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“I wasn’t spooked.”


“I’m safe here. With you.”

“You are always safe with me.”

The heat rushing through my body made me smile, but it quickly fell flat. “I think someone else owned me first.”

“Yeah. You were handed over to someone new, I assume Rothbart, after a few months.”

“Was I traded?” Rothbart had traded a few of the younger girls for younger ones again, or ones that didn’t cry as much.

“Gifted, I believe. I could be wrong.”

That was even worse to me. I was worth so little. I’d been given away like a toy no one wanted and to someone else who didn’t want me. Rothbart made it no secret he only kept me to hurt someone...Remi?

“You didn’t know Rothbart or his family?”

“No, but I knew the one before him. Cedric.”

The name made a shiver run down my spine.

Maybe it was Cedric’s idea for Rothbart to punish Remi by hurting me. It must have been. There was no other logical reason.

However, human sales weren’t logical or moral.

“Don’t worry. He’ll never touch you again.” Remi rubbed the horrible feeling away as it tried to settle within me.

“Did you kill him?”

“He killed himself under my order. It was the easiest way out, and he took it. Cowards usually do. And that was exactly what he was. A coward. A coward who hurt the wrong girl. Don’t you ever question your strength.” Remi sipped his coffee. It was now cool enough for him to enjoy it. Then he licked the taste from his lips, unintentionally planting strange feelings of desire inside me again. “You’re the one still alive.”

I pushed my thighs together, needing to numb the ache between them. Remi’s eyes followed the movement, probably aware of my issue, then returned to me in time to watch me say, “How did you find me? Penelope?”

“No. I actually haven’t spoken to her. I ran into…whatever his fucking name was.”

“Llewrehtom?” All the desire I was feeling left my body.

“Yeah, him. I didn’t know you were there before that day.” Remi was holding back, but maybe it was painful for him, all those years he’d searched with no result. “Cedric wouldn’t say anything. He wouldn’t tell me who he gave you to. He was of no use to me, and I was ready to torture the words out of him. That was why he killed himself. I bought this house a few years later. Earlier today, I was convinced they were watching me back then, because what are the chances you’d be right down the road?”

“That would mean Rothbart knows where you live?”

“He doesn’t.”

“He could show up here.”

“He won’t. I found out after some digging that he’s owned his home for the last ten years. I bought this one eight years ago. It was purely coincidence that you were so close.”

Thank heavens for that.

Relief flooded my blood, and I liked how it felt. I couldn’t talk anymore about the bad stuff. I needed something easier on my heart.

“Wouldn’t you have been awfully young to have a mortgage?”

“Nice subject change.” Remi took another drink—this one more of a swig.

“Well, we’ve both had nightmares tonight. I figured it was time to divert the conversation so we don’t have any more.”
