Page 60 of Head in the Game

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"If it wouldn't get you in trouble, I wouldn't give a fuck."

"You don't know what you're saying."

He's too young to understand the full weight of the consequences of what he's suggesting. I'm too old to let him throw his life away for me.


"Shut the fuck up, Jack," I growl, cutting him off.

He grits his teeth and gives me a defiant look that spells trouble. The very one that makes my blood rush hot through my veins. My baby bulldog. He steps towards me, and I take a step back.

"Don't," I warn him. My cock is throbbing, tenting my slacks so much that my suit jacket can't do anything to cover it up.

A glint of malice shines in his eye as he smirks and crosses the space between us in two long strides. He grabs my face and presses our mouths together, and I fold so quickly, I barely even put up a fight. The moment his tongue touches mine, I'm a fucking goner. It's been too long, I've been so alone, I've been wanting him too much.

I have the wherewithal to move us into a stall before Jack is unbuttoning my pants to pull out my cock. He gets down on his knees and I have a brief moment of conscience where I realize that I'm letting a student blow me in the bathroom, but then his mouth is on me and I hiss.

"Fuck, your mouth feels so good."

Nothing should feel this good. There's only one thing that would feel better.

"Spit all over my dick, baby. Get me good and lubed up."

Jack moans around my cock before slobbering all over it. His shoulders move with the effort of unbuckling his own pants, and they drop when he stands to kiss me. He slips off his jacket and throws it over the edge of the stall door. I ravage his mouth before spinning him around and pushing him roughly against the wall. The stall is too small for our large bodies in here together, so I have to position him towards the corner of the stall door and hope I don't fall in the goddamn toilet. Jack's hands automatically place themselves up on either side of the wall, and I know I don't have to tell him to keep them there. He fucking knows.

"This is going to be quick and rough, Jack. You know better than to test me."

"Make it hurt, Coach."

Fuck. Me. You're goddamn right I will.

I line myself up and bury myself to the hilt in one hard thrust. Jack lets out a choked burst of air with the impact.

Pulling almost all the way out, I ask him, "You get off on dangling your little girlfriend in front of me, baby bulldog?" He doesn't get a chance to answer before I'm thrusting back in. A grunt of pain and pleasure escapes him, and the sound sets me off. I start rutting into him like an animal, not caring how loudly our skin is smacking together, echoing off the bathroom walls, or how we're shaking the sides of the stall. I fuck him so hard he doesn't have a choice but to whimper and grunt and gasp for air. I fuck him so hard I know he'll be feeling it for days.

"Every fucking time you sit down, I want you to remember who fucking owns this ass, Jack."

Our bodies are bouncing off each other, the force of my thrusts turning his perfect fucking round ass red.

"Jerk yourself, Jack. Stroke that perfect fucking cock and tell me who fucking owns you."

"Ahhh fuuck. Yessss," is all that comes out of his mouth. So I smack the side of his ass, hard.

"Tell me, Jack."

"You do. You own me, Coach."

You're fucking right, I do. This ass is mine.

“Come for me, Jack. Fucking milk my cock so you can go out there and put on your little show and pretend you didn't just get the shit fucked out of you by my fat cock."

"Fuuuck!" Jack shouts, far too loudly, but I'm too overcome by the feeling of him pulsing around me to focus on anything else.

When I pull out, I keep a hand on his ass, waiting for the first signs of my cum to start trickling out of him. It's my favorite sight, and also the reason I can't blame him for having those pictures on his phone. Because even after everything that’s happened, I still have the picture of Jack's asshole on my phone, my cum dripping out.

"There it is," I say appreciatively, and use my fingers to swipe the first trickle out and push it back inside. "Clean yourself up, but leave your ass sloppy. I want my cum dripping out of you while you shmooze all these assholes and try to get hard for your little girlfriend after remembering how good I fuck you."

I bite the back of his neck, enough to leave it red, but not enough to be too obvious. Then I pull up my pants and squeeze out of the stall, leaving him messy and panting. I wash my hands and leave just as someone walks down the hall to check on him.
