Page 18 of Head in the Game

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Fuck, his mouth feels good. I almost don't want to come, to keep prolonging this as long as I can, but then he looks up at me with pleading eyes, and fuck, if that doesn't cause me to almost lose it.

"You want to touch yourself now, Jack?" He nods, nearly coming off my dick. I grip his hair and hold him on me. "Don't stop," I command. "You're doing so good. Keep sucking me just like that and stroke your cock." I take control of his head, gently guiding him up and down my shaft.

The wet noises coming from Jack's throat and mouth on my cock, and the skin-on-skin sound of him jerking himself off, are too much.

"Fuck, Jack," I groan, my release filling his mouth. He swallows me down, licking up any last remnants from my cock before he releases me with questioning eyes.

"Sit back and let me see how you work your cock."

Jack does what he's told, falling back on his ass and leaning back on one arm as his free hand strokes his shaft, fisting and squeezing the head at the top. Pre-cum is streaming from the tip, and my mouth waters, wondering what it would taste like. I almost consider having him stand up and letting me have a taste, but I don't want to ruin the power dynamic that I've cultivated. That, and despite all the things I've done to Jack—despite the way my cock seems to stand at attention every time he walks by—I'm not actually attracted to men. I was quite the player back in my day, and after I joined the NFL, I married a beautiful woman. After finding out I wouldn’t be able to play again and my first stint in rehab, she left me.

I suppose this makes me gay? I don't know. I know I like having control over Jack. I like the way he's looking at me right now, as he squeezes and strokes his dripping cock, silently begging me for permission to let him finish.

"Come for me, Jack."

A choked moan leaves his open mouth, and his cock erupts. My eyes don't know where they want to be most, which part of the action they want to see the most. The way his cock pulses and jerks as it spurts thick ropes of cum. Or the way the cum splashes on his defined abs. Or the look of ecstasy on his face as he finally gets his much needed relief. I soak it all in, my cock attempting to twitch back to life, my heart beating wildly. I'm too old for this shit.

"Good boy," I praise him.



"Come in," Coach Nicks calls when I knock on his office door. It's lunchtime, and not the time that I normally see him. For the past three weeks, he's made me wait until the end of practice, then he teases me through two more hours of workouts before he finally gives me what I want. Not that he's giving me everything I want, but at least I get a release out of it. Whether or not it's right, I like being under his control.

I crave his cock jamming down my throat, the way he holds me against the tiled wall of the showers as he fucks my face after stroking my cock until I'm so close it hurts. I'm desperate for those four words that precede oblivion just as he's filling my mouth: Come for me, Jack.

I didn't get my taste last night after practice. Instead, he'd pressed our cocks together and wrapped his hand around them. We thrusted and rubbed ourselves together until I was gritting my teeth and near tears trying to hold off. Nicks lasts forever and always makes me wait for him, but when he said those magic words, we both erupted all over each other.

Then, most surprisingly of all, Coach lathered up a sponge and washed my body, head to foot, before he stroked me hard again. Then he pressed my face against the tile and jerked me off while his other hand teased my ass. I was tense, afraid—but also excited. When he pressed a finger into my virgin hole, I expected to hate it, for it to be painful. It was foreign, and the stretch did burn a little, but once he got me stretched out enough, he was pumping two fingers into me, pressing into some insane spot inside me that had me painting the wall in no time at all.

"Sorry, Coach." I'd had the wherewithal to realize that he hadn't told me I could come again, but it happened so fast I wasn't ready for it.

Coach only pushed his fingers deeper inside me, milking my orgasm until the aftershocks wore off.

"Hmmm. I'll give you this one," he said, pulling away from me and washing his hands under the stream of water. I leaned back on the wall, my bones barely solid enough to hold me upright, and looked at his half-erect cock. Jesus, even only half hard, it was intimidating. Would that thing even fit if I decided I wanted to try to take him? His fingers had made me think it might not be so bad, but up close and personal, I'm pretty sure that monster would split me in two.

"Quit looking at it like that or it's coming for you," Nicks said, chuckling when my eyes went wide. Then he left, and by the time I finished showering and dressing, he'd left the building.

I thought it might be fun to surprise him, and I'm starting to squirm with memories of the shower last night, which is why I'm here so early today.

"Jack, is everything alright?" Coach Nicks looks up at me over his reading glasses. Other than his insanely fit body, he actually looks his age right now. I sometimes forget how much older he is. It's another reminder of how fucked up I am, because the way he looks at me over his glasses is kind of doing it for me.

I pull the door closed behind me and reach for the lock.

"What do you think you're doing, Jack?"

I shrug. "I came to suck your dick," I say nonchalantly, pulling my hand back from the doorknob.

His eyes flash and dart towards the door.

"No. That's not the arrangement. You get your reward after training, when you behave. There are too many people here. You need to go. Behave."

I give him a salacious grin and cup my erection through my pants. "Come on, Coach. You can't tell me you don't want me to choke on your fat dick at all times of the day." Instead of waiting for his answer, I walk around his desk and drop to my knees, pulling my dick out to show him what he does to me. "I just need a little taste to get me through the rest of practice, Coach."

The telltale bulge in his pants is enough to tell me he wants it. There’s no denying I've gotten good at sucking his dick these past few weeks. I know just how he likes it, and he fucking loves my mouth on him. It's a reward for both of us.

I scoot forward and run my hands up his thighs. My fingers are on his belt buckle when someone raps on the door.
