Page 55 of Progeny

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I get comfortable on the sofa and pull out my phone to read on my Kindle app, sticking close in case I’m needed at any point. A couple of chapters in, I hear an unexpected sound emerge from the bathroom. I hesitate, wanting to allow them their privacy, but then I overthink it and start to worry if the sound was pain rather than what I originally thought. I walk over to the door, peeking inside again.

What I see when I look inside is certainly unexpected. The first thing I notice is that our girl, now scrubbed and rinsed clean, is looking amazingly healthier, and blonder. She is glowing, her cheeks flushed and mouth parted, looking down at Luis with glazed eyes. Luis looks torn between pleasure and pain, holding her hips as he moves her, grinding her into his lap as she rides him.

It’s a pretty shocking development, I hadn’t realized any of us were at this point in our new relationship and I’m pretty surprised either Micah or Luis would take it there. But what overshadows the shock, is arousal.

She looks more beautiful than ever. Aside from the fact that she’s no longer bandaged and covered in gore, the look on her face is mesmerizing. Her climax is a thing of beauty. Her eyes open wide in a sort of dazed astonishment, tilting her head back like she’s facing heaven, as she arches her body into Luis’.

My own body can’t help but respond. I’m all but holding my breath, my pants starting to tent. It’s probably one of the most erotic things I’ve ever watched, but it’s Micah that makes me lose my composure. He’s standing with his back against the opposite side of the tub, his own erection stretching out his wet boxer briefs. His mouth is open in awe, eyes hooded, a hand moving to adjust himself as he slides down to sit against the wall.

The sight of him reacting to her, my own surprising arousal at my voyeurism, is too much. I pull away from the door. It takes me a moment to decide if I should sit back down with my book. I’m a terrible liar, so I can’t pretend I don’t know what was happening in there. Not to mention that I don’t think I could hide my massive erection, nor am I certain I can ignore it. I’m about to leave and head back to my own room when Micah emerges. There’s a towel around his waist, but his own erection is still obvious.

Micah takes one look at me, standing there in my clear excitement, trying to hide my guilty face.

“I didn’t mean to… I heard something and walked in to check if everything was okay, and I saw…” I stutter, flustered beyond belief.

“I’ve never watched anyone else like that before,” he says, ignoring my embarrassment.

“Neither have I,” I admit.

I’d tried watching porn before, both gay and straight, but it never did anything for me. I preferred my own fantasies, almost always involving this man in front of me.

“I’m going back to my room,” he says. I give him space to walk by, but then he reaches out a hand, hooking my belt with his index finger. “Would you want to…”

“Yes,” I blurt out, not skipping a beat. I turn on my heel and lead the way.

The moment he walks in and the door closes behind him, I am pushed against the wall of the small entryway. Micah rips open my shirt to kiss my chest. His towel drops in the tussle, his soaking wet boxer briefs leaving very little to the imagination, his muscled body shimmering with little drops of water.

Leaning down, I lick a drop of water off the top of his shoulder, trailing heated kisses up the corded muscle and over his jaw. I was trying to take it slow, wanting to make sure our first time together after our long separation was perfect, wanting it to last all night. But our kiss quickly turns frantic.

Micah pulls back, breathing heavily. “Is this… okay?”

Is he asking if it’s okay that we’re doing this now, or is it specifically because of the reason why we’re both so worked up? I hadn’t really thought of it from that perspective, but I don’t have any issues with it. This is going to be part of a group relationship, right?

“Does it feel okay?” I ask him, wanting to know how he feels about it.

He nods, his eyes heated, chest rising and falling with his heavy breaths. I’m struck with the desire to bite him.

To answer his question, I stoop to claim his mouth again, pushing off the wall and walking him back into the room, removing the rest of my shirt while Micah extracts my belt and unbuckles my pants. We leave a trail of my clothes all the way across the room.

He braces himself on a chair as I drop to my knees in front of him and swallow his whole length at once. He hits the back of my throat as I bring a hand up to squeeze the base of his throbbing cock. I suck him hard, wanting to consume him, almost begging for him to fuck my face, but he pulls me up and kisses me roughly.

“I don’t think I can last long,” he laughs, almost timidly, and I’m on edge myself. But we’re way past the point of being timid now and I’m not having it. I need to take him now, make him mine again.

“Lube?” I barely choke out.

Micah grabs my hard cock and walks us over to the couch like it’s a leash. He pushes me down and then kneels in front of me, taking me in his mouth. He bobs up and down, spitting and slobbering all over me. When I’m sufficiently dripping, he straddles me and starts to line me up, but I’m worried it will hurt him. Preventing him from impaling himself quite yet, I hold him still and take his thick girth in my hand, pumping him until he starts to drip. Gathering every drop with my fingers, I pull my hand between our bodies and spread the slippery cum over his tight hole, slipping my fingers in and out as I stretch him. I gather more drips and then spit on my hand, spreading it over my tip before I finally allow him to line up and start sinking down.

I control the urge to thrust into him, gently rubbing around his hole as the length of me starts to disappear. The tight ring engulfs me, pulling me deeper inside him, until our thighs meet, and he is fully seated.

We pause and hold there for a moment, savoring the feeling, looking into each other’s eyes. My mouth captures his, our tongues dipping and caressing, as Micah slowly starts to move.


Micah moves himself, controlling the pace as he acclimates to having my dick back where it belongs. I’m so worked up and overcome with emotions, I know I’m not going to last long. I start pumping his dick in my fist again as his body moves more fervently, grinding down against me and then back up, impaling himself on my throbbing cock, over and over.

Our moans fill the room as we start to move faster and harder. I squeeze Micah’s dick, fisting it all the way over the sensitive head, pumping it hard while I tell him how much I missed him.

“Fuck, you’re perfect. So tight, riding my cock so perfectly. Gods, I missed you so much.” I moan, feeling him start to pulse in my hand, knowing he’s close. So am I, a tingling warmth starting to flush over my already hot skin. “Ride me hard, baby. I want to fill you up so much that you’ll have me dripping out of your ass for the rest of the day.”
