Page 69 of Head in the Game

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"Not interested," he says, invading my space and pushing his way into my room. Not that I put up a lot of fight, because I'm a fucking idiot. I can never say no to him.

"What are you doing here?" I say, covering up my dry swallow by running my hand over my face exasperatedly.

"I have a proposition for you," he says. "And yes, it's that kind of proposition."

His crooked smirk is fucking sinful. I need to tell him to leave, to go back to his future wife and turn his charm on her instead. But I can't. I'm rooted to the spot, thinking of that first night I laid eyes on him. Did I know then? Was there any inkling of what he would do to me? How he would make me feel?

I don't say a word, counting on the shadows of the room to keep my thoughts from being obvious. I also don't kick him out, though.

"How about we pretend we're both drunk from celebrating the holiday? Then you can take out all that pent out aggression on the only person that's ever been able to handle you. Just for tonight."

My pulse picks up. I know I'm going to agree before I even consider it. "Just for tonight?"

"Just for tonight," he repeats, stepping out of his shoes and unbuttoning his shirt.

He's going too fucking slow, though, and I've been getting closer to the edge with every glance, every thought and memory. Every anguished daydream over what he might be doing with her.

Crossing the room in long strides, I rip Jack's shirt open. Buttons fly everywhere, pinging off the walls. The rest of his clothes come off in a fevered rush; each article of clothing drops as I push him backwards to the small bedroom at the back of my suite. My mouth luxuriates in the taste of him. His clothes smelled like a bar, but he doesn't taste like one at all. I know he hasn't been drinking, and I haven't either, for once. But it doesn't matter, we're pretending, so we can be free to indulge in each other for one last time. Never mind that this is the third last time, or that I know I'll never stop thinking about him for as long as I live. I have him now, and that's all that matters.

I push him back against the bed and crawl up his body, dragging my tongue along his cock, his abs, his pecs, his neck, on the way up.

"Fuck," Jack moans into my mouth as our cocks press together.

Part of me wants to draw this out, make it last all night, for as long as I can. But a bigger part of me is so starved for him that I can't control myself.

"I have to be inside you. Now," I say, leaving the bed momentarily to track down some lube. There's still a bottle in the zipper case I keep my toiletries in. I grab it and run back to the room, like I'm afraid that he'll leave, or that I'll wake up and this will have been a dream. If it's a dream, it's going to be a wet one.

I stalk towards the bed, spreading lube over my cock before I kneel at the bottom of the bed and yank Jack down to me. I press his knees to his chest and gruffly order him to hold them. Then I use one hand to pump his cock while my other hand lubes his ass. I don't take much time to stretch him out. I want him to feel every inch.

My cock lines itself up, knowing where it belongs, and I push my hips forward. I push in slowly so I can revel in the feel of his tight ring of muscle rolling over every inch of my cock, until I'm fully seated, and he's writhing against me. I smack his ass.

"I'm in charge here, Jack."

There's a glint of challenge in his eyes before he wraps his legs around me and rolls his hips.

Fuck, he feels so good.

I meet his hips roll for roll, thrust for thrust, until we're both dripping sweat, panting against each other's mouths.

"Bryant! I'm gonna?—"

I lean down to bite his ear, and my voice comes out strained. "Come for me, Jack."

"You first this time," he says, and locks his legs around me. Before I know it, he flips us over, seating himself on top of me.

His thick thigh muscles flex and his abs contract as he moves up and down on my cock.

"Fuck," I grunt, my balls growing tight against my body.

"Come for me, Coach," Jack says, his choked voice pitched a little higher than usual.

He fists his cock and strokes it while his ass slams down on me.

"Together," I choke out, and he nods. I thrust upward, driving my cock into him hard and fast.

"Fuuuuuuuck," Jack cries out, and jets of cum splash all over my stomach, chest, and neck. My cock pulses inside him with every spurt of his cum, filling him as he paints me.

I sit up, pressing our chests together and wrapping one arm around him for stability. We writhe against each other, leaching out every last moment of ecstasy as my release feels like it goes on and on.
