Page 107 of Retribution

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“DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!” He yells, his face red with anger.

When I don’t back down or cower, he takes a breath, running his hands roughly through his hair.

“You can’t do this,” he says bluntly. “You can’t just put yourself in danger, knowing what we all went through to get Bennet back, and how much worse it would have been if it had been you. When Adley pulled you into that room and I didn’t know what was happening, I went wild, Six. I didn’t even see the faces of the men I killed, and then shot point blank for so much as following orders to come after you…I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you.”

“How else are we going to draw them out, Luis? We can’t just let them go on like they are, creating more genetic clones and torturing people. I can’t look into the eyes of another me and end their life as a kindness. I have to do something to stop this.”

“We’ll figure something out, but this is not the answer. Putting you in danger is not the answer. Think of what would happen if you died, or if we couldn’t get you back for any reason. Think of how much that would break Bennet, knowing everything he went through was for nothing. Think of how it would tear apart Lukas and Micah. Jackson would spiral. And I…I would burn everything down coming after you. None of us would ever eat, sleep, or go on living without you. You can’t do this to them. You can’t do this to me.”

Luis is more than angry. His tone is cold, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by me that he doesn’t use his pet name for me even once. He balls his fists, the tension in his arms threatening the fibers of the shirt he’s wearing. His face is strained and red, pupils blown, a vein in his forehead throbbing. His whole body is radiating tension, but there’s something more. Desperation and fear are the driving force of this reaction, and that burns me from the inside out.

Normally, when I step up to any of them, they come to me. They stoop down or lift me up to their level. Luis’ spine is ramrod straight, though. He’s not giving in. Everything about his demeanor says to get away.

But I’m not afraid of him.

His hands are down at his sides, like he’s holding them there to control the urge to throttle me. They’re squeezed tight, and no matter how much I attempt to snake my hand into one of his, his fists won't open. I try pulling on the lapels of his shirt to get him down on my level, to kiss him and comfort him. When he doesn’t respond, I fight fire with fire.

Anger builds inside me, and I act before I think, ripping his shirt open. Buttons snap and fly off in all different directions. His white undershirt is thin, the black lines of his tattoos showing through the material. He barely reacts, his eyes flashing before he schools his features again, looking down at me passively.

“You might be mad, but ignoring me is cruel,” I say, pushing him. No reaction.

Leaning forward, I bite down on his pec, hard enough that blood wells up and soaks into the wet spot left behind by my mouth.

That has the desired effect, and Luis can no longer ignore me. The thin string that keeps him together, taut and strained in his current anger, snaps.

Luis lifts me up and slams me against the wall. But instead of yelling at me, instead of screaming in my face and raging like I expected him to, he kisses me. Roughly, painfully, our teeth clashing together as he presses me into the wall with his hips, his hands pushing the skirt of my dress up to my waist.

Reaching down, Luis tears the fabric of my panties right off my body, throwing them off to the side. Releasing his belt buckle, he frees his erection from his jeans, pulling it from his boxer briefs as his jeans fall around his muscular thighs.

Locking arms beneath my knees, he slams into me in one hard stroke. My pussy stretches to accommodate him, and I cry out at the pain, like fire burning through my core. His powerful arms hold me open as he drives into me relentlessly, each thrust forcing the air from my body.

As quickly as the pain takes hold, it turns to something else. My cries become moans and panting as spasms of pleasure fissure through my body. The painful stretching becomes a throbbing need and quickly builds to a peak as my climax threatens.

Luis, holding me wide open as he thrusts into me, looks down at where our bodies are joined. I watch his expression as he watches his big, thick cock move in and out of my screaming pussy. The moment his gaze snaps to mine, I explode.

My orgasm tears through me, my walls pulsing and greedily milking Luis’ cock as he follows me over the cliff with a guttural grunt. He holds me there, thighs spread wide, back aching from where I was hitting against the wall.

Before he pulls out of me, he looks deep into my eyes and growls, “You’re not going anywhere, pretty girl.” Then he drops me unceremoniously, pulls up his pants, and removes his torn shirt. He uses it to wipe away the mess between my thighs before he throws it on the ground with my tattered panties. Before he turns to walk away, he wraps a hand around my throat, pushing me back against the wall and kissing me deeply.

I stand there for a moment, dumbfounded, as he turns on his heel and stalks back down the hallway. Once I’m able to catch my breath and collect my thoughts, I follow him back to the dining room.

When we get back, everyone is tense and looking worried. Jackson has a phone pressed to his ear, pacing the room while he speaks in calming tones.

Lukas catches us up with what’s going on. “Looks like you were right about them already looking for you. Mr. and Mrs. Coolson are okay, and we’re just waiting for word that it’s safe for us to go back and assess the damage.”

“We thought Adley didn’t know about the B&B,” I say, worried.

“This Johnson guy might be smarter.”

Agent Tova takes a call and then announces that we’re ready. We exit the building and pile back into the limo, but this time we get a protective detail. There are black SUVs with flashing lights in front of and behind us.

With our official escort, we make it back to the estate in record time. As we pull in, my heart drops when I see an ambulance parked on the side of the house, close to the path to the Coolson’s house.

The limo barely rolls to a stop before we swing the doors open and run across the driveway to find Mr. and Mrs. Coolson sitting on the back of the ambulance. My breath is shaky with relief when I spot them looking healthy and unhurt.

They stand when they notice we’ve arrived, coming forward to hug Jackson first, then the rest of us.

“Are you both alright?” Jackson asks, holding them both at arm’s length so he can look them over.
