Page 32 of Retribution

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“Whenever I think about him and what he's going through, about my fear of what could happen to him or any of you when we go in there tonight… I feel like I'm falling through some kind of tunnel, deeper and deeper, until I'm worried I won't be able to come up for air.” Her eyes spaced out a bit. “It's easier to distract myself and pretend it isn't happening for a little while, so I don't go under.”

“Is that why you're in here now?”

She nodded. “I couldn't sleep. I just kept falling into the tunnel.”

“And you want to use me to dissociate?” It's exactly what she did in the hospital when she had her exam. And as much as she's been jumping all our bones these past few days, it's not too surprising.

“No. I want you to use me. Use me until I can't think of anything outside of my body.”

Fuck if that didn't make my already hardened cock throb. I stalked towards her.

“You shouldn't say things like that, pretty girl.”

“Why not? It's the truth.”

I combed my fingers through my hair. “I have a hard time controlling myself around you as it is.”

“And I told you before that I don't need you to control yourself.”

“I could hurt you, Six.”

She stood up on the bed, her posture strong and defiant. “I heal fast… And I kind of…like it when it hurts.”

Involuntarily, a growling sound emanated from my chest. It felt like my veins were vibrating and my dick got so hard I had to unbutton my pants and pull it up against my stomach to relieve some pressure. Is this what being on drugs is like?

She is a drug. Strong. Euphoric. Addictive.

I crossed the room in three strides. With her standing on the bed, it put me eye level with her pussy and I couldn’t wait to have her. I linked my arms under her knees and picked her up so she was effectively straddling my face. Burying my face right in her delicious wetness, I turned and backed her up against the wall. I relentlessly assaulted her clit with my tongue until I felt her body tighten, and then I bit down on her clit. She screamed so loudly that I was surprised Lukas didn't come in to yell at us. They had to have heard it even from across the house.

Letting her slide down the wall to wrap her legs around my waist, she pawed at my clothes until I pulled my shirt over my head and let my pants drop. I walked us into the bathroom and set her on the sink so I could pull down my boxer briefs.

Her hands roamed my body, tracing the lines of my tattoos until she reached the spot on my pec where she bit me nearly a week ago. She brushed a finger against the nearly healed scar, trailing her hands down. Taking my cock in both hands, she explored and stroked me.

I was so focused on the feel of her hands on me, I thought nothing of her leaning forward to nuzzle and kiss my chest. The moment her teeth sunk in, much harder and deeper than last time, I snapped.

My hands flew to her throat, lifting her off the sink and turning her around so her back was against my chest. In one quick movement, I bent her over the sink, parted her legs with my knee, and slammed inside of her.

One hand at her hip, and the other holding her down, I railed her so hard it left bruises on the front of her thighs. In her struggle to find somewhere to hold on, Six accidentally smashed the toothbrush holder and ripped the towel ring off the wall.

“Is this what you wanted?” I gritted out.

When she didn't answer, I pulled out and spun her around. Sitting her on top of the sink, I pushed her knees up to her shoulders, the back of her neck pushed against the mirror, my cock positioned at her entrance. It looked like an uncomfortable position, honestly.

“I asked you a question, Six. Is. This. What. You. Wanted.” I punctuated my words by thrusting into her, hard.

She cried out with each slow, rough thrust. “Yes!”

Struggling against me, she tried to reposition herself more comfortably. But I held her in place, watching her stretched pussy take every inch of me. Letting go of one of her knees, I shoved my thumb in her mouth, effectively fish hooking her when I pulled it out.

She tried to lower her legs, but I pushed them back up again.

“Hold your legs,” I ordered her. She complied, biting her lip as she gripped her knees and held them up.

Now that my hands were free, I used them to push her over the edge. I used my wet thumb to rub circles on her swollen clit while my other hand pinched one of her nipples. She came with a high pitched keening sound, clenching around me so hard I almost followed her over the edge. But I gritted my teeth, savagely pounding into her tight body while I continued rubbing her clit.

She threw her head back. “Fuck, that's enough. I can't…” she panted.

But I was a man possessed at that point. I fucked her like a barbarian until she came again, this time so hard that liquid sprayed out around my cock and she clamped down so hard that I couldn't thrust into her at the same rate. I had to slow down, releasing her legs to wrap around me.
