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“That’s seven in a month, Remi.”

I twisted the shower lever and adjusted the freezing temperature, shrugging again.

“Was there a reason?”

“He was raping some kid.”

Ollie didn’t voice what he was thinking…it happens there.

We both knew it.

“He was just fifteen. Riddled with cancer, and after being here all morning with Woody, crying and convinced his cancer had come back, I snapped.”

“’s hard, I know that. It’s so hard to turn a blind eye, but—”

“No buts. That kid died holding my fucking hand. Died, scared of the fucking world. It wasn’t fucking fair. I made it fair.”

“He didn’t make it?”

“I got him to Beyond Heaven, and he lasted twenty-four minutes. I told them not to revive him.”

“And what excuse are you going with this time? I have only just got you out of the last shit heap you put yourself under.”

I glanced at Ollie. His face was emotionless, a perfect mask that he trained well. But I knew him below the surface. I knew he would have done the same.

“I have no regrets about ending that bastard. Or the six from last time. Because they deserved it, too. That woman was begging for death, and those fuckers weren’t going to give her death, Ollie. If they had, I’d have been happy for her. Her suffering would have been over. And those fuckers would still be living. But the guy abusing her and his little fucking posse just wanted to cause more pain while she starved to fucking death. I have no regrets.”

“Ah, Remi...”

“I know what you’re thinking.” I stepped toward him, stressed out of his mind. He hid the emotions making their way to his face behind his hands as he sat on the closed toilet seat.

“That I shouldn’t have killed any of these freaks...but I did, and I don’t give a fuck. I don’t care that it puts me in danger. It was worth it.”

Ollie said nothing in response. His hands dragged over his skin again, thinking of my mess and how he’d be left to clean it up. He stayed silent for a minute, lost in some fucking daydream, while I selected my favorite scented shower gel from a cabinet on the wall. I popped the lid and inhaled. It smelled like sweet almonds.

Ollie changed the subject by telling me, “We have a girl here.” His voice was low. “I found her this afternoon, running the roads in nothing but a tattered tank that was fucking stinking. I believe she was owned by someone not too far from here. I’m gonna look into it tomorrow.”

“That’s a pretty big assumption, Ollie.”

I pulled off my hoodie, revealing a red torso, and I let it fall from my hands to the tiles. The slapping noise was louder than usual, thanks to all the blood.

“She probably just had a bad argument with her boyfriend and ran out.” My voice wasn’t as quiet, but I was sure I wasn’t heard by anyone other than Ollie.

“She asked for help and said her master would be furious.”

“Maybe not then. Why is she here?”

“I don’t know. She wouldn’t let me go, so I just brought her here. She hasn’t said a word since.” Ollie’s eyes met mine in warning. “Just be mindful of her situation tonight while I try to clean up yours.”

“Hey, that living room is the last place I want to be. I’m in no mood for people.” I stripped off my jeans and kicked them toward my sweatshirt, where they created a patch of darkness on the dusky pink tiles. “And by people, that includes you. I know we’re close and shit, but I’m sure you don’t want to watch me shower.”

He didn’t. He left without even offering to take my clothes to the laundry room.

Chapter 2


The house was dark and peaceful at last. The family was in bed, so I finally got the serenity I’d craved all day.
