as a ghost, Six. We'll figure it out, one thing at a time.”
