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I relaxed a little. Then another inch had me burning as my hymen tore.

I shivered, clenching my fists as my arms wrapped around my chest. Hugging myself as I held my breath again.

The fingers on my clit moved higher, flattening as they reached my pubic region. Dark hairs pivoted under the touch moving up my body, gently rubbing near my wound, careful not to touch it as he encouraged my first breath.

“Good girl,” he mouthed.

I bit my lip to keep in the ungodly moan those silent words coaxed, my teeth threatening to draw blood. Mercer’s warm mouth touched mine again, his tongue sliding in, distracting me as he pushed in another inch. I gasped while struggling with the fullness. I held on to his face. I sucked on his tongue like it was my source of air.

Another inch had me wishing I could writhe away. He stilled inside me, his mouth leaving mine pulled tears to my eyes, and their reason for being changed when his mouth landed on my neck. Kisses pressed onto my skin, starting below my ear and shadowing down to my clavicle.

His hand moved back to my clit, pinching it, rubbing it, making me wet. His teeth punctured my skin, creating a whole new burn to focus on. He sucked, loving the taste of me.

A low hum seeped through him and into me, all the way to my core. I vibrated for him, pulling him deeper inside me. My chest rose, my hard nipples grazing against his skin.

A gasp fell from my lips, this one not from pain, even as he edged deeper and deeper. His wet tongue lapped at my nipple, his eyes on me as he squeezed my breast and sucked it into his mouth.

Shamelessly, I moaned. My breaths turned shallow, his fingers, tongue, and cock all working harder on my body.

His hips drifted back, pulling out a little, then pushed back in, but not all the way. He repeated the action, only this time, filling me completely, and I moaned for multiple reasons.

Burning, splintering pain.

Searing, heated lust.

With a slow rhythm, he invaded me with tender thrusts. One of those shallow breaths crept out each time he pulled out of me, and a low moan escaped each time he pushed back in.

It wasn’t hurting now. The pain had been dispelled under the power of desire.

I expected it to hurt for longer. All things prior hurt for longer. But it felt like we were molded for each other.

He felt too good inside me. My nails raked through his hair, my back arching as he teased my nipple. I threw my head back when he moaned, too. He moved his fingers so his pelvis could grind against mine. It felt even fucking better, and he thought so, too, his hands locking my legs up over his hips.

His pace picked up a little, our sweaty bodies so close. His mouth moved back to mine, promising to devour me with the first touch of his lips. I wanted that. Wanted him. I kissed him hard, and he kissed me back with the same passion, the same need, and then everything felt funny...I tingled in strange places. In my lower stomach and my pussy. Through my whole body.

My fingers clawed at Mercer’s back, desperately pulling him closer.

Our kiss became messy, our mouths too hungry for a taste of one another. We ravaged at each other’s faces, throats, any-fucking-thing. We left trails of saliva and a path of lust that would lead our mouths back together.

I whispered against his lips, “I feel like...I don’t know. I feel like I’m gonna...”

He just smiled, looking so devilishly handsome and the perfect thing to see when my eyes rolled.


I no longer thought of anything but the look on her face as she came apart for me. Mission accomplished. She looked fucking beautiful, and she felt incredible gushing all over my balls and squeezing my cock until it surely bruised.

She almost dragged me over the edge, but stupidly, I held on. I wanted more of this feeling. Of my balls wet and nothing else mattering.

Her warm breath caressed my lips. I didn’t kiss her again, not while she was coming down and overtaken with emotion. But I couldn’t resist thrusting faster, harder.

I lowered us to the floor, the pants around my thighs proving to be a hindrance the closer we got. I spread her legs wide, knowing she was wet enough to take the brutality of what I needed right now.

“It still feels good for me,” she murmured, and it drove me fucking wild when she gushed again.

I thrusted with fury and passion, with anger and desire. Rage over the situation drove me on, that, and an unexplainable lust for this woman.

Her fingers pulled at my hips, almond nails scratching at me, burning grazes around the lines of my tattoos.
