Page 79 of Head in the Game

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"The new manager lives there," he says, sounding dejected. "I hate this." He hisses when I finger the control, rolling the intensity of the vibration up and down, before leaving it on the lowest setting. I know from experience that it's just enough sensation to make you ache, but not quite enough to send the electric spikes of pleasure that nearly had us in a ditch a few minutes ago.

"I know you don't love being back here, but it's just for the night. We'll be on our flight home tomorrow afternoon, and then we can spend the rest of the night fucking each other senseless in the hot tub."

"Assuming we don't have photographers climbing the fence."

I shrug. "If they're stupid enough to work that hard for a shot of me riding your big dick…"

Bryant groans as he pulls into the parking lot. "Will you behave? I need to get this thing to go down before we go inside," he says, gesturing to the appendage in question that's currently straining against the zipper of his jeans.

My eyes are drawn to his crotch. I lick my lips, pressing my palm against my own erection. I can only imagine how much he's hurting right now. Hell, it's starting to hurt me, and I haven't been sitting on a vibrating prostate massager for nearly half an hour. After the whirlwind of a press conference, we didn’t have much time to get ready before we had to leave to make it to Tony's bar on time. We stripped and showered together, jerking each other until we were both painted in each other's cum. Wanting to distract Bryant from overthinking everything that happened today, I lubed up one of our favorite toys and sweet-talked him into letting me slip it into his ass, promising to be good for him.

I lied, of course. But damn if the punishment isn't going to be worth it later when we get back to the hotel.

"Stop looking at it, Ja—Fuuuck." He moans out several expletives as I turn the vibration higher. "Goddamn it, Jack!" he shouts as he turns the engine off. He turns and glares at me, jaw ticking until I turn it off again. "I'm going straight to the bathroom to get this thing out of me," he says, reaching for the handle.

"Aww, come on now. Don't be mad." Taking off my seatbelt, I lean over the center console, running my nose up the column of his throat before nipping at his earlobe. My hand slides up the inside of his thigh and squeezes his thick cock through the rough denim. "I'll make it all better," I whisper as I kiss a line down his jaw. Bryant's chest rumbles with a soft growl. I smirk against the stubble on his neck as I slowly undo the buttons of his jeans. My fingers tease over the large bulge of his boxer briefs, fingering the wet spot where his cock has been weeping, the pre-cum soaked through his underwear.

"Jack…" Bryant says, a warning in his tone that makes my ass clench in the most delicious way.

His fingers thread into my hair, which has grown longer than I normally keep it. The grip of his strong hand makes my scalp prickle with goosebumps. He pulls me farther over the console and takes my mouth in a punishing kiss. His tongue fucks into my mouth as he jostles to reposition us in the too-small rental vehicle. The rain falls harder, the dull roar of the water pelting against the roof competing with the sounds of our moans and heavy breaths.

Bryant pulls my head back, and my eyes cut to his lap, where he's released himself from the confines of his jeans. The thick vein that runs up the bottom of his shaft, arguably my favorite part of his body, pulses. His thick head is angry and red, glistening with a sheen of pre-cum that continuously drips from the slit. My mouth waters, and I swallow, preparing for what I know will come next.

Pulling me closer to him again, Bryant growls softly against my lips. "You should know better than to play with me, Jack."

"Or what?" I challenge, breathlessly. I feel Bryant's lips twitch against mine, just before his grip tightens and the world tilts.

My mouth opens wide as my face is forced into Bryant's lap, his thick cock pushing past my lips and thrusting all the way into the back of my throat. It takes a lot to make me gag these days, as conditioned as I've become to taking him, but I cough and choke at the onslaught. I relax into it, letting him use me until the pattern of his breaths changes. My hand surreptitiously inches to where my phone is sitting in the cup holder of the center console. Blindly, I touch the screen, swiping up, hoping that it'll move the control for the butt plug.

I end up turning it so high, I can feel the intensity of the vibrations through his pelvis. Bryant chokes out a curse and bucks roughly into my mouth, spraying hot cum down my throat with the force of a firehose. I push my hand beneath his tight balls, pressing on the plug until he makes a high-pitched keening sound that nearly has me coming in my pants. I slurp up every drop of his cum, sucking on the head of his cock until he has to throw me off him. He reaches for my phone and shuts the plug off, closing out of the app before leaning back against the headrest to catch his breath.

"Fuck," he says under his breath.

My tongue darts out to lick an errant drop of cum from the corner of my mouth, and I make a show out of savoring the taste of him. Bryant stares at my mouth for a moment before remembering where we are or what we're supposed to be here for. My phone buzzes in his hand, Luke's name flashing on the screen. I reach for it, swiping up on the screen to answer it.

"Yeah, yeah, we're outside. Just waiting for the downpour to slow down. We'll be right in."

Giving Bryant a knowing look, I lean over and press a short, sweet kiss to his full lips before giving the bottom one a little nip.

"You're going to get it," he growls.

"Oh, I'm counting on that," I say, gesturing towards the building with a nod. "But for now, I suppose we should go inside. Don't want to miss the going away party."

I smile at the familiar bar, and wonder how much Troy is going to miss being here every day. He seems genuinely excited to move in with Luke, and Luke is more than thrilled about not having to travel back and forth as much. Charlotte is a bit more progressive than Groveton, that’s for sure. And Troy is all in. He’s obviously head over heels with Luke, even flying to North Carolina whenever Luke has come up to help us out with Bryant's agency business.

"I can't believe we're really going to be living next to these yahoos."

"Not like they're going to be next door," I laugh. He’d never admit it out loud, but he loves Troy’s rowdy, obnoxious ass, and he’s always liked Luke.

Bryant hums. "Close enough," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

We open our doors at the same time, ducking out into the rain that doesn't show any signs of slowing down. My t-shirt is plastered to my skin by the time we make it through the small parking lot, and I'm regretting not wearing a jacket. I don't have too much time to overthink it, though, because the moment we open the door, the bar explodes into a loud chorus of, "Surprise!”

"What the?—"

My eyes widen in shock as I look around the bar, full of people that we know and were definitely not expecting to see tonight. This was supposed to be a going away party for Luke and Troy, not a?—

I bark out a laugh when I register what's happening. Bryant looks at me, unamused confusion furrowing his brow. I point at the large banner hanging over the bar.
