Page 83 of Progeny

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“Teamwork makes the dream work!” Jackson high-fives Micah.

I mutter under my breath. “Seems to be a theme today.”

My sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed, earning some snickers from around the room. Micah looks especially pleased with himself. Neither he nor Lukas hold back when they kiss Six goodbye.

Luis watches everyone, ever the observant one, with a raised eyebrow. It seems we’ve all been getting closer to Six as the days pass. No one seems to mind that there are five of us and one of her. I’m pretty possessive, but oddly, I don’t mind sharing with them. She’s perfect for us.

Luis and Jackson head upstairs, leaving the two of us alone for the first time since we arrived at the estate.

“What’s my assignment, Boss Man?”

I briefly entertain a fantasy where I bend her over the table and make her beg some more, but we have work to do. Instead, I gesture to the chair next to me and open a laptop. I open up the link for the CCTV footage, showing her how to speed up, slow down, and freeze the footage whenever she needs to.

She gets to work and I dial my PI. He picks up on the first ring.

“Hello Vince, what have you got for me?”

I don’t waste any time getting to the point, and neither does he.

“This is no warehouse. I think it’s some kind of medical facility. The employees I’ve observed have all been wearing scrubs, and I caught some white coats walking around with my drone footage. This place is locked up pretty tight. I’m sending you all the footage and photos I took, in case you notice something I don’t.”

“What other security features did you notice?”

“Chain-link fence, likely electrified. Barbed wire, armed guards at the entrance, and regular patrols. I timed the patrols and noted any shift changes.”

“Anything else?”

“I spotted your father at the facility. There was a suit waiting for him. They shook hands and went inside. Whatever they were talking about, though, it didn’t look like a happy exchange. Your father looked pissed.”

“Were you able to get a photo of this other guy?”

“Yes, it’s in the package.”

“Thank you, Vince. I’ll look at your footage and let you know if I have any further instructions. Until then, I’d appreciate it if you could camp out for another 24 hours. Let me know if there are any changes or if you get eyes on my father again.”

“Will do, Sir.”

As soon as I disconnect the call, I pull up the photos Vince sent me. Like he said, most of the people coming and going are in scrubs. I scroll through most of the photos pretty quickly, noting the zoomed-in photos that confirm BioCere, Inc. badges.

I keep scrolling until I find the photo of my father. He’s shaking hands with another man who looks to be around my father’s age, wearing an expensive but ill-fitting suit. His too-dark hair is combed back, likely to cover a bald spot, and the skin of his neck is loose. He’s wearing a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and looks troubled, almost afraid.

“He’s not wearing a badge.” I startle, not realizing Six is standing next to me.

“Good catch. Interesting. That might mean he’s someone in a position of power, or he could be visiting like my father.”

“That’s your father?”

I point to the taller of the two men. “That’s him right there.”

“He does not look happy. I wonder what happened.”

A terrible thought occurs to me.

“What if you happened?”

Opening another folder, I find the security footage photo of the uniformed men that were looking for her at the hospital. I pull it up next to the photo of the guards at the facility. The uniforms, the weapons they’re carrying, and the logo on the vests are all identical.

“If those men came from this facility, that could mean I was there, or that I could be connected to BioCere in some way?”
