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I replicated his move, and the can returned to him in the form of a pirouette.

He popped the lid and handed it back to me.

The sip proved cherry wasn’t my flavor of choice, but I swallowed it down, placing the can back on the counter.

The voice in my head told me to do it again and then again.

“What’s that about?” A long finger waved at me. “The repeating thing.”

“It brings peace.”

“It’s OCD, that’s what it is.”

“I thought you weren’t a psychologist.”

“I’m not. I know mental health but not how to treat it.”

“I don’t think it’s OCD. I do it for good luck. It’s something Penelope does.”

“Penelope, who is completely sane, locked in that room down there.”

I rolled my eyes. “Says the man who is watching Christmas movies in January.”

Woody had been blamed for that, but Woody wasn’t here.

“Hey. Christmas cheer is welcome at any time.”

He folded the last item from the laundry basket—some kind of long underwear, which definitely didn’t belong to Remi.

“Come on.” He stepped from his stool. “We’ll restart the movie.”

Fresh air entered with Kate, and my questions for her stopped me from following Declan and watching those movies a month too late.

“Are they on their way home?”

“No.” Kate paused, her feet firmly planted on the ground. “They’ll be a while. Remi has to drop one of the girls at Beyond Heaven. Rodregez will be meeting him there. He’s burst some stitches and needs to get his wound cleaned.”

“He’s hurt?” A rush of sick rolled in my stomach.

“I told you that good luck thing was bull shit,” Declan called as he fidgeted with the TV remote.

My middle finger floated up until he saw it. I removed the scowl from my face that only Kate could see as Declan’s eyes were back on the TV, paused on the start-up credits.

“He’s fine. You know Remi.” Kate stopped talking, knowing she’d said the wrong thing because I didn’t know Remi. “He’s okay. He’s going straight to get it checked. Ollie had to hang back. There are multiple dogs on the property that are on the cusp of starving to death.” Kate looked around me, her eyes on Dec. “Does Woodrow have his phone?”

“I’d imagine so.” Declan shrugged. “Whether he’ll answer on their date is another thing.”

“Can you keep trying him? Ollie will hang around, but he’s gonna need some help with the dogs. He’d prefer you be the one to stay here in case of any issues.”

“Sure, I’ll try and get a hold of him.”

Laughter entered the room through glass doors. A tall man, though not quite as tall as Remi, entered. His pale face and silver eyes glowed ethereally like he was some kind of vampire who shouldn’t be out in the light. He pulled a woman inside with him, who had the most beautiful hair I’d ever seen, hiding half of her face and the beautiful smile she had for him. She was the one laughing.

Their hands were linked as they moved through the room to us.

“Look, back in time for a movie date with Dec.” A pretty lilac nail pointed to the TV. The smile faded from the pretty woman’s lips, seeing something sad lurking in her lover’s expression.

“You’re fine, babe,” she reminded him, stretching in her sandals to kiss his stubbled cheek, which showcased matching lilac toenails.
