Page 83 of Head in the Game

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Jack groans when I suck at his Adam's apple, pulling his pliant flesh between my teeth. He gasps and bucks his hips when my mouth closes around the tight bud of a nipple, biting down just hard enough to not break the skin. After soothing the pain with my tongue, I continue my path downward, thinking of how much I'd wanted to touch him like this the first time I saw him in the locker room showers at Groveton. How much I wanted to possess him. I still do.

I look up at him as I reach my knees and take his cock in my hand. It twitches and drips for me. Gathering the pre-cum, I spread it over the tip and down his shaft, languidly stroking him while I run the flat of my tongue over his sack. I pull his balls into my mouth, one at a time, rolling my tongue over them and reveling in his heavy-lidded gaze as he watches me worship his cock like it's my own personal deity. Jack lets out a long breath when my mouth closes around the tip of his cock, suckling it, savoring the feel and taste of him on my tongue. I can tell he's close by the way his cut abs clench and his ass flexes. I bring him right to the edge before I release his cock with a wet pop, holding it firmly at the base to stave off his orgasm.

"Bryant," he growls, none too pleased with my game. I ignore him and grip his hips, turning him to face the shower wall.

"You made me wait," I say, justifying my cruelty. “Don’t worry, baby. You know I'll take care of you."

He moans as my hands knead his ass, spreading the supple flesh. The water from the showerhead streams down his back, pouring through his crack. I lick, suck, and slurp him loudly, drinking the water right off his ass like I've been traveling through the desert, parched and desperate for it. Jack pushes back against me when my tongue breaches his hole. He stiffens when I growl low in my throat and points to the shelf built into the tile wall, where his favorite butt plug has been abandoned.

"I was wearing it while I waited, but I kept getting too close and you were taking too long."

I retract my tongue and bite him on the underside of his round butt cheek.

"I like to be the one to stretch you out," I remind him, sounding more irritable than I actually am. Truthfully, this man can do no wrong. And the idea of him getting prepped and ready for me to fuck the daylights out of him right here in the locker room showers has me harder than steel. But he gets off on testing me, and we both get off on the punishment.

His response is cut off when I push two fingers into him at once. He hisses at the burn, and my cock twitches. Hurting him so good will never get old.

I let him relax into the intrusion before I move my fingers, slowly pumping them in and out, just barely skimming over his prostate. He pushes back against me, being the demanding little brat he is, and I press a third finger inside his tight hole.

"Fuuuck," he moans, pressing his forehead to the tile. "Bryant, please. I'm sorry, okay? I left my phone in my locker. I thought you'd come looking sooner than you did. You aren't usually so patient," he says. His attempted chuckle at his own humor is interrupted by a choked moan as I massage his prostate. I bring him to the edge again, and he cries out when I pull my fingers out of him before he can come.

I stand up and grab the small bottle of lube that sits next to the rest of Jack's toiletries, pouring some into my hand and smoothing it over my straining cock. Dripping some of the liquid between his cheeks, I rub my cock back and forth over his hole until he's whimpering and pleading for me to just fuck him already.

Leaning forward, I bite gently at the straining tendon on the side of Jack's neck before rumbling out a short list of commands.

"Hands on the wall, Jack, and don't you dare move. I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll be feeling me for days. Your ass is going to be so sore you’ll beg me to let you fuck me instead.”

“You know I like it when it hurts,” he grunts out as I tease my cock through the first ring of muscle.

His breath catches as I thrust all the way inside, his ass clenching around the base of my cock, pulsing with the oncoming orgasm I’ve been denying him.

“Don’t you even think about coming until I tell you to,” I tell him as I bite down on the back of his shoulder before digging my fingers deeper into the flesh of his hips, driving into him fast and hard.

The room echoes with the wet slaps of my skin against his, and Jack’s guttural moans as I abuse his prostate until he’s begging me to let him finish.

I’ll never be finished. I’ll never get enough of him. He’ll always be the drug that I’m addicted to, the fix I can’t live without. There is nothing more euphoric than being wrapped up in the pleasure of his body. Just being in his orbit has changed my life.

We’re happy, and we’re whole, which is something neither of us had before. However forbidden our relationship was in the beginning, there’s nothing wrong about the way we feel about each other or how we make each other better.

And no one, and I mean no one, can tell me that something that feels this right is wrong.

Every muscle in my body flexes with each thrust and roll of my hips, until electricity is shooting out from every nerve ending of my body and I know neither of us can hold back any longer. My hand reaches around his body, and I grip his cock.

“Come for me, Jack.”

The way he cries out in pleasure and the feel of his body tensing, squeezing my cock without mercy, has me following him over the edge. I pull his head back, taking his mouth in a rough kiss when he turns his face to meet mine. We kiss and writhe until I soften inside him, but I continue to press my body into his, relishing in the heat of his ass around my cock. I don’t pull out until we’ve caught our breaths and I’m in danger of getting hard again. For all my tough words, I don’t actually want to hurt him. Not too badly, at least.

My fingers trail down his crack, massaging his hole and pushing my cum back up inside him until I feel his cock twitch against my hip.

“Come on,” I say, pulling away from him with a last passionate kiss. “Let’s get you home so we can celebrate properly.”

I’d initially planned to take him home, cover his chiseled body in massage oil, and rub him until he begs for my cock. I see no reason to change my plans now.

Jack tosses me a towel and we walk through the steamy shower room hand in hand. My clothes are stuck in the doorjamb, preventing the door from closing all the way. Chuckling at the evidence of my impatience, he bends down and lifts the bundle of clothes. A box falls from the bundle, clattering loudly in the otherwise quiet room.

Jack picks up the box before I can reach it, staring at it curiously as we step into the locker room. He hands it to me, his eyes questioning the small, black, velvet-lined box that would be obvious to anyone else. But he has no idea, He has no spark of understanding or expectation other than curiosity. I’ve been carrying it around for the past month. It’s been burning a hole in my pocket, waiting for the right moment. The stress of the playoffs had me second guessing every plan I made. Then I thought I’d do it tonight, win or lose. Now I’m thinking it might be better to wait until after the biggest game of his career, because I don’t want to put any more pressure on him, and it could be a great way to celebrate or soothe the ache afterwards.

But now that he’s looking at me with that quirked eyebrow, covered only in a towel and dripping with water and my cum, I can’t think of a better moment.
