Page 77 of Head in the Game

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Normally I'm the top, but there's something… I don't know, more intimate, about being the bottom, when you're normally the dominant one. By giving up that control, I feel like I’m giving him part of me.

And it also feels really fucking good.

Jack crawls up from the bottom of the bed, taking my half hard cock in his mouth. By the time he's licked and sucked all the remnants of my cum off my shaft, I'm erect and fucking ready to go all goddamn night. With his mouth full of spit and cum, Jack leans down between my legs and spits, rubbing his tongue around my hole before pressing a finger inside. I moan at the intrusion, and gasp when he takes me in his mouth again, adding a second finger. He alternates between sucking and fingering me, and spitting and licking my ass, until I can take a third finger comfortably. Then he lines up his cock and presses inside me.

He bottoms out, and then pulls out and thrusts back in a few times. He watches his cock move in and out of me for a while, before looking up at me with lust blown eyes. Pushing me back further on the pillows, he licks my neck and sucks at my Adam's apple before his thrusts speed up and his hands press on the back of my thighs. The angle hits me just right, slamming against my prostate. The bone deep spasm of pleasure that runs through me with every thrust has me yelling out his name, until he's thrusting faster and harder, until he's rocking into me and moaning as his cock pulses inside me.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," he says as he cums deep in my ass.

"Oh fuck is right," I say, hovering at the edge of another orgasm.

When Jack pulls out of me, I flip him around and make him sit on my cock.

"Ride me like you rode that bull, baby." His hips roll and undulate as he works himself up and down my cock, grinding down on me.

I watch closely every time he lifts off my shaft and sinks back down, and when he starts to moan and whimper, I reach around and find him hard again for me.

He lays back against my chest, grinding his ass on my cock while I jerk him hard and fast. When he starts to get close again, our bodies dripping with sweat, he pants and leans forward, riding me in a reverse cowboy. I drive my hips up into him as he bounces up and down my cock while stroking himself. I can feel when he's about to come. His balls draw up tight to his body and his ass squeezes me harder.


"Come for me, Jack."

He cries out at the words, and spears himself harder, meeting me thrust for thrust, until we're both erupting again, yelling out each other's names.

When we finally collapse, too fucking exhausted to even get up and wash off, I pull his back against my front and kiss the back of his neck, then his shoulder.

He's quiet, and I can tell by the silhouette of his eyelashes that he's awake, probably thinking too hard.

"Hey," I say, nudging him with my nose. "Overthinking is my job."

"I just don't know what's going to happen."

I think about it for a moment.

"Do you want to be with me?" I ask.

"Yes," he whispers, like the truth frightens him.

It frightens me, too.

"I want to be with you, Jack. For now, let's let that be enough. And we can figure out the rest as we go along."

He relaxes in my arms, and I watch him fall asleep. We have time to figure things out.

For now, we can just focus on learning how to love each other out loud.


"The first pick of this year’s National Football League Draft, the Carolina Panthers select… Jack Perry, wide receiver, Groveton College."

Cheers go up around the greenroom, where other top draft picks are congregated around on couches and tables. Coach Sanders is sitting next to me, as well as my friends Luke and Troy. Both are dressed to kill and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Troy in a shirt, never mind a suit. I did actually call my mom and invite her, but she didn't answer the phone or call me back. I wonder if she's watching it on TV in the diner she works at. Maybe because it's always been this way, I'm not hurt by her not coming. But there is a part of me that hopes she's watching, and hopes some small part of her is proud.

Sanders stands, and gestures for me to stand up, but I'm frozen in my seat. Despite working my ass off for this, despite dreaming about it and having a pretty good idea that it was really coming true—actually hearing my name is surreal.

"Come on, Perry, get that tight ass through those doors," Bryant calls from across the room. People around us laugh, and his proud smile breaks through my fog.

Bryant is making his way into a small conference room, where I'm going to be answering questions from the press and signing my first official NFL contract. First, though, they shuffle me through a set of double doors and over to a camera where I put a blue and black Carolina Panthers hat on. Then I'm walking up on a stage and shaking hands with the commissioner, and holding up a jersey and giving everyone my thanks. It all happens in a blur, and I'm not sure if it all takes half an hour or just minutes.
