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I also didn’t fail to notice the Christmas love story he’d put on. It irritated me that they both noticed the drop of my armor, exposing what lay beneath an often-emotionless front.

Declan scooped Michael from Cat’s lap, and she didn’t flinch when his fingers brushed her leg.

It set old green eyes off again, and he and all the torturous whispers floating in my head about what a great time they’d had here without me tantalized my still throbbing cock.

Cat pushed herself up from the couch, pulling down my sweatshirt not to expose her ass to Declan, who was probably so desperate to fucking see it.

“Are you feeling okay?” I asked, my eyes directly on her.

“Yes. I’m fine.” She took a step towards me.

But I couldn’t have her near me and every fucked-up emotion, so with gravel in my tone, I told her, “Stay. Watch your movie.”

And then I rushed off down the hall to my room, leaving her there to share all her confusion and her night with Declan, and I fucking hated myself for it.

I closed myself in my room and collapsed against the door.

Pulling out my phone, I tapped on the screen. Ollie’s message was still there, taunting the fuck out of me.

I couldn’t help myself.

I suppose Dec cuddling up to Cat isn’t an issue, right? It’s just a problem if I do it.

And this is exactly why.


She’s been here one day, Remi. You haven’t been here all day, and she needed something to keep her mind busy. They’re just hanging out. It isn’t a big deal. But your obsession is already waking up, which was exactly what I was worried about when you told me who she was. You’re on thin ice, and you’re already on watch.

She isn’t his to hang around with. What is it with him and my fucking leftovers?

You never cared about his crush on Sen.

I never cared about her that’s why. Cat is different, and you know it. I won’t watch them get ducking cosy. I draw the ducking line.

I didn’t bother to change the duckings to fuckings after my phone decided to switch things up. I took one last look at the picture Ollie had sent to calm my nerves, which had conveniently done the opposite.

My cock twitched. And that was enough. I was done with the fucking ache. I clicked delete and tossed the phone onto the bed, where it was probably buzzing again because Ollie, the delight that he was, always had to have the last word.

And I couldn’t be talking to him right now.

My clothes never made it to the bathroom. I lost a piece with each step I took until I was fully naked.

I couldn’t even make it to my shower before my fingers wrapped around my cock. I shook with need, struggling to get the shower on to cool myself down.

I stroked, and thoughts of Catharina filled my head as my fingers brushed against my balls. The slightest touch drove me crazy.

And I did something crazy. I whispered her name, picturing her on her knees for me, her mouth at my tip, wide open and waiting for me to push down her throat as water splashed over her naked body.

I stroked my cock again, starting at the base and going all the way to the tip, where my fingers pulled back my foreskin, revealing the shiny tip. I rubbed around the rim and over my slit. The pre-cum lubricating every sensitivity drove me fucking wild.

I thrust into my own fist with such a vigorous speed more purple would color me tomorrow. Fuck it. I was enjoying the tightness around my cock too much to stop. Enjoying the water splashing over my body, envisioning Catharina’s tongue.

It was a sick and twisted thought because of what she’d been through, but that didn’t stop me from conjuring more images of her.

I knew I was going to come any second. I couldn’t wait. I never lasted more than a few hours before I’d have to come again, and this had been close to forty-eight of the fuckers. But I wanted to draw this moment out, so I slowed my strokes.

My vigorous touch turned so loose and delicate that I was barely touching my cock for fear of this all being over too quickly.
