Page 101 of Retribution

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Holding his impressive erection with one hand, he rubs the head of it around her lips as if he were applying lipstick. Six sticks out her tongue, licking him before he pushes the head of his cock inside her mouth. Her mouth opens wide, stretching around his thickness, barely able to take more than a few inches.

Some guys might feel intimidated by seeing their girl struggle to take a huge cock, but I am hard and turned on as ever, absentmindedly stroking myself as I watch her lips stretch, eyes watering. Luis is as gentle as he can be, working into her mouth bit by bit. I’m transfixed, startling out of my voyeuristic paralysis by a loud smack.

Six cries out in surprise, causing her to jerk forward and choke herself on Luis’ cock.

Bennet has joined the group, doling out Six’s punishment, caressing and soothing the spot where he smacked her before spanking her again. She yelps every time, taking Luis a little deeper as he thrusts into her, slow and controlled, still only getting in about halfway before her mouth can’t take anymore.

Micah is having a little too much fun pinning Jackson down. He’s pinching his ass and patting it like a drum, and now has spread apart his ass cheeks to blow on his crack.

“Dude, that’s not fair! Okay, okay, okay…My safe word is ‘Anaconda’ because if Luis gets near me, my buns don’t want none.”

More than one person snorts, trying to hold back their laughter.

Taking inspiration from Bennet, I move behind Jackson. Gesturing to Micah to get ready to hold him, I caress my fingers over his ass before landing a hard smack.

“Oh, fuck!” Jackson squeals.

Six moans around Luis’ cock, earning her a smack right over her pussy that only causes her to moan louder, the muffling of her high pitched mewls only make it hotter.

We trade smacks and moans until Six’s pussy is so wet there is wetness sliding down her leg. Jackson is so hard and worked up that he is pressing his hips into the bed, trying to get any kind of friction.

Micah reaches out and pulls my neck down so he can take my mouth in a searing kiss. Pressed into Jackson’s back and ass, we hold each other’s erections, stroking and thrusting into each other.

“Oh holy night, this is fucking torture,” Jackson whines, earning himself his hardest smack yet.

On the other end of our human chain, Luis is dirty talking Six.

“You take it so good, pretty girl. I love seeing your mouth stretched around my big cock, feeling you choke every time your ass gets smacked.” He looks up at Bennet. “She takes her punishment so well, don’t you think, brother?”

“She does indeed. Such a good girl. Lukas, don’t you love the way her ass lights up for us?”

A nod is all I can manage at the moment.

“I think maybe it’s time for a little reward, don’t you think?”

Micah shifts off Jackson’s back, down his ass like a playground slide. Bennet is untying one of his ankles from the bed, so I reach down and untie the other.

“Flip him over,” Bennet whispers to Micah.

Micah grabs Jackson’s hips while I control his shoulders, flipping him onto his back. In this position, his face is only inches from being right beneath Six’s pussy. Bennet reaches over and releases Six’s hands so she can steady herself, and I push Jackson’s body up so she is hovering right over his face.

His arms and hands loose, he reaches up to hook his arms around Six’s thighs, pulling her down onto his mouth. Six cries out, rubbing herself on his face as he licks and sucks, drawing out little moans of pleasure. She finds a rhythm where she is rocking against Jackson's face, using the momentum to bob up and down on Luis’ cock. She pulls her mouth away, saliva pouring over her chin.

“More!” she cries, before wrapping her lips around Luis’s cock again, taking him as deep as she can manage.

Bennet smacks her pussy and inserts two fingers, pumping in and out, drawing her wetness out until it’s dripping over his hand and down her thighs.

“Fuck, Six. Always so responsive, so ready for us.”

She pulls off again, crying “more!” louder before Luis grabs her face in both hands and shoves his cock into her mouth. He fucks her face, less gently this time, thrusting his hips and stuffing as much of himself into her mouth as he can, which is still barely more than half of what he has to give her.

Bennet leans close to her ear, commanding her in a low voice as tears wet her face. “Come for us, Six. Jackson needs to be lubed up so Micah and Lukas can fuck him.”

Six’s eyes roll back into her head and she gurgles, her body tensing. Micah presses his dick against Jackson’s as he leans over to pump his fingers into Six as she comes, working a handful of slick wetness from her body.

I’m about to step out and grab my bottle of lube, because I can’t not fuck Micah while he’s fucking Jackson, while he’s face fucking Six, and so on. But Bennet is ready for me, passing me a tube that I use to palm over my cock, slicking me up.

Micah gathers the cum from Six’s trembling body and, pushing his knees up against his body, spreads it over Jackson’s ass. When he inserts a finger, working into him to loosen and spread him, he groans.
