Page 10 of Head in the Game

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I slept like a baby with my new resolve, thinking about how hard I was going to get my dick sucked by someone at the party. I don't even care who. It's never been hard for me to find a willing mouth or pussy, and I don't expect that to change now. No matter how much of a charity case I may be, I'm about to be one of this team's star players and a shoo-in for the NFL draft. They all want my dick, and tonight I'm going to give it to them.

An actual cheer goes up when I walk through the backyard gate of the huge frat house, which is surprising. Most of the first-string players live here, members of one of the oldest and most elite fraternities on campus. I grin at the reception, secretly glad that they've put their bullshit away. Most of them still think of me as a charity case, but they've come around to treating me like a human being now that we're working together as a team.

I hold up the two bottles of Jack Daniels that I picked up before coming here. "Where do I put this?" I'd had to take a bus into town and used my very meager savings to buy it, but I didn't want to come empty-handed.

"Magic Jack brought Jack! Nice!" Exclaims Masters, pointing to the back door. "Toss it on the counter inside for now and come jump in the pool once you make yourself a drink. It's too fucking hot for anything else."

I laugh and agree, once again thankful that we have this short reprieve from practice due to the holiday. Well, I was supposed to go in today even though the team wasn't, but I didn't show up. Coach texted once, but I turned my phone off. I'm not dealing with his bullshit anymore, hence me leaving campus and attending a party as a special fuck you to his rules. I hope his stalker ass watched me walk off campus.

He'll figure out real quick I'm not going to be his obedient little puppy. I've proven I can do the work, and this team is better than ever now that I'm here, so I'm still upholding my end of the bargain. The rest of it is just his perverted bullshit, but he's not man enough to admit to it.

It only takes me two drinks to catch a buzz, and by the time the party is in full swing, I'm feeling damn good. The girls all arrived in the skimpiest bikinis known to man, and by the time the fireworks are lighting up the sky, most of them are topless. There are more than a few couples making out under the lights, and I've got two hot mouths servicing my dick as I watch the colorful explosions overhead.

As they work me over, I find myself thinking of Bryant Nicks; the image of his stern gaze on me as the blonde pulls my balls into her mouth, swirling her tongue around them. His heated eyes boring into my hard cock as the other girl, brunette with bleached highlights, licks the shaft like an ice cream before closing her mouth around the head. She hollows out her cheeks and bobs on my dick, but despite the two mouths on me, it isn't enough to make me cum. I grip the second girl's hair in a tight fist and force her head down until her lips are almost kissing the blonde's. She gags, and when I pull her off again, a long stream of drool falls on the other girl's face. They give each other a look, and the blonde releases my balls to lick up my shaft, meeting the other girl's lips just above my cock. They make out, taking turns to slurp and lick the head of my cock. The interaction between them is fake as hell, almost as fake as the blonde's big tits, but that doesn't make me want to fuck them any less. I need something more than this to get off, though.

"How about we take this inside, and I can paint those tits?" I say huskily. They grin at each other and nod, and the three of us slip inside. There are no free bedrooms, but most everyone is busy elsewhere, so I direct them to the living room couch. "Take off your clothes," I tell them. They both comply quickly, pulling the strings of each other's bikinis and slowly stripping each other. I'm not here for a show, though. "You," I point at the brunette.


"Whatever. Push her tits together," I say, moving my finger to point at the blonde.

"Tammy, but you don't have to remember that. As long as I get to feel that fat cock," the blonde purrs. I manage to avoid rolling my eyes. I couldn't give a fuck less what her name is. I just need to get off.

I arrange the girls so the blonde is sitting in front of me with the brunette behind her, pushing her tits together while they make out. The blonde's legs are spread, her fingers working her clit while I slide my dick between her firm tits, slick with suntan oil. I rub myself through them, gritting for the brunette to squeeze them tighter, all but stabbing the blonde in the throat with my hard cock as I thrust into her. Finally, I can feel my orgasm building.

In my drunken haze, I have a last-minute idea and I pull my phone out of my pocket, starting it up to press record just in time to paint the blonde’s big fake tits with my cum. I spray it all along her neck, covering her tits, down her stomach, and all over her exposed pussy. She looks right into the camera and moans loudly as the brunette rubs my release into her boobs, massaging it into her skin. I'm still pumping my dick. The little red dot reminds me of just what I plan on doing with this video, keeping me hard and ready.

"Lick her pussy clean," I tell Amy, or Annie, or whatever the brunette's name is.

She kneels in front of her friend and does what she's told. She seems a little unsure of herself at first, but gets comfortable, making the blonde lay back and widen her legs, holding her head just where she wants her to lick. I know it's all for the camera, but I also know how to get a real reaction from them. Scooping up some of my cum from the blonde's tits, I kneel down behind the brunette and set my phone against the nearby chair to keep it pointed at the action.

I angle the brunette's ass where I want it, and show off my messy fingers to the camera. I'm sure she expects me to fuck her, but I'm not interested. Instead, I move my fingers down her ass crack, and she flinches as I rub my cum covered fingers over her puckered hole. She moves, ready to protest, but I move my other hand around her front to rub her clit and she moans, grinding into me. She cries out when my finger breaches her asshole, but I don't relent, increasing the pressure on her clit. I pump harder with my finger, adding a second one, while my fingers rapidly bring her closer to an orgasm.

The big-titted blonde brings her hand down and plays with her clit as her friend whimpers and cries against her pussy. The fireworks display is ending, judging by the sounds of the finale ramping up, multiple explosions echoing loudly against the outside of the house, illuminating the depravity happening inside.

"Now," I command, looking directly into the camera, and both girls tremble with their release. The blonde shrieks, coating her friend's face as she cums. The brunette screams just as the fireworks end, her orgasm loud against the silence following the deafening booms. Hot liquid squirts across my hand. I look into the camera and purposefully flick the wetness towards the lens.

Pulling back from the girls, I give the brunette a smack on her ass before I pick up my phone and walk away. I clean myself up and pull on my clothes while I wait for my message to load. The little ping that tells me my video was sent makes my dick hard all over again. That gives me an idea for the next message I want to send, but there's too much commotion in the house for that right now. I slip out the front door unseen, grinning as I see the sent notification turn to received. I’ve got more pep in my step than I have in over a week as I walk towards my dorm, knowing that he's watching my handiwork.



"What the fuck was that shit?" I ask Jack when he meanders into training, late.

He's supposed to be here at 6AM, two hours before the rest of the team arrives at 8AM. Yet he's casually walking in here at 7:45, without a care in the world. The others will be here soon. Most of the staff is here already, and I can't lay into him the way I want to in front of everyone.

I knew he was at that party. When he didn't show up to practice yesterday and my calls went straight to voicemail, it didn't take me long to figure out he wasn't coming. I thought I was pretty clear when I said that he wasn't getting the day off with the rest of the team, but not only did he ignore that, he directly disobeyed me. I watched him leave campus, returning with a bag from the liquor store. My car was down the street when he walked into the party.

Maybe I should be glad that the team is finally treating him like one of their own, but I’m not. I realize that not allowing him to socialize with them hinders his ability to grow close to the rest of the team. But Jack is willfully disobeying me and that makes my blood boil.

Late last night, when my phone pinged, I'd been sitting in the dark, staring at an unopened bottle of Macallan. I saw that it was from Jack and immediately my insides clenched like I knew something was wrong.

At first I hadn’t been quite sure what I was seeing, but then I looked closely and realized it was a cock thrusting between two breasts, which became even more clear when said cock erupted all over the girl. There were two girls in the video, both of whom I recognized as being on the cheer squad. The brunette, Aniyah, looked upset, but did what she was told, while the blonde girl covered in cum performed for the camera like a bad porn star. I looked away from the girls, both uninterested and terrified at the trouble I could get into for just possessing this.

I barely registered most of the video until the end, when Jack was looking directly at the camera. It felt like he was looking directly into my eyes, and the moment he commanded those girls to come, my cock jerked and splooshed into my pants.

I knew then that he'd sent this to me purposefully, to get some sort of reaction from me. What exactly was he expecting?
