Page 20 of Retribution

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While Micah rubs her in circles, I resume tongue fucking her until her body is trembling for release. Abruptly, I stop, earning a cry of frustration.

My face is coated in her juices as I bend down close to her face, grasping her chin in my hands as I crash my mouth against hers. My tongue roughly lashes against hers, feeding Six her own arousal before straightening up and smacking her again, right over her sopping wet pussy. The mattress muffles her shout.

Grabbing a handful of hair at the nape of her neck, I force her head up. It's no doubt uncomfortable, trussed up as she is, but the way her lips are parted tells me she doesn't mind too much.

“Did you get your fill of Jackson's cock last night, baby? Or do we need to feed you some more?”

Her tongue darts out to lick her lips, pupils blown. She swallows harshly before answering, her voice strained and husky.

“More, please.”

My gaze moves to the man next to me. “Pull it out and show her what you have for her, Micah.”

Without Micah pushing her shoulders down, I pull her head up so she is eye level with the waistband of his sleep pants as he releases himself. Six stares, openmouthed, as Micah's thick cock bobs right in front of her face.

“Sit, Micah.” He doesn't balk in the slightest as he follows my orders, sitting with his legs open right in front of Six's face.

“Do you want Micah's thick cock in your mouth?”

“Yes.” It comes out a whimper, but I hear the consent I’m waiting for.

Pulling her closer to Micah's lap, I guide her head down. “Open up, baby,” I instruct, using my grip on her nape to lower her mouth over Micah's cock.

Micah hisses out a breath as I slowly guide her head all the way down until his cock is in her throat. I hold her there until I can see tiny streams of spit pooling around the base of his cock.

Arousal chokes my voice as I guide her head up and down Micah's shaft.

“Look how well you take Micah's thick cock. You're so beautiful with your lips stretched around him.”

She moans around him, the vibrations pulling a groan from Micah. The strain in his corded neck muscles tells me he's getting close.

“Take him a little harder, baby. That's it, gag on Micah's big cock like a good girl.” Her eyes are watering and she gags a little as I push her harder and faster. Her thighs flex as she tries to clench them, unable to move from her spread position.

“Fuck,” Micah chokes out.

“Hold her, Micah.” I relinquish control of her head, Micah holding her on either side of her face as she continues to bob up and down.

I move to kneel behind her, tracing my fingers up the inside of her drenched thighs. Her pussy is so deliciously wet. She is dripping, a wet spot forming on the sheets below her. She shivers and moans at my touch as I cup her sex, slipping two fingers inside her.

Momentarily, she fights Micah's grasp, releasing his cock. A stream of spit keeps her lips attached to him as she begs.

“Please, Bennet.”

Releasing my impossibly hard cock, I rub the tip over her entrance as she moans and returns to suck Micah's dick. She only pauses when I push inside, her moan muffled around the cock in her mouth.

Fucking hell, she's tight and hot, the heat of her body gripping my cock for all it's worth. I'm not sure I'd be able to move at all if she weren't so slippery.

“Oh fuck, I'm going to come.” Micah shouts out a warning as Six's throat is forced down with each of my slow thrusts. She gags again as Micah's body stiffens.

Reaching forward to grab the back of her hair, I pull her off Micah's cock just in time for the splash of semen to land on her neck and chest. Holding her hair with one hand, I use the other to release her arms. I give her a moment to let the blood rush back through her limbs as I roll my hips, watching my glistening cock slide in and out of her body.

Her moans are like otherworldly music.

Almost involuntarily, my pace increases. “I'm going to take you hard and fast, baby. Are you ready for me?”

“Yes. Fuck. Yes.” Her cries are breathy and staccato from the force of my thrusts.

Keeping a tight grip on her hair with one hand, I speed up my thrusts. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, the wet squelches of my cock moving in and out of her impossibly wet pussy, and the sounds of her sweet cries fill the room.
