Page 81 of Progeny

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Her mouth falls open, her pink lips parting in an “Oh” of surprise.

“Will you kiss me?” He wastes no time, swooping down to press his lips against hers.

Bending down, he lifts her up so she can reach to lock her hands around the back of his neck, wrapping her legs around him. Setting her down on the counter, he places more kisses on her lips, waiting patiently for her next instruction.

“I’m the only one naked, I think it’s only fair you both get undressed. If you want to, that is.”

I drop my pants so fast you would have thought they were already off. Lukas pulls his shirt over the back of his head, his lean muscles contracting. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him, because he’s always wearing layers and covering himself up, but Lukas isn’t as thin as he seems. His long body is all lean muscle, and while he might not be bulky like I am, he is well defined.

Six watches me watch Lukas as he finishes undressing. “What do you want?”

She seems unsure of herself, and I get the impression she’s still asking if this is okay with us. Yesterday she mentioned not wanting to get in the way of our relationship. She’s unlikely to get past that until we get more comfortable with each other. I try to think of the best way to break the ice.

“Do you want to watch us together?” Her pupils dilate. She nods, a fog of lust settling thick over the room.

My cock twitches in anticipation as I start the shower, adjusting the temperature so the whole room gets nice and steamy. I grab a chair from the bedroom, setting it near the shower wall. Lukas sets a bottle on the counter before he leads her over to sit in the chair. She looks up at him with hooded eyes, tracing his body.

I remember my first time seeing him this way, marveling at the surprising definition of his body, the perfection of his long, hard length.

Breaking away from her, Lukas walks over to me and pulls me into a hard kiss. Our teeth clash together, tongues twisting around each other, hungry and fierce. He pushes me beneath the water, running his hands over my body as the water cascades around us. Gripping the rounds of my ass, he pulls me against him. Our cocks rub against each other like the longtime lovers they are, and I reach between us to take him in my hand. Pumping him slowly, I lower myself to my knees, my eyes on Six as she watches us open-mouthed. Her chest heaves with her quickening breaths.

I don’t play around, taking him deep into my throat, encouraging his hips to move, showing our girl how it’s done. He holds my head in his hands, thrusting his hips, his long cock hitting the back of my throat in punishing strokes. My hands hold on to his ass, feeling it flex as he fucks my face. My fingers roam, caressing down his crack. He groans when my finger presses into his hole.

Too quickly, Lukas pulls me back to my feet, kissing me and reminding us we don’t have long.

“That’s okay though,” Lukas says huskily, “Micah likes it fast and dirty, don’t you baby?”

“God yes.”

He turns me around and places my hands on the wall. Six is still watching with rapt attention, holding on to the chair with white knuckles.

“Oh my god,” she whimpers, as Lukas spreads my cheeks apart.

He licks me, teasing my ass as the water falls over us. I struggle to keep my eyes open and locked on Six when his tongue pushes inside me. The shocked, glazed look on her face as she watches us makes my body tense. Lukas pushes a finger inside me next, massaging and stretching, the pressure forcing my eyes to roll back into my head.

“Do you want to see?” Lukas beckons her over. I suppose it’s only fair, considering Bennet and I had her ass in the air only minutes ago. “Look how good he takes my fingers, stretching to get ready for me.”

Six draws in a breath and reaches out as if hypnotized, but second guesses herself and lowers her hand. She still thinks she needs an invitation.

“Do you want to touch his dick while I get him ready for mine?”

Six doesn’t just touch me, she drops to her knees and licks me up and down my shaft. I am seconds away from losing myself, the dual sensation of her mouth and his fingers enough to drive me over the edge.

Lukas pours lube over my ass, rubbing it in and around my hole. “Are you ready, baby?”

Six pulls away from me, taking the bottle of lube from Lukas. She pours a handful of the slippery liquid into her hand and spreads it over Lukas’ long, hard cock. His breath hitches.

Fuck, that’s hot.

Steadying me with a hand on my shoulder, Lukas lines himself up and slowly pushes inside me. Six watches with fascination as my ass swallows his length. Her face is flushed, nipples hard, panting just from watching us.

“You like watching me take Lukas’ big, long cock?” My voice wavers with the movement of Lukas’ shaft moving in and out of me.

Biting her bottom lip, she moans her approval.

“Touch yourself, baby girl. Come with us.”

Instead, our brave little minx kneels next to me, fisting my cock with her slippery hand, pumping in time to Lukas’ thrusts. I was already on edge, but my orgasm builds fast, her touch tipping me over the edge.
