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She looked so fucking beautiful, the low hues of light creating a beautiful dewy glow on her face, highlighting such delicate features, along with two small cuts and one fucking bruise. I hated them. But only them.

And I couldn’t help swooping in for a kiss. My tongue barely touched hers, teasing, making sure she’d want more. My teeth pulled her heavy lower lip.

I placed a line of kisses, moving down to her jaw. The last kiss landed on her neck, a gentle pulsing beat kissing me back. A breathy sigh of frustration escaped her full lips as I reeled back onto my knees.

“Second thoughts?” she asked, wearing a mask of indifference to hide her disappointment.

“No fucking chance, cuore mio,” I mouthed.

Her stare was full of need and heavy with want.

She wanted me.

She needed what I could give her.

She needed my cock in her wet pussy, driving away the pain, physical and emotional.

She needed our bodies and souls to come together.

I gripped my cock through my shorts, exposing the desperation I also felt.

I needed her, too. I wanted her. Fuck, I wanted her more than I could take.

“Then end my pain.”

I fucking intended to, in every possible way.

She tossed the blanket to her side, a layer of sweat coating the body I was almost fucking drooling over.

My thumbs hooked in the sides of her lilac panties, ignoring the pad and anything on it as I threw them behind me, not giving a fuck where they landed.

Lust-filled eyes followed my shorts as they slipped down my thighs, freeing my cock. The black boxers got lost in the satin sheets of the same color.

I pushed her legs apart because she couldn’t, then situated myself between them. My hand guided my desperate cock through her pretty pink folds, teasing her with the tip.

Something slapped my forehead, reminding me of the bump—a little green note with better handwriting than mine.

I’m not on birth control.

A little heart dotted the “i” in birth.

Oops. I forgot to mention that little detail. That I didn't trust condoms to keep me safe from unwanted offspring, and I had already put a prevention in place by jabbing a contraceptive into her ass upon arrival.

I pulled the note from my face, turning it over. I stole her pen to fill the back with words.

That’s not true, and before you moan about it. I knew it was safe for you. Your medical details were on the form for your operation.

“How?” She had lots of questions. “When?”

A raised eyebrow gave only one answer. The cell.

“Really? You promise?”

I promise.

My jaw lowered, eyes back on her pussy as it began accepting me, swallowing an inch. “Trust me, cuore mio,” I mouthed.

And she did, giving no protest as I pushed deeper inside her. Fingers raked my skin, pulling me up to kiss her quickly.
