Page 53 of Progeny

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Luis uses a large cup to slowly pour water over my hairline. The warm water rinses away some of my tension, as well as a good bit of the blood and gore that has been matted there for days. Reaching for a couple of bottles, he pours shampoo into his hand and leans over me to massage the shampoo into the back and right side of my hair. It smells like lavender and rosemary. His fingers feel like magic on my scalp. After rinsing the shampoo away, he works the conditioner through my hair and gently detangles it. He rinses again and then nods to Micah to let me back up.

Micah reaches for my hands, helping me to my feet while Luis hoists the chair out of the bathtub. The air in the room feels heavy, the steam of the bath and the closeness of our bodies adding to the intoxicating atmosphere.

Luis stands behind me, close enough that I can feel his breath on the back of my neck, while Micah lathers up a loofa and begins to gently wash my stomach and the exposed part of my hips. He lowers himself into the water, gently lifting one of my knees, and I lean back. Luis supports my weight as Micah holds my leg, scrubbing in gentle circles down my knees, calves, and feet and then back up my thigh. He sets my leg down and switches his attention to do the same on the other side. I watch him through heavy eyes, weak with lust.

Micah stands to pour more body wash on the loofah, passing it behind me. My arms are held out as Luis reaches from behind me to scrub up and down each arm, his chest against my back. A very large bulge is making its presence known in the small of my back.

I blink, clearing my head. It feels like I’ve been hypnotized.

“You know, I can probably do this part myself.” I say, my voice faltering, betraying how much I don’t really mean it.

They know it too, because Micah gives me a knowing look with a quirk of his lips. Luis makes a low sound of acknowledgement that rumbles his chest as he passes the loofah over my shoulders and chest and the top of my breasts, down to my stomach once more. I can’t help but to lean back against his chest to give him more access, suppressing a sigh of pleasure.

As Luis brings the sponge around to my back, I straighten and lock eyes with Micah, who watches me intently. He steps closer, taking my arms in his as Luis scrubs my back, gently moving my hair to rest over one shoulder. He swipes the loofah up and down, up and down, up and down my body, the motion causing me to rock slightly into Micah’s chest. His face leans down close to mine, his lips not quite touching the edge of my mouth.

Luis brings the sponge over my hips and butt, washing my body over the underwear as if they aren’t even there. My skin is buzzing, every nerve ending so stimulated that I’m pretty sure I could combust if someone so much as looked at my vagina. I want desperately for someone to touch me there, to simply press into me and let me detonate.

Once they are done with their slow torture, Micah reaches for the cup again. He fills it and pours it gently over me, watching the suds as they flow over my body. I lift my chin so the water can rinse me from the neck down, and he tracks the path of the water as it pours over my body. His jaw is clenched, eyes dark with what I would think is lust, but it could be my own desire clouding my thoughts.

I turn around slowly so Micah can rinse my back, putting my hands on Luis’ chest. I trace his tattoos with my fingertip until he grabs my hand, pulling me down to sit on the bench along the edge of the tub. Sitting this low, the deliciously warm water comes up to just under my breasts. I try to relax my neck on the edge of the tub, but I’m not quite tall enough.

Luis grunts and pulls me across his lap, my head resting comfortably on his shoulder. Micah pulls my legs into his lap. There is… something… resting against my back, pushed up against Luis’ stomach. I suck in a breath, my eyes widening.

“Ignore that,” he grunts.

“Kind of hard to,” I choke out, and Micah cracks up.

Luis and I laugh too, and it helps to diffuse some of the tension. It doesn’t seem to diffuse the, er… situation at my back though. I try to shift but Luis’ hands come up and lock me in place.

“Don’t. Move.” He grunts, sounding pained.

“I’m worried I’m hurting you.”

Micah laughs again. “Oh, you’re not hurting anything. Except maybe his ego.”

I’m lost.

Micah looks at me with heat in his eyes and a mischievous grin, moving closer to whisper in my ear. I lean forward slightly, a moth to a flame.

He whispers theatrically, loud enough for Luis to hear. “He’s about one right move from losing it.”

To prove his point, he reaches forward and pushes my body, making my hips slide back into Luis’ groin.

Luis growls, snatching me back and locking me against his chest so I can’t move again. I can feel his heartbeat at my back, beating nearly as hard as mine is.

Micah is still looking at me with an evil glint in his eyes, his smirk widening as he mouths, “do it.”

My self-consciousness momentarily forgotten, I feel reckless and emboldened by Micah’s encouragement, my own aching arousal, and the large appendage behind me. I steady my hands on Micah’s arm and push my butt into Luis’ raging erection, rolling my hips.

The sound he makes, a half choke/groan, sends a quaking shiver all the way down my spine.

That sound makes me forget everything about the way I look, and I focus on how I feel. And right now, I feel empowered, in control. Every nerve ending in my body is on fire. He’s been playing with me since this morning when he dressed me.

Luis’ arm locks around my waist, holding me down. He whisper-growls into my ear, “You don’t want to do that, pretty girl.”

And then he makes the mistake of letting me go.

I give Micah a smirk to rival his own. Leaning forward, I roll my hips and press into Luis. Friction hits me in just the right spot, forcing an unexpected gasp.
