Page 57 of Head in the Game

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"I'm not going anywhere until morning," I say, stepping out of my jeans and pulling my shirt over my head. I slip into bed behind him in just my boxer briefs, and marvel at the satiated feeling in my chest over embracing him like this. He's so large that I'm not the most effective big spoon, but pressing my ear to his back and listening to his breaths grow heavy as he falls asleep brings me a joy I can’t describe.

I listen to him sleep and think about my next steps for a long time. Hours even, before I finally start to doze off.

I startle awake as Bryant shifts, rolling himself on his back and pulling me onto his chest. The bedside alarm clock says it's just after two in the morning. When I lower my head back down, Bryant is looking at me, bleary-eyed, but coherent.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, pulling back.

"Still drunk enough that I don't have a massive headache yet, but clear minded enough not to bawl like a little girl and puke again." His face twists into a sarcastic grimace.

"It wasn't that bad," I say, resting my head on his bicep so I can see his face better. The blinds are open, and the moon is bright, casting a dreamy haze over his bedroom and giving just enough light for us to see each other clearly.

"Liar," he says, and his wry grin helps take some of the pressure off my chest.

"I hear it gets harder to hold your liquor when you reach old age."

His chest shakes with silent laughter, and then he lifts his arm, causing my body to tip and roll onto him. He grabs my face and looks into my eyes before kissing me deeply. Electric flames of desire lick up my spine and buzz through my veins, and my cock grows hard against his hip. He shifts and grinds into me, letting me feel his reaction to me.

"We shouldn't…"

"Shhh," I whisper. "Don't think about it. Not tonight."

I crawl down his body, trailing my tongue and lips down his broad chest. I stop to pull his nipples into my mouth, giving them each a hard suck and a little nip before continuing down his body. My nose skims the ridges of his hard abs as I kiss each and every muscle, clenched and flexing. I silently say a prayer of thanks that I put him to bed naked, and rake my teeth over his hip bone as I grasp his hard length in my hand. His hips buck, his cock expanding and hardening before my eyes. He's fucking magnificent.

Dragging the flat of my tongue from base to tip, I wrap my mouth around him and twirl my tongue around the ridge of his cock head. He moans and presses his head into the pillow before propping himself up on the elbows to watch me. I keep eye contact as I release his cock with audible suction, and move down to lick and suck each of his heavy balls. His eyes roll back when I run my tongue over the flat spot behind his sack, so I double down there. I lift his balls with one hand, while pushing his legs out and up so I can better reach the tender flesh.

"Fuck," he says on a breath, as I lick and suck at his taint.

I tease my fingers along his ass, and he twitches in response, but doesn't protest. I don’t want to take advantage of his drunkenness, but there is something I haven't gotten to try yet, and I wonder if he's relaxed enough. It seems appropriate that tonight, likely our last night together, whether either of us wants to say it out loud, that we take everything each other has to offer. That we give each other everything.

Bryant stretches, and then a bottle of lube lands beside me.

"I can never say no to you," he says roughly, in answer to my questioning look. "And if tonight is…"

Launching myself on top of him, I cut him off with a kiss. "Don't say it."

We wrestle around on the bed, kissing passionately, fiercely, pulling at each other's limbs. We can't get close enough, can’t get enough of each other. It's both desperate and tender, and intensely emotional.

I pull back to pull my boxer briefs off, and Bryant lays back against the pillows. He's propped up, spreading his legs on either side of me, giving me permission to explore and take charge.

His cock looks huge at this angle. It always looks huge, but it looks even more massive, and I'm impressed with myself that I can take him on a regular basis without it tearing me apart. I remember how sore I'd been in the beginning, and the idea of giving Bryant the same pleasure and pain makes my breath catch in my chest. I reach out and touch him, dragging my fingers up and down his cock before gathering the drops of pre-cum on the tips of my index and middle fingers. Shuffling closer, I force him to spread his legs wider for me, and then I reach between us to rub his wetness over his hole. I keep my eyes on him the entire time, watching his eyes dilate with the pressure of me pushing my fingers inside him. His ass is tight.

"Take a deep breath," I tell him, and I push my two fingers all the way inside on his exhale. He groans and his cock twitches, several more drops of fluid leaking from the tip. With my fingers deep in his ass, I lean down and stretch my lips around his big cock, taking him all the way into the back of my throat. I start to bob my head, sucking him hard but slowly, as I start to move my fingers inside him.

It takes him a few minutes to loosen up, and once he does, he's rocking his hips against me, pushing down on my fingers harder.

"Are you ready for more?" I ask him, my cock straining.

His eyes lock on mine. "I'm ready for you," he says, his voice low and serious.

Keeping my fingers inside him, I use my other hand to squeeze the lube on my dick, careful not to stroke myself too much, because I'm close to the edge already. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this without blowing my load the moment my dick so much as touches him.

With a deep breath, I look up at him to make sure he's sure. My gaze is locked on his, and as much as I want to see my cock push inside his ass, I can't look away from him. His expression is unlike anything I've ever seen. It's reverent, and vulnerable, and also completely sure of himself at the same time. When I press my cock into his tight hole, those feelings become my own and I can only hope he sees them reflected back in his eyes.

His ass grips my cock like a fucking vice, and it feels like it's sucking me inside his body, until I am settled flush against his body. I don't move right away, letting him accommodate to the intrusion. He wraps his arms around me, and we’re kissing again. I move my hips in slow strokes, in time with the movement of our lips. I roll against him, shuddering and laying my head against his shoulder.

Something other than an orgasm is welling up inside me, and while it's just as imminent, it's a different feeling altogether. Like a taut string, or a radiant heat, ready to burst. This other thing, settled deep in my chest, is like a balloon. Except instead of popping, it swells bigger and bigger. Threatening to engulf me, cutting me off from the air around me. Suffocating me.

When I come, it hits me with a different kind of intensity. One that sends waves of euphoria over my body and inflates the balloon beneath my rib cage. My last breath catches, and I cry out Bryant's name, along with something I didn't mean to say out loud, but the balloon forced out of me in order to make room for more air.
